Multi Vendor Price Comparison for WooCommercegives the ability to compare price among different sellers for a single product. Now different sellers, selling the same product will be displayed on the product page.
Buyer can choose from them as per the product reviews or on the basis of price. A seller can add the product which is available in the global catalog with different price and stock units. The sellers can also update their selling products or delete them.
Note - This module is an add-on of WordPress WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin. To use this module you must have installed WordPress WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin first.
Highlighted Features Multi Vendor Price Comparison for WooCommerce
One Product, Multiple Sellers
Different sellers can sell the same product with different price and quantities.
Global Catalog
The sellers can view global product list of the admin products allowed to sell at different prices and stock for different sellers.
Manage Selling Products
The sellers can easily update or even delete the products they are selling from the global catalog.
Seller Comparision
Display different sellers on the product page with their prices.
Stock Management
Sellers can easily manage the product stock and update the quantity as and when required
Manage Product Status
Sellers can update the selling products' status as Draft or Publish as per their choice
Global Products List
The seller price comparison module provides the admin with the feature to provide global products for the sellers, which they can search from their account and sell that product with price and quantity of their choice.
Different sellers can add that product to their store with different price and inventory. And can publish the product, after that the products will be available for the buyers to compare the price of the same product by different sellers and the buyers can select the sellers to buy the product from.
- Can add global products for the sellers to choose from.
- Can allow the seller to publish the product.
- Sellers can set custom prices for their products.
- Allows for bulk product listing and management.
Seller Product Listing and Management
The seller can search products from global products list to sell the products with their choice of price and stock and then publish the products to be available for buyers to buy from the store.
- Can search for products allowed by the admin under the global products list.
- Can add price and quantity for the product.
- Can view the published products and update the details.
Compare Price from Other Vendors
The buyers can see the product available in the store with the lowest price among different sellers listing the same product.
- Can compare sellers price for a product.
- Can select the seller to buy from.
- Can view all the available sellers for a particular product.
Complete Features
- Multiple sellers can sell the same product with different prices and stock units.
- Sellers can update their products and also delete them.
- Admin can globally allow for the sellers or remove for the sellers to sell products in their store with varying prices and quantities.
- Display different sellers on the product page with their prices.
- On the product page, a buyer can see all the available sellers who are selling the product.
- Sellers can manage the stock of products they sell from the global product list.
- Admin can make a simple product or a variable product as a global product.
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