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QloApps SEO Optimization - If you are looking for a high-performance SEO tool to improve your website ranking in search engines and generate organic user traffic on your website then QloApps SEO Optimization module is best fit for your business growth.

  • SEO is an important methodology to improve your website’s ranking in search engine results.
  • The higher you rank in the results page, the more user clicks and organic traffic your website will generate.
  • SEO also improves user experience, making it more likely for customers to become potential repeat customers.
  • So we have bought you the QloApps SEO Optimization Module.
  • Thus, Integrating this QloApps SEO Optimization addon on your website will increase the page ranking, visibility, and also increase ROI (conversion rate) of your business.
  • Hence, users will visit your website regularly based on SERP results and ultimately sales increases.

If you want to learn how to launch your free hotel website with the help of QloApps then Click Here

QloApps SEO Optimization Features -

  • You can implement SEO Canonicalization using canonical tag which will manage URLs to prevent duplicate content issues on hotel and room type pages.
  • Admin can set Twitter username and Facebook App ID of his website’s account as meta tags which will help in SEO visibility and ranking.
  • The admin can set for Canonical URLs, Twitter username and Facebook App ID in Meta Tag Options.
  • Admin can create meta tag rules based on Hotel, Room type, and CMS pages which will help you to improve the SEO ranking of your website.
  • Meta tag rules display structure data of your hotel booking website by defining page type & its associated meta tags keywords.
  • Admin will set keywords for Meta Title, Meta Description, and Keywords meta tags for any selected page type: hotel, room type, or CMS pages.
  • Hotelier can create and set keywords for his website’s Facebook & Twitter meta tags like (Title, Description, and Keywords).
  • As Google & other search engines will not index broken or 404 pages, using this addon, you can set redirect rules for Not Found Pages (404 error - page not exist).
  • One can create redirect rules for not found pages (404) by defining from URI (Source), destination URL, and Redirect type: Permanent redirect (301) or Temporary redirect (302).
  • Admin can create redirect rules by selecting multiple not found pages in bulk.
  • Admin can also create SEO-friendly URLs of his website and make them more informative for users and search engines for better visibility.
  • Can create URL Rewrite Rule to make his website's URLs more informative by defining keywords for meta title.
  • Set URL Rewrite Rule for Duplicate URLs by editing / changing keywords in meta title of existing URL Rewrite Rule.
  • Admin can also set customized user-friendly URL for landing page by entering landing page URI.
  • Set / Manage other URL rewrites from SEOs & URLs page in Preferences tab for QloApps default & other module pages.
  • This addon will also allow you to define informative Title, Alt, and Image Rewrites URL for all Images of your website to boost SEO ranking and visibility.
  • Can set Image URL Rewrite Rules for room type images by selecting keywords for Image Title Tag, Image Alt Tag, rewriting Image URL.
  • Admin can allow / disallow multilingual sitemap.
  • Can generate HTMLand XML sitemap index & child files for hotels, room types, and CMS pages.
  • You can allow / disallow sitemap link in footer.
  • You can ping search engines like Google and Bing to crawl your website with an updated sitemap XML file.
  • Admin can generate or edit robots.txt files on the console editor.

Meta Tag Rules

It will help in SEO optimization for the selected page type to crawl the website based on defined keywords. Hotel owners can create and set meta tag rules for Hotel, Room Type, and CMS pages by defining keywords for meta title, meta description, and keywords meta tag. To get targeted leads from social media channels like Facebook & Twitter, Admin can set keywords for meta titles & meta descriptions for Facebook and Twitter cards as well.

Redirect Rules

To manage the URLs of 404 (not found pages), It’s an important SEO technique to implement on your business website. Hoteliers can set Permanent Redirect (301) or Temporary Redirect (302) rules for not found pages by defining source URI & destination URL to route the users on working page addresses.

URL Rewrites Rules

This is an important SEO technique to create SEO-friendly URLs of your hotel booking website based on Hotel, Room Type, and CMS page types. Admin can create easy-to-understand and more information URLs of the website pages that will help users to navigate easily. You can also set customized homepage (landing page) URL and SEO-friendly URLs of Duplicate pages. You can set user-friendly URLs by default and other module pages of the core QloApps system.

Image URL Rewrite Rules

As per Google's SEO guidelines, If you are defining informative Title, and Alt tags for all of your website images then it will boost SEO ranking and visibility. Basically, Google does not crawl Images directly, but if you have defined informative titles & Alt tags for used Images on your website then it will improve SEO rankings of your site. Using the Image URL Rewrite Rules, you can create rules for selected room type Images of any hotel and then define Image properties using Title tag, Alt tag, and URL Rewrite keywords in rule information.

Sitemap and Robots.txt

Website's Sitemap and robots.txt files are core factors in your hotel website SEO rankings. A sitemap lists a website's most important pages and makes sure search engines can find & crawl them. Sitemaps also help to understand your website's structure and easy-to-use navigation for targeted traffic. This Sitemap and robots.txt option also handle your complete XML & HTML Sitemap and Robots.txt file creation which will be helpful for better SEO ranking results. You can generate a multilingual sitemap for your website and can show the HTML sitemap link in the website’s footer. You can also ping Google & Bing search engines to crawl your website with an updated sitemap.

QloApps SEO Optimization Support -

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