Webkul Store
Shopware 6 Seller Membership Groups


Shopware 6 Seller Membership Groups: Using this module, the admin can restrict the seller to upload products to his account. The seller can add products after paying the amount which is set by the admin. In this for becoming a partner seller user need to pay to admin as well as the admin can set the membership to expire time.

Note - To use this module you must install and purchase Webkul Shopware 6 Multi Seller Marketplace first.

Highlighted Features

 Set Membership Duration

The admin can set the days associated with the membership plan.

 Membership Based Commission

Commission distributed to sellers based on the membership plan.

 Create Memberships

The admin can create marketplace memberships based on time, products, or both.

 Membership Product List

The seller products cannot exceed the products in the product list of a membership.

Why do we need this module?

Shopware 6 Seller Membership Groups allows you to create as many membership plans as you want. Each membership plan will come with various prices, duration, and products that will add. Admin can set several membership plans which they want to display in the store. Sellers can easily buy the membership plan directly from this Shopware store then manage their store.

Integrate Membership System to Marketplace

After the installation of the Marketplace Membership, the admin will do the configuration as per the requirement. Admin can enable the Membership module.

Here admin will also enable these options for various membership conditions:

  • Publish/Unpublish product for Sellers
  • After Membership Expiry
  • Membership Expiry
  • Clear Previous Membership

Members Partner

Using this module, the admin can check all membership lists as well as admin can add new members or can edit or delete any existing members. To add new members, the admin will enter details like seller name, membership group, active status, and payment status.

  • The admin can add/edit/delete members.
  • The admin can view the membership plans.
  • The admin can approve/disapprove of the new member.

Membership Groups

In a membership group, the admin can add a new membership group. Admin can edit or delete any existing Membership groups. While adding a new Membership Group, the admin will enter details like:

  • General - To add a new membership group need to add details like group name, group image, payment, etc.
  • Commission - The admin can set the commission category wise in the membership group.
  • Allowed Quantities/Products - In this, the admin can select the number of quantity and price by adding details like quantity/price, default no. of products/price, listing duration, default listing duration.

Seller Availing Membership Plans

After the seller purchases the membership plan, a seller can view the quantity left. A partner can access only that options assigned in a membership group. Admin can set options for various membership groups, and those options will be available to the seller on the front-end.

  • A seller can see the partnership field under the Marketplace section.
  • A seller can buy any membership plan.
  • Seller will get access to those options that admin had set from the back-end for that particular membership type.

Extend/Renew Membership

The sellers on your store can quickly extend the plan if they want to hold to the same membership plans which they have purchased. The sellers skip extending the plan before it gets expired.

After the expiry of the membership plan, the seller can easily renew the existing membership plan by clicking to the renew button placed under the product list.

Features List

  • Admin can create a Membership Group and assign it to the seller.
  • Admin can make an Auto Membership of any membership group for automatically assigned to new seller on registration time
  • The seller can purchase a membership plan from the Add Membership side menu in the storefront.
  • The seller can create a quote for extra quantity and price for adding products from Quote For Membership side menu.
  • The seller can Approve/Disapprove its own products.
  • The seller can relist its own products after the expired of listing duration.


For any query or issue please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com/

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