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QloApps Amazon S3 - QloApps Amazon S3 is an addon that will help you improve your hotel website’s performance..

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a cloud-based storage system from Amazon Web Services. This addon will connect your QloApps website to Amazon S3 storage. So you will be able to upload your images to the cloud and reduce the load from your server. The reduction in load from the server will make your run smooth hence taking the user experience to the next level. Also, this addon will make your website scalable.

You will have access to the highly scalable, reliable, fast, inexpensive data storage infrastructure that Amazon uses to run its own global network of websites. Using this Most Durable & Reliable Platform you can store all your dynamic data at Amazon end and ensuring an Easy and a Flexible Data Transfer..

If you want to learn how to launch your free hotel website with the help of QloApps then Click Here

QloApps Amazon S3 Features -

  • Provides a Reliable Cloud Storage Service where you can store dynamic data from QloApps.
  • Admin can upload dynamic data of QloApps on the Amazon server with a single click.
  • Admin can download this data stored from the Amazon server.
  • Helps to Reduce Stress on QloApps Website Server.
  • S3 is a very reliable service –  Hence no fear of data loss For QloApps Admin.
  • Admin can Update links of Images entered in TinyMCE while enabling or disabling the module.

QloApps Amazon S3 Support -

For any query or issue please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com

You may also check our other top-quality QloApps Add-ons.

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