PrestaShop Product Auction - The module provide merchants to offer products via fair & competitive bidding process to customers. It not only provides fair chance to customer to acquire the product but also give a merchant a chance to sell the product at the demand price of the product.
Auction is a process in which a person hosting the auction hopes to sell the products through competitive bidding process. They host such events to offer a fair chance to interested parties to acquire the product.
Now, such functionality can also be integrated to your eCommerce website too via PrestaShop Product Auction module. The module has several useful features like auction timer, various bidding process such as automatic, reverse, standard & incremental.
Note: PrestaShop Product Auction module is MultiShop Compatible.
Highlighted Features
Create Auction Products
Offer certain products for auction by enabling auction functionality on them.
Bidding Type
Set a bidding type from the various available options like standard, incremental, reverse or automatic.
Auction Timer
Show auction timer on the product page to show the time left to place bid on product.
Notify via Mail
Notify the customer on winning the bid via mail.
Auction Completion Price
Set the price after which no more bids will be allowed and the person to bid at that price first will be winner.
Auction Products Listing
Show all the auction products on one page at the front-end under the "Auction" tab.
PrestaShop Product Auction Features -
- Supports standard, incremental, automatic, and reverse bidding.
- Add auction on in-stock active products.
- Stop the bidding process on the product at your own convenience.
- Enable or disable the bidder name to show on the front end.
- Choose to add tax in the final price of auction product.
- Enable or disable the auction tab on the top menu bar.
- Set the incremental bidding on the product.
- Enable or disable the automatic bidding for the product.
- Set the minimum difference between two bids in the case of a normal bid.
- Enable or disable the “Increase Auction Time” and “Increase Buy Now Price”.
- Option to set the bidding price at which auction will complete.
- Customize the winning message to display to the bidder after winning the bid.
- Set the number of hours within which customers can buy the product after winning an auction.
- When an auction is there on any product, then the buyer can also buy it from the “buy now” button.
- Enable or disable the selling of products after the auction ends.
- Enable or disable continuing the auction after the customer purchases the auction product via the “buy it now” button.
- Allow buyers to bid on more than one auction on the store.
- Set the status of the auction as running, completed or stopped.
- Admin can cancel auction bids.
- Admin can ban the bidder from a particular auction.
- Send bid cancellation email to customer.
- Admin will receive an email when a customer places a bid or win the auction.
- Customers can view all the auction products on the home page.
- Customers can filter the auction product by name and auction type.
- Make second highest bidder as auction winner, if the first winner does not complete the purchase in given time.
- Create auction in bulk using CSV file.
- Display upcoming auctions by start time or as coming soon on auction page and auction listing page.
- Supports bids in multiple currency. Customers can now bid on auction as per their context currency.
- Prestashop Product Auction module is multi-shop compatible.
Prestashop Product Auction Merchant Benefits -
- Merchant will have frequent visitors to their store.
- Merchant will have frequent purchase of products.
- Merchant can manage the auction customer configuration.
- Merchant can set configuration for incremental bidding.
- Merchant can set the time to purchase the auctioned product.
Prestashop Product Auction Customer Benefits -
- Customer can have seasonal or discontinued products on less amount.
- Customer may have product better price due to auction.
- Customer can see countdown for bidding on product page.
Email Notifications
Notify your customers on winning the bid by sending them a customized mail. Email notification to the winner will let him know that he acquired that product on the amount he bid & now he can buy that product.
Standard Bidding
This is one of the types of bidding supported by our module. In this type of bidding, Admin sets the base amount of the product to start the bidding. Now any customer can come & bid at any price higher than the set base amount. Highest amount bidder among all the bidders will win the bid & product will be sold to him/her on his/her bid price.
Incremental Bidding
In this type of bidding A range for the bidding & minimum increment for susbsequent biddings lying in that range is set by admin. Now, if a customer wants to bid for lets say 50$ & the minimum increment set by admin in 1 to 100$ range is 5$ then next bid which should be made in order to lead the bid should be 55$.
Automatic Bidding
In this type of bidding, bidder bids the maximum amount which he is willing to pay for the product. Rest of the bidder's bid with the increment necessary to bid next. In case if any of the bidder's cross the maximum amount set in automatic bidding, then that bidder will get the message that someone has crossed your automatic bid.
Create Demand
Make the product exclusive to auction by disabling the product sales after the auction ends to boost the demand of product in market. Avoid financial losses on sale items by setting the minimum bid price high enough to cover costs.
PrestaShop Product Auction Support -
For any query or issue please create a support ticket here
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