Opencart Marketplace Membership: Using this Opencart Marketplace Membership module admin can restrict the seller to add the product. The seller needs to buy any membership plan to become a seller and manage their store.
Admin can set the payment method for membership and also apply a membership plan based on “No. Of Products” and “Product Quantity”. A seller can buy a membership plan by following the basic procedure of buying products. Admin can maintain the membership record of each seller.
Please Note -
- This module is an add-on of the Marketplace Module. To use this module you must have installed Webkul Opencart Marketplace Module.
- This module supports all templates and themes including the Journal theme.
- Opencart Marketplace Membership module supports the Multi-Store feature of default Opencart.
Highlighted Features
Purchase Membership
In order to become a seller of a store, a membership plan will have to be purchased by the seller.
Membership based Commission
The commission is distributed to sellers based on the membership plan.
Allow Both Membership Types
The admin may allow both, One-time Membership and Subscription Type membership.
Set Membership Duration
The admin can set the number of days associated with the membership plan.
Why do we need an Opencart Multi-vendor Marketplace Membership extension?
The Opencart Multi Vendor Marketplace Membership extension is essential for Seller Restriction and Membership Plans.
Admin can restrict sellers from adding products without purchasing a membership plan. Sellers need to buy a membership plan to become sellers and manage their stores.
The admin sets the payment method and plan details based on product quantity and the number of products. The extension allows for one-time or subscription-type memberships, overrides access to various seller options, maintains seller membership records, and sets seller commissions based on membership plans.
It supports all templates and themes, including the Journal theme, and integrates with the Multi-Store feature of default Opencart.
Journal Theme Compatible
Our Opencart Marketplace module is compatible with the ultimate Journal Opencart theme. You can boost your sales with this awesome theme and you can also provide an excellent user experience to your customers.
Webkul provides a Journal theme patch (directory) in the module zip. While installing the module, click on the Journal folder and you will get the "Catalog" folder. Just upload the "Catalog" folder into your Opencart Root Directory for the proper functioning of the Module with the Journal Theme.
Marketplace Membership Configuration
After the installation of the Marketplace Membership, the admin will do the configuration as per the requirement. Here admin will also select emails for various membership condition and there will be info for Mail keywords. In the “General”, admin can do the following setting like :
- Admin can enable the Membership module.
- Admin can set the payment method which they want to use the checkout page only for the membership plan.
- Admin can set the “membership Type” on “No of products” or “Product Quantity”.
- Admin will also set the action after the expiration of the membership plan.
- Admin will set “Time Limit”, “Notify Before” and date format.
- Admin will also set the allowed number of failed transactions.
Membership Groups/ Member's payment
In a membership group, admin can add a new membership group. Admin can edit or delete any existing Membership group too. While adding a new Membership Group, the admin will enter details like “Name, Group Image, Price and No of products”.
In the member's payment, admin can view the payment date and time of Partners. Admin can create new Payment or can filter by name, quantity, price, and date.
- In Membership Group, admin can add a new membership plan or can edit any existing plans.
- In the member's payment, admin can view the payment date and time of Partners.
- The admin can select the access permission for the membership partners.
- The admin can choose to reflect changes made in the account menu, seller profile, seller profile options, and product tabs.
- The admin can even set the commission category wise in the membership group.
Opencart Marketplace Membership- Members
This is the first sub-option, where admin can see all the members of the membership plans. Admin can add new members or can edit or delete any existing members.
Admin can filter the member based on Name, Membership, Price, Quantity, Status. While adding any new member, the admin will enter details like- “Name, membership group, and status or paid or unpaid”.
- The admin can add/edit/delete members.
- The admin can view the membership plans.
- This module also facilitates the member of memberships with a request quotation facility.
- The membership partner can raise a quotation request for the product quantity & price.
- The admin can view all the quotations and can accept/reject them.
Seller availing Membership Plans
A seller can see the Add Partnership field under the Marketplace section. If Membership type is “No of products”, then after exceeding the product limit, a warning message will display.
If Membership type is “Product Quantity” from the back-end. Then the seller cannot add the product until they have sufficient quantity.
After the seller purchases the membership plan, a seller can view Quantity left. A partner can access only that options which are assigned in a membership group. Admin can set options for various membership groups and those options will be available to the seller on the front-end.
- A seller can see the partnership field under the Marketplace section.
- A seller can buy any membership plan.
- Seller will get access to those options that admin had set from the back-end for that particular membership type.
Manage Membership Tags/Badges
This module also has a feature to create tags/badges for membership products. This will help in the promotion of your membership plans.
- The admin can upload tag images.
- The admin can also configure the height, width, name, and position for the badges/tags to display.
- This will help in increasing the sales of your membership plans.
- The tags/badges will appear on the membership product image.
Opencart Marketplace Membership Features
- The seller needs to buy any membership plan to become a seller and manage their store.
- The admin can set the amount to pay for any membership plan.
- The admin can set the number of products to be added to the membership plan.
- The admin can set the payment method for membership.
- The admin can select Membership based on No. of product and Product Quantity.
- The admin can select an option to reflect changes in account menu options, seller profile options, products tab options for the old membership as well as the new seller account.
- The admin can maintain the membership record for each seller.
- The admin can add new members, groups, members payment and also edit or delete them.
- Allow using both One-time Membership and Subscription Type membership.
- Marketplace membership overrides the access to marketplace Account menu, Product Tabs, Seller Profile Options and Seller Profile Fields.
- Allows creating mail template using relevant mail keywords.
- The seller commission will be according to the membership plan.
- The admin can set the number of days for the membership plans.
- The admin can add remaining membership with the new membership or clear remaining membership.
- The admin can set a cronjob for the expiration of the membership plan to their website.
- Add membership group tags to the membership plans.
- The membership partner can request a quotation for any number of products.
- Using the membership group the admin can give access permissions to the partners and can set commission.
Opencart Marketplace Mobile App
This is a technology-based era where everything is simplified even online shopping. We all know about shopping apps and its advantages-how it reduces and makes our shopping experience hassle proof. So it is very important for all the Store owners to have a shopping app for providing a more convenient way to shop from their online store and now Webkul's has launched its new app Opencart Marketplace Mobile App.
Opencart Marketplace Mobile App converts your marketplace store for Opencart into a mobile app. Your customers can easily purchase products on the go. They don't need to have a laptop or desktop, they can easily explore your store through their smartphones. It will not only benefit the store owner and customer it will benefit the sellers too. Sellers can see their dashboard, order history through the mobile app. So what are you waiting for, you must now have an Opencart Marketplace Mobile App to be a step ahead.
- Seller list.
- Seller Collection.
- Seller Profile.
- Seller Dashboard.
- Seller Order History.
- The customer can contact the seller.
- Market Place Sell Page
- Users can review sellers.
- Seller Location is mentioned on the map.
Opencart Marketplace Membership Support
For any query or issue please create a support ticket here
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