Working for OpenCart since 2010 and contributed to latest stable release v3.0.3.7
Opencart Marketplace Multi Tenant Cash On Delivery
Opencart Marketplace Cash On Delivery : Now Cash On Delivery Facility is available with Marketplace. Opencart Marketplace Cash On Delivery allow the sellers to add Cash On Delivery to their products. The customer does not need to own a credit card to purchase. Now the buyer can purchase seller’s products using Cash On Delivery payment gateway.
Working for OpenCart since 2010 and contributed to latest stable release v3.0.3.7
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Opencart Marketplace Cash On Delivery: Now Cash On Delivery Facility is available with Marketplace. Opencart Marketplace Cash On Delivery allow the sellers to add Cash On Delivery to their products. The customer does not need to own a credit card to purchase. Now the buyer can purchase seller’s products using Cash On Delivery payment gateway. With this module, the seller can manage all the Cash On Delivery process from their end. The seller can manage the COD rates using CSV upload or manually.
Please Note -
- This module is an add-on of the Marketplace Module. To use this module you must have installed Webkul Opencart Marketplace Module.
- This module supports all templates and themes including the Journal theme.
- Opencart Marketplace Cash On Delivery module supports the Multi-Store feature of default Opencart.
Highlighted Features
Create Multiple Variants
Make storefront more attractive with Multiple variants.
Easily Manage Cash on Delivery Rate
The seller can manage cash on delivery rates by uploading CSV files.
Purchase Easily Using Cash on Delivery
Customer does not need to own a credit card can purchase using COD payment gateway
Check Cash on Delivery Availability
Buyer can make instant check for COD availability for his locations
Enable Cash on Delivery for Marketplace
After the installation of the module, the admin will configuration for this module from the back-end. Admin will do the following settings like :
- Admin can enable or disable the status of the module.
- Admin will provide the title of the module.
- Admin will set the minimum order quantity for applying COD.
- Admin will also set a maximum order total.
- Admin will select various countries in which COD will work.
- Admin will set new order status and Sort order.
Addition of COD rates from Seller's End (Manual)
The seller from the front-end can apply COD by manually or by uploading the CSV file. While adding COD rates manually seller will provide various information like :
- The seller will provide Destination Country.
- The seller will enter the Zip code range.
- The seller will enter the weight range.
- The seller will enter the minimum quantity.
- The seller will select either a fixed or percentage rate.
Addition of COD rates from Seller's End (CSV file)
The seller can add COD rates through the CSV file. By the CSV file method, the seller can upload COD rates for various regions in bulk. This reduces the time. The seller can upload the CSV file or can use a separator for the file. There is a filter by which the seller can filter using COD country, weight, zip, fixed & percentage.
- The seller can add COD rates through the CSV file.
- The seller can upload the CSV file or can use a separator for the file.
- The seller can filter using COD country, weight, zip, fixed & percentage.
Addition of COD rates from Admin-Panel
Even the admin can add COD rates from the back-end. Admin can add COD rates through CSV file or by manually. Manually, the admin will enter details like Destination Country, Zip code range, weight range, minimum quantity. Through the CSV file admin can upload Various COD rates in bulk.
- Admin can add COD rates through CSV file or by manually.
- Manually, admin will enter details like Destination Country, Zipcode range, weight range, minimum quantity.
COD Availability check on product page
Even the customer can also check the availability of COD for their regions by entering the pin code and checking COD availability for their region. If COD is not available for their region, then a Sorry message will appear.
- Customers can also check the availability of COD for their regions.
- If COD is not available for their region, then a Sorry message will appear on the product page.
Opencart Marketplace Mobile App
This is a technology-based era where everything is simplified even online shopping. We all know about shopping apps and its advantages-how it reduces and makes our shopping experience hassle proof. So it is very important for all the Store owners to have a shopping app for providing a more convenient way to shop from their online store and now Webkul has launched its new app Opencart Marketplace Mobile App.
Opencart Marketplace Mobile App converts your marketplace store for Opencart into a mobile app. Your customers can easily purchase products on the go. They don't need to have a laptop or desktop, they can easily explore your store through their smartphones. It will not only benefit the store owner and customer it will benefit the sellers too. Sellers can see their dashboard, order history through the mobile app. So what are you waiting for, you must now have an Opencart Marketplace Mobile App to be a step ahead.
- Seller list.
- Seller Collection.
- Seller Profile.
- Seller Dashboard.
- Seller Order History.
- The customer can contact the seller.
- Market Place Sell Page
- Users can review sellers.
- Seller Location is mentioned on the map.
Opencart Marketplace Cash On Delivery Features -
- Allow admin to activate this payment option.
- The seller can insert COD by uploading a CSV file or Manually.
- Available Fixed or Percentage types of rate for calculating COD charges.
- Apply COD charges based on the location of the customer.
- Admin can also insert the COD by uploading the CSV file or manually.
- The buyer can check the COD availability on the product page.
Opencart Marketplace Cash On Delivery Support -
For any query or issue please create a support ticket here
You may also check our quality Opencart Extensions.
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Default Configuration Details of Server
- 1 GB RAM
- 1 Core Processor
- 30 GB Hard Disk
- DB with 1 GB RAM and 1 Core Processor
* Server Configuration may vary as per application requirements.
Want to know more how exactly we are going to power up your eCommerce Website with Cloud to fasten up your store. Please visit the Cloudkul Services.
Get Started with Cloud- + Features
- * Bugs
- * git issues resolved
- * git issues resolved in V2.3 and V3.2
- * git issues resolved
- + Added the journal3 theme patch for version 3.x.
- * Fix small issue
- * Fix the ocmod file issue, COD display two times in product page
- + Updated in OC3 version with Journal 2 theme patch
- Initial Release