QloApps Room Type Suggestions - To increase the room type visibility and booking rate, we have brought this powerful add-on for hoteliers that help guests to view room type suggestions based on the viewing history of other guests.
- Using this add-on, we can check the total impressions or views of a particular room type come from visitors.
- This add-on helps customers to show room-type suggestions based on search history of previous guests.
- Customers can view the trending room types based on the search history of other visitors.
- Hence, customers will get the suggestions on the basis of what other visitors find interesting and customers will make their reservation choices accordingly.
- Ultimately, it increases customer retention and satisfaction.
If you want to learn how to launch your free hotel website with the help of QloApps then Click here.
QloApps Room Type Suggestions Features -
- Admin can configure the backend of the module as per his/her choice.
- Display room type suggestions on all pages i.e., landing page, search result page, room type page, and checkout page or select a few.
- Show suggestions of all or a few room types in the slider and set the number of days from which data can fetch.
- Moreover, set the minimum views a room must-have, their criteria for selection, and sorting criteria they must fill to display on the room type slider.
- Additionally, you can also set the slider configuration.
- Under it, set slider title, whether to autoplay it or not, its speed, and a number of slides customers can scroll.
- You can also set hotel name, city, state, and country in the room type slider.
- Moreover, you can also display room type price, its ratings, and the total count of the rating in the room type slider.
General Configuration (Back-office) -
- Admin can set the configuration to display room type suggestions in a slider and can set the minimum number of room type suggestions required in a slider.
- He can define the criteria under which room type will be selected as a suggestion in a slider.
- He can also set sorting criteria for suggested room types.
- Admin can decide whether room type suggestions will be shown on all pages or on some specific pages.
Slider Configuration (Back-office) -
- Here admin can set the display & functional properties of the slider that will display to guests on the front end. Slider properties would be Slider title, Autoplay, speed, and the number of slides to scroll on click.
- Admin can set the configuration to display hotel location details on room type suggestion slider like hotel name, hotel city, hotel state, and hotel country.
- Admin can also set the configuration to display room type details on room type suggestion slider like room type price, ratings, and review counts.
Room Type Suggestions Block (Front-end) -
- Based on the general and slider configurations set by the admin, site visitors will be able to view the room type suggestion slider (block) on the below pages of the front-end:
- Home (landing page), Search results page, Room Type detail page, and Checkout page
QloApps Room Type Suggestions Support -
For any query or issue please create a support ticket here
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