Odoo Website Most Viewed Products
Odoo Website Most Viewed Products : Odoo Website Most Viewed products module allows you to share the most trending product of your odoo website with the customers. You can set the number of products to be shown in the list of trending products from the backend.
Admin can also set the minimum number of views after which the product comes in the category of the trending products. Admin can place trending products anywhere on his/her website easily with the help of single and multiple trending carousels.
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Odoo Website Most Viewed Products -Trending products are used to analyse the market behaviour. It also helps you in consumer research which helps you to know the customer preferences and attitude towards the products. Trending products are helpful tools in terms of the growth of the business.
This helps you to know where you are doing well on your website and where you need some improvement. You can add similar types of products to your website after checking the consumer behaviour.
Highlight Trending Products or Most Viewed Products on Odoo Website attracts the customer towards the products which directly helps you to increase the sales.
Customer’s visit the product page after seeing the Trending product which increases the chances of buying the product by the customer. Sharing Trending products on Odoo Website also acts as a promotion tool for your website and the website products.
Odoo Website Most Viewed Products helps you to share Trending Products on Odoo Website. You can add the product in a single and multiple tending carousel as per your preference.
Admin can Set the number of products and set the minimum number of views beyond which the products come in the category of Trending Products.
- Customers can see the most viewed Products in the trending list on Odoo Website.
- Admin can place single and multiple trending product carousels which display the trending products.
- Admin can place trending products anywhere on the website.
- The admin can set the number of products to be displayed in the trending list.
- Admin can set a minimum views limit beyond which product will appear in trending products.
- Customers can see trending products and total views on the trending products on the website.
Manage the configuration from the Odoo backend
- Set the limit of products to show in trending list.
- Set minimum view count value after which product will be in trending.

Showcase the most viewed products at the frontend

- As shown, customers can see the most viewed products at the frontend.
- Click on trending products to see the list of all famous products on your Odoo website..
Odoo Website Most Viewed Products -
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You may also check our other top-quality Odoo Apps.
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In our default configuration we will provide tremendous configuration for your eCommerce Website which is fast to load and response.
Default Configuration Details of Server
- 1 GB RAM
- 1 Core Processor
- 30 GB Hard Disk
- DB with 1 GB RAM and 1 Core Processor
* Server Configuration may vary as per application requirements.
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