Working for OpenCart since 2010 and contributed to latest stable release v3.0.3.7
Opencart Marketplace Ultimate Shipping
Opencart Marketplace Ultimate Shipping: Using this comprehensive shipping module, the admin and the seller can create customized shipping methods by setting various rules and conditions. The admin and the sellers can apply the shipping conditions on the basis of vendors, categories, products, options, store, country, zone, city, customers group, zip code, coupons, geo zone, days, quantity and many more.
Working for OpenCart since 2010 and contributed to latest stable release v3.0.3.7
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Opencart Marketplace Ultimate Shipping: Opencart Marketplace Ultimate Shipping module will allow the admin to create multiple shipping methods in an ultimate way to their marketplace products. The admin can make as many as shipping methods and can add multiple shipping method rules in it. The sellers can also make methods rules for their product under admin's created shipping methods.
Under the shipping rule, the admin and the seller can apply many conditions and price rules. This module will allow showing many shipping methods at the customer end. The admin and the sellers can apply the shipping conditions on the basis of vendors, categories, products, options, store, country, zone, city, customers group, zip code, coupons, Geo zone, days, quantity and many more. If any of the conditions will false then shipping method will not visible to the customers.
Please Note -
- This module is an add-on of the Marketplace Module. To use this module you must have installed Webkul Opencart Marketplace Module.
- This module supports all templates and themes including the Journal theme.
- Opencart Marketplace Ultimate Shipping module supports the Multi-Store feature of default Opencart.
Features -
- The Admin can add multiple shipping methods.
- Multiple shipping rules can be applied to the shipping method by the admin and the sellers.
- Multiple conditions and price rules can be applied to the shipping rules by the admin and the sellers.
- The admin can add the shipping method name and sub-method name which will show in the front-end.
- The admin can add multiple delivery types for providing the delivery services to their customers.
- The admin can sort the shipping method.
- The admin and the sellers can show the product weight at shipping section to the customers.
- Conditions can be applied to the tax.
- The admin and the seller can apply shipping rule conditions on the Geo zone, country, zone, shipping, vendor, manufacturer, customer group, zip, and coupon.
- The admin can apply vendor rule, category rule, product rule, and product option rule to the shipping conditions.
- The seller can apply category rule, product rule, and product option rule to the shipping conditions.
- The admin and seller can show/hide the shipping price to the buyer.
- The admin and the seller can apply the shipping price on the basis of quantity, weight, volume, dimensional weight, volumetric weight, total, and sub-total.
- The admin and the seller can set the shipping cost for the flat rate.
- The admin and the seller can also set the dimensional/volumetric weight factor in price rules.
- The admin and the seller can also apply the shipping condition on the basis of days of weak, time period, order total range, and quantity range.
- The admin and the seller can define the minimum and the maximum number of days for delivery time of the product.
Marketplace Ultimate Shipping Method
The Admin can create multiple Shipping Methods as per the requirement. The admin can create shipping method rules under the shipping methods. The sellers can create shipping method rules under admin’s created shipping methods. The admin/seller can define conditions of the shipping method rule on the basis of city, zones, stores, products, categories etc.
- The admin/seller can define price rules of shipping method as per their requirement.
- The admin can view all the shipping method rules created by the sellers from the admin panel under Shipping methods.

Shipping Method
Multiple Shipping Methods can be added by the admin. The shipping methods can have multiple shipping method rules in them. The seller can add shipping method rules under admin’s created shipping methods.
- The customer will be able to have options for all the eligible shipping methods and their shipping rules.

Shipping Method Rule
The Shipping Method rule can be added by both the admin and the seller as per their requirement. The shipping method rule has a set of conditions that need to be satisfied for availing the method rule to the customer. Along with the conditions, it also has a definition of the shipping price rule that will be implemented for pricing when the conditions will be satisfied.

Shipping Method Rule Conditions
The condition set in the method rules are the conditions that need to be satisfied completely for making the method rule eligible for any purchase. The conditions of a method rule can be defined on the basis of three main categories of conditions.
- Standard Conditions – It includes condition configuration on the basis of the store, country, zone, city, zip code rules, etc.
- Category/Product Condition – It includes condition configuration on the basis of Categories, Products, etc.
- Extra Conditions: In addition to the above two condition sets, the admin/seller can define more conditions on the basis of weekdays, time duration, order total, etc.

Shipping Method Price Rule
The price rule of the shipping methods are the set of actions regarding price calculation of the shipping method rule. The price rule comes into action after all the shipping method rule conditions are satisfied. The Shipping method price rule can be configured on the basis of many factors such as :
- Flat: The shipping price can be a fixed amount.
- Quantity: Total quantity of product(s) of the shopping cart(means cart products grouped according to the seller and admin).
- Weight: Total weight of all the product(s) of the shopping cart(means cart products grouped according to the seller and admin).
- Volume: Total volume of all the product(s) of the shopping cart(means cart products grouped according to the seller and admin).
- Total: Total price amount of all the product(s) including tax.
- Sub-Total: Total price amount of all the product(s) excluding tax.
* Method Only: Applicable if a category or product rule is active.

Support -
For any query or issue please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com/
You may also check our quality Opencart Extensions.
Recent Reviews
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Very good shipping plugin to Opencart works well, Support fixed my problem completely and quickly.
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Get Started with Cloud- + Features
- - Bugs
- * Fixed git issues in OC version 3.x.x.x
- + Added Coupon, Gift Voucher, Store Credits, and Reward Points in Order Total.
- * Fixed issues.
- + Add Multi Store Features.
- * Fixed git issues.
- * changed database table feild type and Made theme patch for theme75
- * for oc version 2.3.x.x
- * Resolved the language issue in 3.x
- * Added OCMOD and JS file for journal3 theme for OC_2.3.x.x VERSION
- * Updated OCMOD and JS file for journal3 theme for OC_3.x.x VERSION
- * Resolved row issue of the Price Calculation For Range and Block tab in the price rule.
- * Git issue fixed
- * Git language changed
- * Git issues fixed
- * Ocmod updated
- * Fixed All git issues
- * Fixed v2.3 issues
- * Fixed v3.0, v2.3, v2.0 issues
- * Fixed v2.3 issues
- * Git issues fixed #161, #160, #158
- * Git issues fixed
- * Minor issue fixed in ocmod v3
- * fixed issue group seller products price v3
- * Updated for all versions
- * small issue fixed
- * git issues fixed
- * git issues fixed #135, #136, #145, #147, #148, #149, #151, #152, #155, #156, #157
- * git issues fixed #148
- + Code added for marketplace separate seller view.
- + journal3 patch added
- + made compatible with marketplace multi-shipping module
- * Fixed issue for calculating shipping on Total weight range of float values.
- + Added compatibility modification file for journal2 theme Quick Checkout
- * limit removed as seller method was getting removed from the seller end after saving module setting at the admin end
- + journal2 patch added
- * Fixed the issue of adding the module's menu in the marketplace menu list at the seller's end.
- + Updated for opencart version 3.x.x.x
- * Shipping related issue bug fixed
- + Journal 2 patch added
- * Shipping-related issue bug fixed
- * Shipping-related issue bug fixed for weight-based
- * Shipping-related issue bug fixed
- + Shipping rule added at seller end
- + Module added