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    PreOrder Controller for Shopify

    Pre-order Controller for Shopify: A simplified solution to add products for preorder and let customers preorder “out of stock” and “newly launched” products either by paying the partial preorder amount or full amount. Products that are currently not in stock can be added as preorder products on your Shopify store and customers can pre-order them. Now, once the products get back in stock, the customers will get notified via email.

    PreOrder Controller for Shopify PreOrder Controller for Shopify PreOrder Controller for Shopify PreOrder Controller for Shopify PreOrder Controller for Shopify PreOrder Controller for Shopify
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    Shopify PreOrder Controller: Shopify pre order plugin allows the merchants to add preorder products (“out of stock” products, pre-launched products) to their Shopify store and let customers preorder the products even if the product goes out of stock. The customer will get notified via email once the item comes back in stock.

    The customer can either pay the partial or full amount to preorder the “out of stock” products. You need to configure the payment types as “Full”, “Partial” or “Both”. Accordingly, the payment options will be shown to the customers on the product description page of your website.

    Shopify pre order plugin allows the merchant to select whether he/she wants to allow customers a single product or multiple products at checkout to pre-order. If you select the single product checkout option, the customer will be able to pre-order only one product at a time. With the pre-order option on Shopify, the customer will simply select a product & proceed to checkout to pre-order it.

    If you configure the multi-product checkout, the customers will be able to add more than one product to the cart & proceed to pre-order more than one product at a time.

    Highlighted Features

    • Shopify pre order plugin enables “Automatic PreOrder” option for the seller’s products.
    • Upcoming launches can be added as “Pre-Order Product”.
    • Set start and end date on pre-order option on Shopify.
    • Manage partial fulfillment for pre-order products using Shopify preorder controller.
    • Configure the storefront labels and email templates with ease.
    • Send email notifications once the product is back in stock.
    • Let customers view the complete pre-order details from their "My Account" section.
    • Pre-order option on Shopify offers multiple pre-order products to checkout for the customers.
    • Let customers preorder more than one product at a time using Shopify pre order plugin.
    • Auto-inject codes in one click.

    Why Need Shopify PreOrder Plugin?

    The Shopify preorder controller helps the merchant to create buzz and build momentum before a product launch. Most importantly, it facilitates the merchants to earn even before releasing the product. The Preorder Controller app helps the merchant to achieve this. Integrating the pre-order option on Shopify allows the customers to reserve their products in advance and make sales.

    • A smart way to sell "out of product" inventories: Know the demand for certain products even before launching them or putting them back in stock using Shopify preorder controller.
    • Raise store revenue before the product comes out: Shopify preorder controller guarantees the merchant a certain raise in revenue and makes parallel sales.
    • Great Marketing Strategy for Pre-released products: Generate a buzz about the upcoming launches on his store, whether on social media or by other advertising modes.

    Advantages of Selling products on PreOrder

    • Amazing Marketing Strategy concerning Pre-released products: Setting products up for pre-order can be a smart tactic to introduce your brand & create a buzz in the market.
    • Manage “Out of Stock” inventories effortlessly: If a product is pre-ordered multiple times even if it is not in stock, one can estimate that the product would be in high demand once it gets back in stock.
    • A solution to unsold stocks: If you have unsold stocks in your store, Shopify preorder controller allow customers to pre-order them by supporting a partial payment option.
    • Boost store revenue before the product comes out: Get an outstanding way to earn from your online store even before getting the products live. This will help to lift the sales performance of your website.

    Benefits of PreOrder Option on Shopify for Merchant

    • The merchant can add products for pre-order in a few clicks using Shopify pre order plugin.
    • Products that are about to launch can be added as “Pre-Order Products”.
    • The merchant can configure the payment type for the Preorder products from the app.
    • Set Partial as well as full payment type can be configured in the app and let customers select one at the tail of preorder.
    • You can choose whether you want to allow customers to pre-order a single product or multiple products at checkout.
    • Frontend labels can easily be configured via Shopify preorder controller app.
    • The merchant can configure availability of countdown timer on the preorder products in the app.
    • Moreover, the merchant can configure the quantity limit for customers to preorder a product.
    • Configure the time when you want to send the email to the customer once the preorder starts.
    • Select the customers to whom you wish to send the pre-order emails.
    • Same products can be preordered again from the customer "My Account" section.

    Benefits of Shopify PreOrder for Customers

    • Offer the most simplified way for the customers to preorder "out of stock" products.
    • Let customers know the demanding products on your store.
    • Let the customers preorder the product again in one click.
    • Pre-order option on Shopify help customers to preorder more than one product at a time.
    • Partial payment option available for the customers for preorder.
    • Customers will receive the reminder email to pay the remaining amount in case of partial payment.

    Complete Features

    • Sell products on preorder using pre-order option on Shopify
    • Add and auto-publish products for preorder.
    • Configure date and time for preorder.
    • Partial payment option available for customers to pay for preorder.
    • Manage preorder configurations including email templates.
    • Single as well as multi-product checkout available.
    • Send reminder emails to customers in case of partial payment.
    • Limit the product quantity allowed for preorder.
    • Allow customers to preorder more than one product at a time.
    • Show the "Pay Balance" button on the customer "My Account" page.
    • Send email to customers once the preorder ends on products.
    • Show preorder timer on the product as well as collection page.
    • Have a dedicated page to list all the pre-order products.
    • Integrated with the Multi-vendor Marketplace app.
    • Preorder is compatible with the Multi-vendor split cart and slot pricing feature apps.


    For any query or issue please create a support ticket here

    You may also check our other top-quality Shopify Apps.


    Product Version
    Released4 years ago
    Last UpdatedDecember 28, 2022 (2 years ago)
    Supported VersionsShopify  
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    What is the purpose of PreOrder Controller App for Shopify?
    Using PreOrder Controller app, admin can earn profit on his/her products even before releasing it. You as an admin can add PreOrder products and customers can order them by paying the partial or full preOrder amount.

    How to add PreOrder Products?
    You can follow the below procedure to add PreOrder Products: Shopify Pre-order>>Visit "Pre-order Product" section>>On the Pre-order listing page, click on "Add Product" button>>Select any product>>Enter the preorder details>>Save it or click on "Publish Now" button. In this way you can add PreOrder Products on your Shopify store.

    How to uninstall the PreOrder Controller app?
    To uninstall the app, you need to remove the app from the "Apps" menu of your Shopify Store. Go to your Shopify store backend>> Visit the "Apps" section >> Here click the "Delete" button to uninstall the PreOrder Controller app. NOTE:- As soon as you remove/uninstall/delete the app on your Shopify store, we will send you an email asking you to allow us to delete app-related data from our end. Kindly confirm the same. MARK:- Before uninstalling the app, please make sure to remove the app-related code from Configure Front End menu in the app.

    Can I add PreOrder to Out of Stock Products?
    Yes. Using Pre-Order Controller App, you can also add PreOrder to the product which goes out of stock. And once the customer will order that product, he/she needs to enter his/her email ID to get notified once the product will come in stock.

    How to set the conditions to receive the PreOrder payment from customers?
    Admin needs to set the payment condition at the time of adding any PreOrder product. To set the Conditions for receiving the PreOrder payment, you need to follow certain steps: Go to App section>>Visit PreOrder Products section>>Click on Add Product>>Visit "Conditions to receive Pre-order Payment" section. Here, You can select any of the payment types as "Full", "Partial" or "Both" which is directly visible to the customers at the time of pre-order. If you set the payment type as "Partial", you need to choose either fixed or percentage amount.

    How the customer will know once his/her preordered product comes in stock?
    If the customer finds the product gets out of stock, he/she will get an option to enter his/her Email ID on Product Description Page. And Once the Product will come in stock, the customer will get notification on the same ID given by him/her. And then, customer can Preorder that product.

    How do the customers make the pre-order payment?
    Once the Customer visits the Product page to preOrder any product, he/she will get an option to select the Payment Type as "Partial" or "Full" payment as configured by the admin. If the Customer select the payment type as "Full", he/she needs to pay the complete PreOrder amount at the same time. If he/she selects the Payment type as "Partial", two orders will be placed on your Shopify store as you will get the total pre-order amount in two different phases from that customer.

    Is it possible to end PreOrder on any Product?
    Yes. You can End preOrder on any product from PreOrder Products section of the app. You can follow the Procedure for the same: Shopify PreOrder App>>Visit "PreOrder products" section>>Click on Edit Preorder(in Action menu)>>Scroll down to get the End Preorder button>>Click on it to end preorder on that product.

    Is it required for customers to have an account on Shopify store to use this app?
    Yes. Customers need to have an account on admin's Shopify store to order any preorder product using this app i.e. Customer's Accounts are required.

    How can I receive the Partial Payments for the Pre-Order, ie. how the second order for partial payments is generated?
    Yes. Customers need to have an account on admin's Shopify store to order any preorder product using this app i.e. Customer's Accounts are required.

    Is it required for customers to have an account on the Shopify store to use this app?
    In case of Partial Payment, you will receive the complete order amount in two different phases. The Customer pays the 1st order amount while pre-ordering the product. Now in the "my account" section of the customer on the Shopify store, he will get the order listing for all the pre-orders. He can pay the remaining amount as the "pay" button would be shown next to the partial pre-orders. Now Once the Customer pays the remaining amount for PreOrder, You will be notified of the same via mail and thus the status will be shown as "Fully Paid" in the app.

    How to get in touch with the experts of PreOrder App?
    You can also write us at [email protected] in case of any query regarding this app.

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