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Magento WePay Payment Gateway
Magento WePay Payment Gateway is now available in your eCommerce store, provide trusted, secure, fast payment on your magento eCommerce store. It accepts payment from all credit cards and bank account. WePay Payment Gateway is an online payment service provider available in the United States.
- Magento WePay Payment Gateway supports Openmage.
- The admin can enable/disable the Wepay payment solution.
- The admin can set WePay payment gateway module title.
- The admin can set the minimum and maximum order limit for WePay payment application.
- The admin can set allowed countries for which WePay payment method gets enabled.
- The admin can set new order status and sort order.
- Provide secure, trusted and fast payment to the customers.
- The customer's shop with their available credit card or bank account.
- Accepts payment for all types of credit cards and bank account.
- The admin can check placed orders details like invoices and transaction.
- The admin can also make easy refunds to the customers if the customers cancel their orders.
- Open source and easy to use.
Top Selling Extension Winner
2 times in a row
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- Specifications
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- Changelog
Magento WePay Payment Gateway - WePay Payment Gateway is an online payment service provider available in the United States. This is a faster, reliable and secure payment gateway. Magento WePay Payment Gateway module integrates the WePay payment gateway with your Magento store. This module allows the admin to add the WePay payment method for the Magento store products. This allows the customers to select WePay payment method on the checkout page and make a payment. This module accepts payment from all kinds of credit cards and bank account.
The admin can also make automatic card refunds for any placed order. If a customer cancels the order and wants a refund then it is easy to make refunds using this module. The admin can enable/disable the WePay payment gateway module.
Note: To use this Payment method the user need to have Wepay account. For this, the users can register here.
Magento Supported Version: Magento version 1.6.x.x, Magento version 1.7.x.x, Magento version 1.8.x.x and Magento version 1.9.x.x
Module configuration
After the module installation, the admin will be enabled to configure the module settings like:
- Enabled- Can enable or disable the Wepay payment solution.
- Title- Set the title which will display on front end.
- API Key- Set Client Id, Account Id, Client Secret Key and Access Token for test and live mode provided by WePay Payment Gateway.
- Test Mode- Can enable or disable the test mode.
- Payment from Applicable Countries- Select the specific countries where WePay payment will be applicable.
- New Order Status- Determines the order status after the order placement.
- Minimum Order Total- Set minimum order total.
- Maximum Order Total- Set maximum order total.
- Sort Order- Set the order of payment solution at the checkout payment page.

WePay payment gateway module makes the payment easier and convenient for the customers. The customers can make payment with their available credit card without any hassle. This module accepts credit cards and bank accounts with greater security and reliability.
- The customer can select the WePay payment method available on the checkout page.
- Make the secure and fast payment via WePay payment gateway.
- After the successful payment, the amount gets to the Admin’s WePay account.
- And the customer will automatically redirect to the Magento e-Commerce store with the successful message.
- The admin can transfer money to their bank account from their WePay account.

Manage Orders
The admin can check and manage the details of the orders placed through WePay payment gateway. The admin can:
- View all the orders placed through WePay payment gateway.
- Check placed orders details like invoices, shipments, and transaction.
- Can also make easy refunds to the customers if the customers cancel their orders.
- If any of your buyers cancel their order and want a refund back then it’s easy using this payment gateway.

- This module provides a way to collect payments online without any hassle.
- Offers a fast and secure payment method to the customers.
- Process online payments and drop the funds into the Admin's WePay account.
- Easy refunds to the customers if the customers cancel their orders.
- Accepts payment from all kinds of credit cards and bank account.

Support -
For any query or issue please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com/
Move to Cloud Today
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In our default configuration we will provide tremendous configuration for your eCommerce Website which is fast to load and response.
Default Configuration Details of Server
- 1 GB RAM
- 1 Core Processor
- 30 GB Hard Disk
- DB with 1 GB RAM and 1 Core Processor
* Server Configuration may vary as per application requirements.
Want to know more how exactly we are going to power up your eCommerce Website with Cloud to fasten up your store. Please visit the Cloudkul Services.
Get Started with Cloud- + Features
- - Bugs
- + Update payment request parameters according to latest wepay api
- + Accept main credit cards and bank accounts.
- + Automatic card refund by admin for any placed order.
- + Enable/disable payment method from admin panel.
- + Provide Secure, Trusted and Fast payment to your buyers.