PrestaShop POS RFID based Loyalty Management - The extension lets customers use the loyalty points assigned to them through an RFID card to purchase products in POS. Just tap the card on the RFID card reader device and complete the purchase. Add RFID details for the customers from the back office. View a list of customers for whom you have added the RFID details, enable or disable, and update the RFID details from a single grid.
Note -
For installing the PrestaShop POS RFID based Loyalty Management, the admin first needs to install the PrestaShop Point of Sale System (POS) along with Prestashop POS Loyalty Points and Gift Cards.
Highlighted Features
Easy Payment Process
Place an order on POS just by scanning the card on RFID card reader device.
MultiShop Compatible
PrestaShop RFID based Loyalty Management in POS supports the PrestaShop Multi-store feature.
Workflow of Module
Post-installation, a new payment method RFID card gets available at POS. After adding the products to the cart and selecting the customer, the POS agent can view the reward points available to a customer. If the value of reward points is greater than the cart value, then the customer can purchase with just points. Now, when the agent clicks on RFID card payment method, a popup appears on POS asking for card scan. The customer just needs to tap the card on the RFID card reader device to complete the payment. Once the card is scanned, the loyalty points get automatically deducted from the RFID card.
Flexible Payments
Say, a customer has to purchase products worth $300 and he has 2000 loyalty points whose value is $200. PrestaShop POS RFID based Loyalty Management provides a split payment feature. So the customers can use loyalty points to pay $200 via RFID and the remaining amount through other payment methods like cash or card.
PrestaShop POS RFID based Loyalty Management Features -
- The admin can add RFID card details for the customers.
- Once added, the admin can update the RFID details.
- The POS agents can view the RFID payment method used for placing an order in the order history tab.
- Split payment option for the customers i.e. the customers can pay some amount via the RFID payment method and the remaining amount via another payment method.
- View customers’ RFID details, and enable or disable them from a single tab.
- PrestaShop RFID based Loyalty Management in POS module is MultiShop Compatible.
PrestaShop POS RFID based Loyalty Management-
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