Top Selling Extension Winner
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Magento Marketplace Cash On Delivery
Magento Marketplace Cash On Delivery is now and allows the seller to add Cash On Delivery to their product. Using this module seller can manage the order and provide the commission to the admin from their end.
- Magento Marketplace Cash On Delivery module supports Openmage.
- Fully Admin Management.
- Allow admin to activate this payment option.
- Allow admin to add Cash On Delivery description and label to display on front end.
- Allow admin to enable captcha on payment section during checkout.
- Allow admin to add his COD rates.
- Allow the seller to add his COD rates.
- Allow seller to add additional information like VAT/tax etc that will display on invoice/shipment/credit memo pdf.
- Allow seller/admin to enable COD on products.
- Available Fixed or Percentage types of rate for calculating COD charges.
- Apply COD charges on based per product.
- Order will be managed by seller.
- Allow Seller to create invoice, shipment, credit memo for his portion of the order.
- Pay admin commission after collecting payment from buyer by seller.
- Allow admin to see seller Cash On Delivery report on admin panel.
- Allow seller to cancel his portion of the order.
- Allow seller to print pdf for invoice, shipment and credit memo.
- Allow seller to send order email, invoice email to buyer from his dashboard.
- Allow seller to send tracking information to buyer from his dashboard.
- Allow admin to manage their COD orders.
- Allow admin to create invoice, shipment, credit memo for his portion of the order.
- Allow admin to cancel his portion of the order.
Top Selling Extension Winner
2 times in a row
Marketplace Cash On Delivery For Magento2 is also available now.
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Magento Marketplace Cash On Delivery - Now the buyer can purchase seller’s products using the Cash On Delivery payment gateway. With this module, the seller can manage all the Cash On Delivery processes from their end. Admin can also able to see the seller’s Cash On Delivery Report
Since it’s an add-on for the marketplace module , so marketplace module must be installed before installing the Marketplace Cash On Delivery.
Magento Marketplace Cash On Delivery- Admin Management
Now Cash On Delivery Facility is available with Marketplace. Magento Marketplace Cash On Delivery module provides large no. of option to store admin.
- Allow to write COD label for order.
- Write Cash On Delivery description from admin side.
- Enable/Disable captcha on payment section during checkout.

Manage Cash On Delivery Rate Through Seller
Using Magento Marketplace Cash On Delivery module, the seller can manage all the Cash On Delivery process and also provide the commission to the admin from their end. The seller can create new Cash On Delivery Rate and also edit/delete COD rates.
- Add/Edit/Delete Cash On Delivery Rate.
- Available Fixed or Percentage types of rate for calculating COD charges
- Set name or (*) both for Destination State/Region, ZIP/Post Code From, ZIP/Post Code To.
- Set Weight From and Weight To for COD rate.
- Allow the seller to add additional information like Invoice & Shipping slip address, vat/tax information .

Marketplace Cash On Delivery Payment Process
Marketplace Cash On Delivery payment gateway is very easy to use. If Magento Marketplace Cash On Delivery Payment Gateway Method is enabled from admin panel then the buyer can see this payment method inside his “Payment Information”.
- Allow to validate captcha on payment section.
- Allow to see Cash On Delivery label to the buyer.
- Allow to check COD availability using Pincode at product page.

Seller Cash On Delivery Report
Although Magento Marketplace Cash On Delivery allows seller to manage Cash On Delivery payment method from their end but there is also an option at back end from where admin can find the seller's Cash On Delivery report. Using this field admin can see the whole detail of seller’s COD and the admin can also notify the seller regarding their commission.
By clicking on "Notify" button, seller will be notified with admin commission and admin comment message via mail.

Admin COD order Management
In our Magento Marketplace Cash On Delivery module, Admin can also manage COD orders for their products. Once admin clicks on “View Order” link, admin will able to see whole order detail. Admin can Ship, Invoice, Send Mail and also cancel the order.
- Allow admin to manage their COD orders.
- Allow admin to create invoice, shipment, credit memo.
- Allow admin to cancel the order.
- Availability to print Invoice, Shipment, Refund.

Marketplace Mobile Application
After creating a major share in the world of e-Commerce software marketplace, Webkul is all set to move into the new arenas of mobile applications and is stepping from the world of e-Commerce to m-Commerce with its new product Mobikul Marketplace https://store.webkul.com/mobikul-marketplace.html.
A product which is going to provide its esteemed customers with lots of features, to relish their shopping experience in a more easy and mobile way in order to provide Ubiquity, Convenience, Interactivity, Personalization, and Localization, which is just some taps and swipes away.
- To attract the attention of the customers any time any where, while they are on a move with their mobiles.
- To Open a New Avenue for increasing the Sales.
- Providing flexibility and ease of connectivity, in learning about customers.

Magento Marketplace Cash On Delivery Support -
For any query or issue please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com/
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In our default configuration we will provide tremendous configuration for your eCommerce Website which is fast to load and response.
Default Configuration Details of Server
- 1 GB RAM
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Get Started with Cloud- + Features
- - Bugs
- + Code Standardised.
- + Created package.xml
- + Fully Admin Management.
- + Allow admin to activate this payment option
- + Allow admin to add Cash On Delivery description and label to display on frontend.
- + Allow admin to enable captcha on payment section durring checkout.
- + Allow admin to add his own COD rates for his product.
- + Allow seller to add his own COD rates.
- + Allow seller to add additional information like vat/tax etc that will display on invoice/shipment/creditmemo pdf.
- + Allow seller/admin to enable COD on products.
- + Available Fixed or Percange types of rate for calculating COD charges.
- + Apply COD charges on based per product.
- + Order will be manged by seller.
- + Allow Seller to create invoice,shipment,creditmemo for his portion of the order.
- + Pay admin commission after collecting payment from buyer by seller.
- + Allow admin to see seller Cash On Delivery report on admin panel.
- + Allow seller to cancel his portion of the order.
- + Allow seller to print pdf for invoice, shipment and creditmemo.
- + Allow seller to send order email, invoice email to buyer from his dashboard.
- + Allow seller to send tracking information to buyer from his dashboard.
- + Allow admin to manage their COD orders.
- + Allow admin to create invoice, shipment, credit memo for his portion of the order.
- + Allow admin to cancel his portion of the order