Odoo Birthday Reminder(Employees) -If you have the kind of relationship with your employees which is beyond the estimated sales revenue and lead generation then this module is for you. Show your employees that you genuinely care about them, then what could be better than celebrating their birthday. Therefore with the help of our module Odoo Birthday Reminder(Employees) you can send a greeting to the Users and Employees on their Birthday.
Note: This module is dependent on Odoo Website Birthday Reminder in order to use Odoo Birthday Reminder(Employees) you need to purchase this module also.
Odoo Birthday Reminder(Employees) Features -
- This module is used to send a greeting to the Users and Employees on their Birthday.
- Has the option of selecting the Users(All users/Portal users/Employees).
- Greetings will be sent by the automatic cron scheduler.
- Admin can modify the email template and cron scheduler.
- Have the option of sending greeting before the actual date.
Odoo Birthday Reminder(Employees) Support -
For any query or issue please create a support ticket here
You may also check our other top-quality Odoo Extensions.
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6 years ago
Last Updated
1 year ago
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