Webkul Store


PrestaShop Who Is Online - The module allows the merchants to show a total number of active users on the front end of the eCommerce store.

Apart from the total count, it also displays the countries & flags of the active users of the shop. It simply means that by looking on the block, you can analyse from which country the maximum number of active users are on the store.

This can also help you to ideate the general traffic of your website from each country by looking at the online user count from each country at any instant.

Highlighted Features

 Online Customers

The total number of active users are displayed on the front-end of the store.

 Country Wise Count

Country-wise active customers are displayed on the front end of the shop.

 Active User's Flag

The flag of the active users country is also displayed.

 Active User Details

Active user details can be shown on the home page as well as the category page of the store.

PrestaShop Who Is Online Features -

  • Cross Browser Compatibility.
  • Display number of active users.
  • It displays the country of the active users.
  • Display the country flag of active users.
  • Admin can decide the position of “who is online” block.

Module Configuration

  • Admin can easily configure the module form Back Office.
  • Admin needs to register on ipinfodb, in order to get API key for this module.
  • Then admin will receive API key which needs to be entered in module configuration.

Front End Features

  • Admin can select the desired position of “who is online’ block to show on the front end, that is,
    1. Home Page
    2. Right Column
    3. Left Column
  • User and the admin can see the visitors country name with flag and the number of current active users.

PrestaShop Who Is Online Support -

For any query or issue, please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com

You may also check our other top-quality PrestaShop Modules.

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Supported Browsers
FirefoxFirefox 5+Firefox 10+Firefox 18+Firefox 29+Google ChromeGoogle Chrome 4+Google Chrome 14+Google Chrome 30+Google Chrome 72+Internet ExplorerInternet Explorer 7Internet Explorer 7+Internet Explorer 8Internet Explorer 9Internet Explorer 9+Internet Explorer 10+Internet Explorer 11+OperaOpera 11Opera 15+SafariSafari 5Safari 10+Microsoft Edge
10 years ago
Last Updated
2 months ago
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