Odoo Backend Theme: Manon
Odoo Backend Theme: Manon - Three words to describe Theme Manon, the new Odoo Backend Theme - Cool, Clear and Comfortable. The Theme is solely designed for the purpose of making the Odoo backend more clean and elegant in its appearance. New color and Font options have been added. The views of various forms have been given a new crystal ook. The new look of your Odoo backend after installing the theme is designed to give a soothing feel to the user. All the radiant colors have been replaced by cool colors. Better navigation options are introduced and more.
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Odoo Backend Theme: Manon Features
- Odoo Theme Manon is a backend visual appearance theme for Odoo.
- The theme aims at giving a complete makeover to your Odoo backend.
- The users can add virtually unlimited Font variations to the Odoo from the backend.
- Any number of color codes can also be added to change the color of buttons, forms, etc.
- The backend theme is designed to be mobile responsive which means it auto-adjusts to all screen types such as tablets, mobile phones, computer screens, etc.
- The forms are also given a touch so they provide a more clear and comfortable view to the user.
Improved View Types In Odoo
- Modified calendar view having better color composition.
- Modified kanban view with a great look.
- Better and wide table view with hover effect to make it as non-intrusive as possible.
Comfortably legible Form View
- Enhanced effect on inputs, check-boxes and radio buttons on forms.
- The backend Odoo theme is rendered to ease navigation from visual stand-point
Add Different Colors to Odoo
- The theme is provided with multiple color options to choose from.
- In addition, the user can add more colors from the backend.
- The color pallets can have a virtually unlimited number of colors.
Menu Panel With The Theme
- The menu panel hides behind the cascade panel in the Odoo backend theme to allow for more screen space.
New Fonts For Odoo
- more fonts can be added in the Odoo backend.
- As with colors any number of fonts can be added to the theme and used in the Odoo in combination with the color.
Odoo Backend Theme: Manon Is Designed to be Mobile-Friendly
- As with all our other themes, Manon is also designed to be mobile friendly.
- The view auto adjusts to the size of the screen on which it is being viewed by the user.
- The Buttons and panels are so rendered that they do not cause hindrance in navigation.
- The buttons are made sufficiently large to allow easy thumb interaction for the users.
Dedicated Support For Odoo Backend Theme: Manon
Webkul's dedicated support provides you with the customizations and troubleshooting solutions for your Odoo Backend Theme: Manon.
For any query or issue please CREATE A TICKET HERE
You may also check our other top-quality Odoo Apps.
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In our default configuration we will provide tremendous configuration for your eCommerce Website which is fast to load and response.
Default Configuration Details of Server
- 1 GB RAM
- 1 Core Processor
- 30 GB Hard Disk
- DB with 1 GB RAM and 1 Core Processor
* Server Configuration may vary as per application requirements.
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