Webkul Store
Shopware 6 Marketplace Bulk Upload


Shopware 6 Marketplace Bulk Upload: This module is an essential tool that enables admin and seller to import mass upload products. Now, the admin and seller import thousands of products in your Shopware Marketplace store with a single file. This module supports CSV/XML and XLS files to upload the data in bulk. The admin can also import the bulk product more quickly to the seller's store.

Note - This module is an addon of the Shopware Multi-Seller Marketplace. To use this module you must install Shopware Multi Seller Marketplace for Shopware 6.

Highlighted Features

 Upload Specify Import file

This module supports multi-file formats like CSV, XLS & XML.

 Category Assigning

The admin/seller can add a product in various categories.

 Get Id for Various Options

The admin can get the ID for options like Tax, Manufacturer, Category and Property, etc

 Mapping Data Flow

Under Data Flow Profile, the database needs to be mapped between the file that is uploaded and Shopware Database.

Why use this module?

To convert your store into a fully fledge marketplace requires tons of features. The very first step allows the seller to upload bulk products when sellers have a huge amount of products that you want to upload to the Shopware marketplace store, instead of manual entering the products and it's details took lots of manual efforts and time.

Now, to minimize the effort, you can use the Shopware Marketplace Mass Product Upload module that allows you to upload all the products and their details in bulk efficiently. The admin/seller can use CSV/XML/XLS files to perform these bulk tasks.

Admin Marketplace Mass Upload

The admin can add the seller's product by uploading CSV, XML, XLS files. Define all the attributes of a product such as - description, name, price, stock, categories, tax, category, etc. The admin will be able to -

  • Download sample CSV, XML, or XLS product file.
  • The admin can set the profiles for which the data needs to be mapped.
  • The admin can map custom attributes with default Shopware attributes that are to be uploaded.
  • Upload multiple product images in a zip file.
  • The admin can get the id for various fields to be uploaded in the file.

Import CSV/XML and XLS File

The admin/seller can mass upload the product into the marketplace with the help of CSV/XML/XLS files. This module supports the popular three types of files.

  • CSV - The admin/seller can download the CSV sample file and update it to upload.
  • XML - The admin/seller can also upload the XML file for bulk product import.
  • XLS - This module also takes the input as an XLS file.

Apart from that, the seller can provide all the information related to the product into the supported file. The seller can also define the image filename for a product in the file.

Upload Product Images in Bulk

This module enables admin/seller to upload product images in bulk so that you can upload thousands of product images to your Shopware store within a single click. What you all need to do:

  • Need to create a zip image folder that contains all product images.
  • A file (CSV/XML/XLS) with information that matches the image names of the photos.
  • The CSV file should have the same column name which is present in the Shopware database else need to map first.

Seller Marketplace Bulk Upload

The seller can add their products by uploading CSV, XML, XLS files. In that file, they can mention all the attributes of a product such as - description, name, price, stock, categories, tax, category, etc. The admin will be able to -

  • The seller will be able to download sample CSV, XML, or XLS product files.
  • The seller can create the profiles for which the data needs to be mapped.
  • Also, the seller can upload multiple product images in a zip file.
  • The seller can map custom attributes with default Shopware attributes that are to be uploaded.
  • The seller can get the id for various fields to be uploaded in the file.

Data Flow Profile - Map custom attributes

The admin/seller can create a new Data Flow Profile. The admin/seller has to enter the Profile Name as well as need to map default attributes and name of the custom attribute in the uploaded files under Profile data mapping.

  • The admin adds the name of the new Data Flow Profile.
  • This helps in mapping the files that need to be uploaded and the database of Shopware.
  • The seller/admin can also update the created profile.
  • The bulk uploaded products of sellers can be viewed under their seller portal.

Features List

  • Upload CSV, XML, and XLS files with property options and images.
  • The admin/seller can Upload images in Bulk using the Zip file types.
  • The admin can Upload products for the sellers.
  • The admin can select sellers whose products are to be uploaded.
  • Add any number of products and upload them using CSV, XML, and XLS files.
  • Add a product in category or subcategory using get Id.
  • Dataflow profile for mapping the product attributes correctly.
  • Option to download the sample file and images.


For any query or issue please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com/

You may also check our other top-quality Shopware Extensions.

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