Opencart Daily Deals - This extension offers the Daily Deals feature for your products with price, deal quantity, date, and time. The buyers can view the products that are available for the best-selling deals for a particular time period or day.
By using this feature the admin can easily insert the daily deal functionality to their products. These daily deals products will be available under the Daily Deals tab at the customer’s end.
Opencart Daily Deals is also available as Marketplace Daily Deals
Highlighted Features for Opencart Daily Deals
Add Daily Deal feature
The Daily Deal feature can be added for products.
Set Deal Price and Duration
The admin can add the deal price and duration.
Enable/ Disable Module
The admin can enable or disable the Daily Deals module.
Countdown Timer
The countdown timer can be added for the deal products.
Create Bulk Deals
Admin can create bulk deals for any product.
Create upcoming Deal
Admin can create upcoming deals so the customer can check how many days are left for that particular deal.
Mail for the deal product in cart
Admin can set customers to receive mail for their deal product in the cart.
Mail for the deal product in a wishlist
Admin can set customers to receive mail for their deal product in wishlist.
Why Do We Need This Extension?
If you have an e-commerce store and you want to increase the sales of your product this module will be crucial for your business as it tempts the buyers by offering them attractive deals.
Opencart Daily Deals makes a product or more than one product available for sale for a particular period. This extension helps in the growth of the business by increasing product sales. Thus this will be a helpful tool for your business.
View Daily Deals Along with Timer
The best way to increase sales is by offering deals to the customer regarding the pricing of the products. For the buyer, Deals are like a boon. They can get the same product for a special price, and this deal facility is limited for a certain period.
The admin can apply deals on any of the existing products from their collection. After clicking on the “ Daily Deal” tab under a particular product, the admin can add the product for the deal. After selecting the product, an admin will set the “deal start date” and “deal end date” along with the quantity & price for that deal.
- Allow admin to add deals on any product.
- Allow the admin to set the duration of the deal.
- Option to set the quantity & price of the deal.
Basic Options to Setup Daily Deals
Even the admin can add deal features to any product from the back-end. Under the catalog->manage products > Daily deals, admin can add the deal feature to any product. Admin can set the duration of the deal with deal quantity & prices.
- Allow admin to apply deals on the products.
- Allow admin to set deal price and deal duration.
Complete Features List
- Allow adding daily deals feature in your products.
- Filter with categories and period.
- The buyer can see selling deals and recently selling deals block.
- Admin can set deal quantity, and price and also enable or disable the module.
- Date time picker for date and time selection.
- Countdown timer for the deal product.
Opencart Daily Deals Support -
For any query or issue please create a support ticket here
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