QloApps Custom Registration Fields - QloApps Custom Registration Field is an add-on which will help you to gather tailored information from your customer. You can add fields in the Customer Registration Form and gather all the information as per your needs.
Further, you can make any field mandatory to be filled during registration. Its benefit is that you can use these data to understand your customer’s behaviour and provide personalized experiences to them.
If you want to learn how to launch your free hotel website with the help of QloApps then Click Here
QloApps Custom Registration Fields Features -
- The Admin can create and edit new custom fields from the backend.
- The Admin can add fields such as textbox, text area, radio button, checkbox, file type and backend drop-down.
- He can active or inactive the fields from the backend.
- Admin can set the field optional or mandatory for the customer.
- It allows the admin to add new fields and easily validate them without changing the codes.
- Custom registration fields help customer to gain more information through custom fields.
QloApps Custom Registration Fields Support -
For any query or issue please create a support ticket here
You may also check our other top-quality QloApps Add-ons.
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3 years ago
Last Updated
10 months ago
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