Webkul Store
Prestashop Marketplace Seller List
2 Review(s)


Prestashop Marketplace Seller List - With the help of this module, admin can allows users to view the sellers list and their recently uploaded  products linked with their shop page, also users will be able to filter the sellers list using alphabetical sorting and form searching. Users can also search based on seller name, shop name and shop location.

Note: This module is an add-on of marketplace module. To use this module, you have to install Prestashop Advanced Multi Vendor Marketplace first.

Highlighted Features

 Seller Listing

The consolidated list of all the sellers are available on the seller listing page.

 Product List

List of latest products of all the sellers are also available on the seller listing page.

 Sort Seller List

Sort list of sellers on the basis of various available criteria.

 Search Alphabetically

Search the shop of various sellers on the by the first letter of their shop name.

Prestashop Marketplace Seller List Features -

  • View list of all the sellers of the shop at one place.
  • Search the seller’s store alphabetically.
  • Filter results of stores by seller name, shop name or shop location.
  • Click on the sellers store name to view the shop page of the seller.
  • Add a description to show on the seller listing page.
  • Sort the products on the basis of lowest price, highest price & alphabetically.

Prestashop Marketplace Seller List Use Case -

  • After the installation of the module, the admin needs to configure the message to be seen on the shop collection page.
  • If the admin does not update the message, then the default message will be shown on the shop collection page.
  • The user can view the shop collection page, with the help of the menu "Marketplace Shop" available on every page.
  • The user will have the list of all the sellers that are available on the marketplace. The user can view the shop of any seller, from here.
  • If the user is registered as a seller on the marketplace, then can view one's own dashboard with the "Go to Shop" button on the shop collection page.
  • The user can also view the latest products added by the sellers.
  • If the list of sellers is too long then, an alphabetical list is also shown from where the user can choose the appropriate seller as per the requirement.

This way, the admin can present the list of sellers to all the users.

List all your sellers together in one place

There is a time when there are hundreds of sellers registered on your website. At that time, its become difficult for a customer to find out one seller from whom they want to purchase. So, this module helps you to place all your sellers together.

Find sellers easily with the available sorting options

Obviously, when you have a lot many sellers, then you’d prefer to have an option where the customers can easily sort the sellers. So, we have the following options available for the customers to filter the seller's list.

  • Alphabetically
  • Seller Name
  • Shop Name
  • Shop Location

View product list of a particular seller

There comes a situation when a customer builds trust in one seller and mostly tries to buy the product from that seller only. In this scenario, the customer can see the list of all the products from that seller and can easily make a purchase directly from there.

Prestashop Marketplace Seller List Support-

For any query or issue please, create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com

You may also check our other top-quality PrestaShop Add-ons.

based on 2 reviews
Posted On - June 20, 2022
I recommend Webkul for their responsiveness and professionalism
I recommend Webkul for their responsiveness and professionalism. They are always listening and very competent.
Posted On - July 6, 2020
El plugin se comporta muy bien. Era justo lo que necesitaba para darle más importancia a los vendedores en mi marketplace
Product Version
Supported Browsers
Firefox 5+Google Chrome 14+Internet Explorer 7Internet Explorer 8Internet Explorer 9Internet Explorer 9+Internet Explorer 10+Opera 11Safari 5
11 years ago
Last Updated
1 month ago
Supported Version