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    Odoo POS Multi Pricelist

    Odoo POS Multi Pricelist : This module has the capability of handling multiple price-lists and switching between price-lists. For Odoo POS, we have come up with this module POS Multi Price-list, wherein you can load multiple pricelist(s) and can also switch between multiple Price-list in a running POS session on the fly.It is also enabled with password authentication feature.


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    Odoo POS Multi Pricelist - Changing the pricelist of the products according to the occasion or any sale is definitely a time taking task. Also, sometimes it can lead to confusions in terms of product pricing. Creating different price lists enables you to switch between them as per the suitability in POS. Odoo POS Multi Pricelist does the job for you.

    It enables you to create multiple price lists from the backend in Odoo. With the help of that, the POS user can easily switch between multiple Pricelist in a running POS session too as per the need. Now whether it's a festival or a clearance sale, you just have to create pricelists and use them at the right time. The Odoo POS Multi Pricelist.

    Odoo POS Multi Pricelist

     Odoo POS Multi Pricelist Features

    Create and manage multiple pricelists in POS

    • The Odoo Multiple Pricelists module enables the POS user to create multiple pricelists from the Odoo backend.
    • The POS user can easily load Multiple Price-lists in the running POS session itself.

     Switch between pricelists as per the need in POS

    • The module allows POS users to switch between Multiple Price-lists in a running POS session.

    Asks for password authentication while changing the pricelist in POS

    • Password authentication during switching of Price List.
    • This keeps unauthorised users away from changing the pricelist in POS.

    Load multiple pricelist in Odoo

    • Price List(s) will appear on POS automatically if the module is installed and Price List configured properly.
    • Choose any of the Price List and the prices of the products would be set accordingly.
    Price List

     Password Authentication During Switching Of Price List

    Price List
    • The password authentication feature which has been added to this module as shown.
    • Configure the password for that user from the Odoo backend and the password authentication feature gets activated.

    Odoo POS Multi Pricelist -

    For any query or issue please create a support ticket here

    You may also check our other top-quality Odoo Modules.


    Product Version2.4
    Released8 years ago
    Last UpdatedJanuary 19, 2023 (2 years ago)
    Supported VersionsOdoo  8.x  9.x  10.x  
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