Webkul Store


Slide Tweet for Magento 2: It will show the latest Twitter feeds in your store. Insert this widget on any part of the page or add multiple widgets. Slide Tweet is very customizable, and it grabs feeds from your Twitter handle and display them in a sliding manner.

There are various options available to customize the Slide Tweet widget. You can set the widget height and width, do color customization for the title, title bar, frame, tweet title. Apart from this, visit the URL links mentioned in the feeds. You can also set the number of tweets to display or set the delay time interval for the feeds.

 Highlighted Features

 Show Latest Tweets

Show your feeds from your Twitter handle and display them slidingly on your website frontend.

 Widget Customization

Set the widget frame height & width, customize the color for the title, title bar, frame, tweet title. Also, set the profile picture icon height & width.

 Interactive Tweets

The users can click the hashtags in the feeds and visit the Twitter website. If there’s a URL link in the feed, the user can click it and visit the website.

 Time Interval

Set the time delay interval for displaying the tweets on the widget.

Why do we need this module?

When talking about sales and marketing, the first thing that pops into our minds is Twitter. Its focused marketing strategies help businesses generate social media schemes which in turn enhances the sales, brand image, and value.

This enhances customer engagement thus improvising customer service. Slide Twitter makes your business activities so that customers experience your presence on social media. This widget lets your make tweets about the ongoing sale, latest updates regarding your website and products, etc. These tweets will be visible on your website as well.

 Enable Twitter Slide Tweet

After installing the extension, the admin will configure the slide tweet module for use at the frontend. To do so, the admin will navigate to the admin backend panel where the admin will have to enable the extension.

After enabling for use at the frontend, the admin will be able to add the slide tweet widget at the respective page.

  • Enable the extension for use.
  • Configure the Widget settings
  • Enabling add the widget at required pages

 Widget Options

The admin will be able to Insert this widget on any part of the page or add multiple widgets as required. Slide Tweet Widget is very customizable, it grabs feeds from your Twitter handle and display them in a sliding manner on your selected page.

Various options are available to customize the Slide Tweet Widget while adding one to a page. You can tweet about special offers available or new products to encourage your followers to find out more. Here, to configure the widget the admin will -

  • Display any title on top of the widget
  • Add hyperlink for the title of the widget.
  • Set colors for - title, title bar, tweet title, frame.
  • Specify the number of feeds to show.
  • Adjust the frame height of the width.
  • Adjust the frame width of the widget.
  • Adjust profile icon height and width.
  • Set slide time-out delay in milliseconds.

 Slide Tweet Customer View

After configuring the widget, the Slide Tweet widget will be displayed at the respective page on the website frontend. The users can click the hashtags in the feeds and visit the Twitter website.

If there’s a URL link in the feed, the user can click it and visit the website. The widget will show the title, frame, Twitter profile pic, feed title. The users can click the title and visit the web page set by the admin.

If a user clicks any profile picture, it will be redirected to the Twitter profile page.

  • Click the hashtags and view similar content on Twitter.
  • View Twitter user profile by clicking on the profile picture.
  • Visit the URL links in the feeds by clicking them.
  • Tweets are displayed as per the delay time interval.
  • Set number of tweets are displayed within the widget.


  • Keep your followers up to date with the current information about your business
  • Allow the followers to communicate with you as well.
  • Tweeting about special offers or new products, promotions can surely encourage your followers to find out more, leading to sale conversions.
  • Tweeting about your people & your brand's personality gives your followers a sense of your business.
  • It showcases you as more than just a supplier of goods or services.
  • Allows you to show the hot topics of the moment thereby allowing you to see what Twitter users are saying about your brand, your product categories, and your competitors.
  • Your customers won't have to visit the Twitter website, as all the Tweets will be visible on the Magento storefront.

 Complete Features List

  • Display a title on top the widget with a URL.
  • Set the number of Twitter feeds to display.
  • Set the widget frame height and width.
  • Color customization for the title, title bar, frame, tweet title.
  • Set Twitter profile picture icon height and width.
  • Delay time interval for the feeds.
  • Users can click the Twitter hashtags and profile picture.
  • Visit URL links mentioned in the feeds.
  • The module source code is open for customization.


For any query or issue please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com/.

You may also check our quality Magento 2 Extensions.

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Product Version
Supported Browsers
7 years ago
Last Updated
1 year ago
Supported Version
Magento2.0.x 2.1.x2.2.x2.3.x2.4.x