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    Magento Marketplace Pre Order

    Using this module, sellers have the ability to sell the product and later can ship the product when it’s arrived or back in stock.

    • Magento Marketplace Pre Order Module supports Openmage

    • Registered users can order Out of Stock products.

    • Works with these types of products- Simple, Downloadable, Virtual and Configurable, grouped & Bundle.

    • Admin & Sellers can set Custom Message to display on the PreOrder product.

    • Admin & Sellers Can set Custom Percentage of the amount to be paid for the PreOrder product.

    • Admin & Sellers can set the Complete Payment method to be used for the PreOrder.

    • Admin & Sellers can set PreOrder status and availability date.

    • Admin & Sellers can enable the PreOrder for- Per Product, All Products, Few products, and All Products except few.

    • Admin can setup cron to display products on Preorder Availability Date.

    • Using this module registered customer can pay full or partial payment that has been set by the admin or seller from their panel for the PreOrder product.

    • Admin & Sellers can set the mode of notification when the PreOrder product is available to Automatic or Manual.

    • Admin & Sellers can select buyer specification for the PreOrder products.

    • Multi-Lingual support / All language working including RTL.

    • The code is fully open & you can customize it according to your need.

    • Compatible with the Multistore.

    Technology Partner Awards.
    Top Selling Extension Winner
    2 times in a row
    Magento Marketplace Pre Order Magento Marketplace Pre Order Magento Marketplace Pre Order Magento Marketplace Pre Order Magento Marketplace Pre Order Magento Marketplace Pre Order Magento Marketplace Pre Order Magento Marketplace Pre Order Magento Marketplace Pre Order Magento Marketplace Pre Order Magento Marketplace Pre Order Magento Marketplace Pre Order
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    Magento Marketplace PreOrder : Magento Marketplace PreOrder module will enable the store owners to offer your customer to pre-order the product which is out of stock or not yet arrived on your store. Using this module, sellers have the ability to sell the product and later can ship the product when it’s arrived or back in stock. The sellers have the ability to show preorder button on the product pages instead of add to cart button where the customer can easily have the idea of product type and its availability in store.

    This module accepts and easily manage pre-orders on the Magento store. Let the customers pre-order an item that hasn't yet arrived or is out-of-stock. The sellers can start accepting orders in advance and ship the item later when it's available. And can also easily manage customers’ expectations by showing a preorder custom message.

    Please Note:

     Enable Preorder:

    The seller and the admin can Enable PreOrder for:

    • Per Product– The seller can enable preorder for each out of stock product individually.
    • All Products– The seller can enable preorder for the out of stock products all at once. There is no need to set the preorder for each product individually.
    • Few Products– The seller can enable preorder for the selected out of stock products by typing their product SKU separated by a comma.
    • All Products Except Some- The seller can exclude some products by typing their Product SKU separated by a comma which cannot retain the PreOrder.
     Enable Preorder:

     Seller End:

    If some of the products are running out of stock or not yet released. For this, the seller can enable a preorder feature. Using this module, the seller can effectively estimate customer demand and let the customers pre-order an item that hasn't yet arrived or is out-of-stock. The seller can configure the preorder settings like:

    • Can select the PreOrder Type as Percent payment or Complete Payment.
    • In case of Percent Payment PreOrder type, the seller will set amount for PreOrder.
    • Enable PreOrder for Per product, All Products, Few Products, and All Products Except Some.
    • Can add custom message which will be displayed in front-end of preorder product.
    • Can choose preferred mode of Email as Automatic or Manual when the product is in stock. If you choose ‘manual’ option, you will have to manually send mail to the customer.
    • Enable or disable the PreOrder product quantity. If the seller choose 'enable' option then a "text" field is shown to enter preorder quantity field for product on the Product Edit page.
    • Can select buyer specification for the PreOrder products. If the seller selects “All“, then both the PreOrder buyers and the non-PreOrder buyers can purchase the PreOrder product and complete the purchase. Else if the seller has selected the “PreOrder buyers” then only the PreOrder buyers can buy the product and complete the purchase.
     Seller End:

     Seller End- PreOrder Product Settings:

    The seller can configure the pre-order product settings while adding/editing the product.

    • Preorder depends upon the PreOrder selection of products.
    • Product Inventory should always be set to “Out of Stock” to make a product as PreOrder product.
    • Set the PreOrder Status as enabled or disabled as per the choice.
    • Set the PreOrder Availability Date for the preorder product.
    • And can also set the PreOrder product quantity.
     Seller End- PreOrder Product Settings:

     Admin end:

    After installation of the module, the admin also can configure the module for his products. Admin configuration settings will apply on admin’s product only. For seller products, the seller needs to set their configuration settings. The admin can:

    • Can select the PreOrder Type as Percent payment or Complete Payment.
    • In case of Percent Payment PreOrder type, the seller will set amount for PreOrder.
    • Enable PreOrder for Per product, All Products, Few Products, and All Products Except Some.
    • Can add custom message which will be displayed in front-end of preorder product.
    • Can choose preferred mode of Email as Automatic or Manual when the product is in stock. If you choose ‘manual’ option, you will have to manually send mail to the customer.
    • Setup cron to display products on Preorder Availability Date.
    • Enable or disable the PreOrder product quantity. If the admin choose 'enable' option then a "text" field is shown to enter preorder quantity field for product on the Product Edit page.
    • Can select buyer specification for the PreOrder products. If the seller selects “All“, then both the PreOrder buyers and the non-PreOrder buyers can purchase the PreOrder product and complete the purchase. Else if the seller has selected the “PreOrder buyers” then only the PreOrder buyers can buy the product and complete the purchase.
     Admin end:

     Admin end- PreOrder Product Settings:

    The admin can configure the pre-order product settings while adding/editing the product.

    • Preorder depends upon the PreOrder selection of products.
    • Product Inventory should always be set to “Out of Stock” to make a product as PreOrder product.
    • Set the PreOrder Status as enabled or disabled as per the choice.
    • Set the PreOrder Availability Date for the preorder product.
    • And can also set the PreOrder product quantity.
     Admin end- PreOrder Product Settings:


    This module lets customers pre-order the products that are not available for immediate delivery. At the front-end, the customer can view the:

    • PreOrder product status.
    • PreOrder Percent payment value or the complete payment amount as per the configuration.
    • The preorder custom message.
    • PreOrder Availability Date for the preorder product.
    • The pre-order button on the product pages instead of add to cart button.

     My Orders – Customer End:


    • If the payment type has configured to Partial Payment for the PreOrder Product, then the buyer will have to go for the partial payment of the product. The buyer will be notified once the product is made available(In Stock)and will make the pending payment. After this invoice will be generated and the admin will ship the product to the customer.
    • If the payment type has configured to Complete Payment for the PreOrder Product, then the buyer will have to go for the full payment of the product, after that whenever the invoice is generated and product is made available(In Stock), buyer will get an email notification that the product is in stock and then admin will ship the product to customer.
     My Orders – Customer End:

    Magento Marketplace PreOrder Support -

    For any query or issue please create a support ticket here


    Product Version1.0.0
    Released8 years ago
    Last UpdatedOctober 28, 2024 (3 months ago)
    Supported VersionsMagento  1.4.x.x  1.5.x.x  1.6.x.x  1.7.x.x  1.8.x.x  1.9.x.x  
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    • + Features
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    Version 1.0.0
    • + Registered users can order Out of Stock products.
    • + Works with all types (Simple, Downloadable, Virtual and Configurable) of products.
    • + Admin & Sellers can set custom message to display on PreOrder product.
    • + Admin & Sellers Can set custom percentage of amount to be paid for PreOrder product.
    • + Admin & Sellers Can set complete amount also to be paid for PreOrder product.
    • + Admin & Sellers can set PreOrder status and availability date.
    • + Admin & Sellers can enable the PreOrder for- Per Product, All Products, Few products and All Products except few.
    • + Using this module registered customer can pay full or partial payment that has been set by the admin or seller from their panel for their PreOrder products.
    • + Admin & Sellers can set mode of notification when the preOrder product is available to Automatic or Manual.
    • + Multi Lingual support / All language working including RTL.
    • + The code is fully open & you can customize it according to your need.
    • + Compatible with Multi store.
    • + Admin can setup cron to display products on Preorder Availability Date.