Top Selling Extension Winner
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Magento Marketplace Responsive Template
After creating world best marketplace plugin for magento we are going to release.
- Magento Marketplace Responsive Template module supports Openmage
- It will adjust your complete template view in screen format.
- To adapt the responsiveness of magento we are not editing core template or files its complete package.
- working with all third party modules having responsiveness.
- Ajax cart basket is already installed, which will turn your add to cart / remove into ajax based cart system and will increase the sales.
- Ajax based Sign up and login.
- Easy to Make a review and contact to the seller.
- Product image gallery is already included in the template that means for product thumbnails you don’t need to increase the area. Gallery will display rest of the product images in carousel format.
- Mega menu supported.
- New product carousel.
- Featured product carousel.
- Brand logo carousel.
- Retina based product zooming.
- Complete flat design.
- Social media sharing option included.
- Lightbox product thumbnail zoom.
- Working with all magento marketplace add ons and modules.
Top Selling Extension Winner
2 times in a row
Marketplace Responsive Template For Magento2 is also available.
- Description
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- Specifications
- Cloud Hosting
- Changelog
Magento Marketplace Responsive Template - After creating world best marketplace plugin for magento we are going to release Magento Marketplace Agorae Responsive Theme. This theme will support all screen either you are viewing your marketplace store site in iPhone, iPad, android based mobile devices or small or big screen devices it will work very fine in all screens. After installing this theme, marketplace seller list and their products will be displayed on home page.
This module is an add-on of Marketplace Module . To use this module you must have installed first webkul Marketplace Module
Complete Vendor / Seller Information at Every Step
Magento Marketplace Theme provide end to end support for magento marketplace multi vendor module from seller information , rating , reviews to sellers image icon and vote count .
- Seller profile with seller / vendor name
- Seller profile with seller / vendor rating
- Seller profile with seller / vendor location / country
- Seller profile with seller / vendor Image / icon

Vendor Profile Page / MicroSite View
Magento multi vendor template provides a dedicated profile / microsite view for the seller which will be visible by buyer / customer where seller / vendor will input their information social media links and links for the product collection . vendor microsite contains following information
- Contact to seller / vendor
- Seller social media links and icons
- Seller rating and count
- Seller / vendor Image / icon
- Seller reviews
- Seller / vendor Image / icon
- Seller reviews
- Seller location

Vendor / Seller Product Collection Microsite View
Marketplace plugin provides a dedicated collection page for the products like category view where all the product of that particular seller / vendor will display . Its kind of micro site for the product collection for sellers / vendors . Marketplace responsive template perfectly matches with the marketplace plugin .
- Filter at vendor / seller product collection page based on category
- Contains Seller / Vendor Profile link at collection page to view or navigate the vendor microsite
- Buyer can purchase the product from directly vendor shop / microsite
- Product review and vote count

Marketplace Template Landing / Home Page
Marketplace provides beautiful landing page with all the aspects of a complete online marketplace theme . Landing page brilliant banner space with "call of action" for seller to create and upload their product in the marketplace . Template is coded on considering the A/B Testing so that your buyer and seller can benefit from the marketplace
- Template support mega menu for the buyer and seller
- A/B Testing verified
- Search bar and menu at the header to provide more search conversion sales
- Ajax Driven login and signup modal box
- Interactive footer with social media links / icons

Magento Marketplace Responsive Template Support -
For any query or issue please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com/
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Default Configuration Details of Server
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