Marketplace DHL Shipping for Magento: Marketplace DHL Shipping For Magento module provides DHL Shipping service for shipping the products in worldwide. This shipping method is the most trusted shipping method in terms of cost, product delivery and now it is available with the Webkul Magento Marketplace.
Please Note - This module is an add-on of Magento Multi-Vendor Marketplace Module. To use this module, you must have installed Magento Marketplace Module first.
Admin Management
After the installation of this shipping module, admin will configure this module. For the configuration, admin will do the following steps:
- Admin can enable or disable the shipping module.
- Admin can put the module in the Test Mode.
- Admin can set the title of the Shipping module.
- The admin can add a custom logo for the DHL Shipping label.
- Admin can enter the error message which will be displayed on the checkout page.
Seller Management
Using this shipping module, seller can manage the shipping from their end. Seller can generate the invoice. After generating invoice, seller can set the tracking number, shipping details and save it. Now the order status will be “complete”.
- Seller can set the tracking id and shipping detail.
- Seller can cancel the order.
- Seller can generate the DHL label after checking the checkbox.
Generating invoice and shipping slips
Seller can download the invoice slip and shipping slip for that particular order and can even print both the slips. Even the seller can download the bulk invoice and shipping slips. After going to “my product list”, seller can click on “download invoice slip” or “download shipping slip”, then enter date ( to and from) and then can download the slips.
- Seller can download/print the invoice and shipping slips.
- Seller can download many shipping and invoice slips just by entering date.
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