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Shopware 6 Akeneo Bulk Synchronization


With Shopware 6 Akeneo Bulk Synchronization, you can export many products and product data in bulk from Akeneo to Shopware. Now you can export products and product models, and tags. Further, you may also manage the product stock and product model export to simplify inventory management.

This module is an add-on for Shopware 6 Akeneo Connector, so to use this module you have to install Shopware 6 Akeneo connector first. This module is also compatible with Shopware 6 Tier Pricing Akeneo (Need to purchase it separately).

Highlighted Features

 Perform Bulk Export for Products

Export all the products and product models in batches from Akeneo to Shopware 6.

 Independently Export Product Tags

The module allows you to separately export all the product tags in bulk by running an export job solely for exporting Tags.

 Manage Product Inventory

You may bulk export the complete product stock data, simplifying the process of syncing product inventories.

 New/Existing Product Selection Export Option

Utilize available data filters for exporting New or Existing products based on your preference.

Why Need Shopware 6 Bulk Synchronization extension?

  • With this add-on, you can easily export bulk products and product models within a few hours. So this add-on helps you to save a lot of time for our users and increase the efficiency of your business.
  • If you try to export it in a regular way, it will take hours.
  • 10x time faster with Normal export.
  • Single Operation and Indexing Behavior.

Manage Mass Product Export

Product export is the most efficient way to update your product catalog. With this module, you can effortlessly export bulk products and product models from Akeneo PIM to Shopware 6. You can export all these characteristics with this job -

  • Product Model.
  • Variant Product Model.
  • Product And Product Model Translation.
  • Product model Tier Pricing updating.
  • Product Model Association Export.
  • Product Model Association Translation.

Manage Mass Stock and Tag

From this module, Admin can easily update their product stock and export all the bulk tags. By carrying out stock work and tags, you can easily export-

  • Product model stock
  • Product stock only
  • Product model Tag export
  • Product tag export

Select export properties

Refresh the inventory and filter the data to export any properties related to the product. Using this module, users can filter the product from Akeneo to Shopware 6. To export a product to the Shopware 6 product catalog, you can filter it.

  • Inventory Update for the New Product
  • Inventory Update for the existing product
  • Single operation - Sync all three locales in a single job.
  • Indexing Behavior - Easily update your inventory. Mainly it works with a first-in and first-out base (FIFO).

Akeneo 7.0.x Compatible -

  • In Akeneo Version 7, SKU is no longer mandatory to create a product and now UUID is the new product identifier. (CE, EE).
  • Smoother mapping and faster importing. (CE, EE).
  • Tailored export can help to improve the readability of your product information export by defining rounding operations for measurement values. (EE)
  • In Akeneo Version 7, you can now map columns in your source data to additional attribute types. (EE)
  • Tailored imports help you to clean up your HTML Characters (EE).
  • Using Tailored imports, we can find and replace specific words in Text and Text Area Attributes. (EE).
  • Now we are creating a table attribute you can take advantage of measurement. (EE).
  • Now we can use reference entities as a column type in the table attribute(EE).


For any query or issue, please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com/.

You may also check our top-quality Akeneo Extensions.

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