Working for OpenCart since 2010 and contributed to latest stable release v3.0.3.7
Opencart Marketplace Recurring Profile
Opencart Marketplace Recurring Profile: Marketplace Recurring Profile is a Marketplace Add-on for Opencart. It allows the sellers to set up the recurring profiles for their customers. The sellers can use recurring profile for products which need payments at regular intervals. Recurring profiles are useful for subscription and membership type of products. It can also be used for setting up the installment payment schemes. The recurring payments are available for daily, weekly, monthly, semi- monthly or yearly. The seller can create a recurring profile for their products from the front-end.
Working for OpenCart since 2010 and contributed to latest stable release v3.0.3.7
- Description
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- Specifications
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- Changelog
Opencart Marketplace Recurring Profile: Marketplace Recurring Profile is a Marketplace Add-on for Opencart. It allows the sellers to set up the recurring profiles for their customers. The sellers can use recurring profile for products which need payments at regular intervals. Recurring profiles are useful for subscription and membership type of products. It can also be used for setting up the installment payment schemes. The recurring payments are available for daily, weekly, monthly, semi- monthly or yearly. The seller can create a recurring profile for their products from the front-end.
Please Note -
- This module is an add-on of the Marketplace Module. To use this module you must have installed first Webkul Opencart Marketplace Module.
- This module supports all templates and themes including the Journal theme.
- Opencart Marketplace Recurring Profile supports the Multi-Store feature of default Opencart.
Opencart Marketplace Recurring Profile Features -
- Sellers can use recurring profile of other sellers and the admin.
- Multiple recurring profiles can be assigned to a product.
- Trial Profile option is also available.
- The admin can select recurring profile visibility for the sellers.
- Notify seller, when another seller edits its recurring profile.
- Notify admin, when a seller add/edit a recurring profile.
- View recurring profiles of other sellers and the admin.
- Recurring payments interval – daily, weekly, monthly, semi-monthly or yearly.
- The user can view details about the recurring profiles available.
- Supports multiple language translations.
Module Configuration
After the module installation, the admin needs to go to the backend for doing the configuration. Following options are available for Opencart Marketplace Recurring Profile:
- Enable or Disable the module status.
- Set recurring profile visibility for sellers.
- Allow sellers to edit recurring profiles.
- Select mail templates for new/edit recurring profile.
Add Recurring Profile
The admin and the sellers can create new recurring profiles for the customers. The trial profile option can also be included. While adding a recurring profile following options are available:
- Set the name for the recurring profile.
- Set recurring profile - price, duration, cycle, frequency.
- Recurring profile status as Enabled or Disabled.
- Sort the order of the recurring profile.
- Trial profile status as Enable or Disable.
- Set trial profile - price, duration, cycle, frequency.
Recurring Profile List
The admin can manage all the recurring profiles of the marketplace. It can even allow the sellers to view and edit recurring profile of other seller & admin.
- The admin can add, edit or delete any recurring profile.
- The sellers can view the recurring profile name, status, seller name, sort order.
- A seller can't delete recurring profiles of other sellers & admin.
Assign Recurring Profile to Product
After creating the recurring profile, the sellers or the admin can go to products page and pick a product. Following options are available under Recurring tab:
- Add or remove a recurring profile.
- Select recurring profile from the list.
- Select the customer group for each recurring profile.
- Multiple recurring profiles can be assigned to a product.
User Front-End View
On the front-end, the users will see the Payment Profile option. The users can select any of the available recurring payment options from the menu.
- Payment details about the selected recurring profile is visible.
- Trial profile payment details is also available for the users.
- The users can enter the product quantity and do the checkout.
Opencart Marketplace Recurring Profile Support -
For any query or issue please create a support ticket here
You may also check our quality Opencart Extensions.
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Get Started with Cloud- + Features
- * Bugs
- * Updated the Ocmod file for B2B Marketplace
- + Updated for version 3.x.x.x with journal theme patch
- + Added Maxshop theme patch
- + Added filemanage for image upload in profile and add product page
- Admin End Changes
- 1)Marketplace Module configuration setting
- + Commission Calculate On Tax
- + Auto Generate Sku, Meta Description
- + Low Stock Notification
- + Low Stock Quantity
- + Allowed Categories For Seller
- + Allow Seller To Manage Orders
- + Make A seller Review On Only Order Purchase
- + Hide Seller Information
- + Seller's Information At Product Page By Module
- + Low Stock Mail To Seller
- * Sell tab summernote image upload resolved
- 2) Marketplace
- + Admin's products assign to seller features is added in a separate tab in seller profile
- + Admin can create a seller from the backend
- + Admin can create seller review from backend and enable or disable the seller review
- + Admin can approve or disapprove the seller order to manage
- * Partner and vendor name changed to 'seller' in all language files
- * Admin's products assign to seller features is added in a separate tab in seller profile
- * Server end validation added in the backend when admin pay to the seller in the transaction page
- * Custom field issue resolved in the product form page at backend
- Catalog End Changes
- + Seller information added in the product page
- + Low stock and order report added in the dashboard
- * seller information on seller page css resolved
- Admin End Changes
- 1)Marketplace Module configuration setting
- + Marketplace Version Added
- + One extra order tab is created and shipping all order related to this tab
- + Marketplace default image is fixed below the admin mail
- + New option is added "Seller Name In The Cart"
- Description - Seller name will show in the cart pop-up
- * "Customer can contact Sellers" issue fixed
- + New option is added "Product Delete after Seller Delete"
- Description - If seller delete then product will be deleted
- + New option is added "Product Shows after Seller Disable"
- Description - If seller is disabled then product of that seller will not show on the front end
- + New option is added "Seller Can Buy their Product"
- Description - whether seller can buy their own product or not
- + New option is added "Seller List Limit"
- Description How many seller will show in the sell page
- + New option is added "Seller Product List Limit "
- Description How many seller's products will show in the sell page
- 2) Marketplace
- * Pagination Issue on manage shipping solved
- * Location of seller issue solved
- + Separate order page for change order status for each and individual product.
- Catalog End Changes
- * Pagination issue on manage shipping page solved.
- * Shipping CSV format issue solved.
- * Product option on edit product solved.
- + Shipping cost will show on seller invoice if shipping charges go to the seller.
- * List and Grid view after refresh issue solved.
- * Seller product price currency while add or edit product issue solved.
- + Customer can see each end individual ordered product status
- * Order status changed when a seller changes his order status issue is solved.
- + Changed the language flag image path.
- + Passed config currency code in the currency format function at admin end and in catalog end used currency code from the session.
- + Changed tpl file loading format at the catalog end.
- + Used summernote class instead of script at the admin end.