Magento Featured Product Slider - This module is very useful for displaying your featured product in a very beautiful slideshow of next - previous style .
Magento Featured Product Slider Features -
- Slick effect, no Flash needed
- Adjust Width and Height as per your ease .
- You can use This extension on multiple places within a single page.
- This Plugin has endless utility .
How To Use -
- First download the Module.
- Copy Or Install the files in their corresponding location in magento_root folder.
- Now Go to System->Cache Management flush all of cache Memory.
Admin Configuration
After the installation of this module, admin will do the System configuration. In the back-end, there will be “Featured Product Slider” tab under the System configuration. Here admin will set the following:
- Admin will set number of characters to display.
- Admin will set height and width.
- Admin will enter product ids separated with comma, which they want to display as featured product.
Featured product slider on the customer end
After the system configuration is done, then customer can view a beautiful slider with image, description about that product and back-front arrows to change the slide. This slider can be used in multiple places in a single page.
- Customer can view slider with image, description about that product and back-front arrows.
- Slider can be used in multiple places in a single page.
Magento Featured Product Slider Support -
For any query or issue please create a support ticket here
Customer Showcase
No Showcase.
Product Version
Supported Browsers
Firefox 5+Google Chrome 14+Internet Explorer 7Internet Explorer 8Internet Explorer 9Opera 11Safari 5
11 years ago
Last Updated
7 years ago
Supported Version