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    PrestaShop Custom Product Rating

    PrestaShop Custom Product Rating module offers customers to provide rating & reviews on the products they have purchased.

    • Let your customers provide their valuable feedback and rating over their already purchased product.

    • Customers can upload multiple images/videos while reviewing the product.

    • Helps other customers to decide about their purchase based on rating and reviews.

    • Allow or restrict your customers to edit their ratings afterwards.

    • Choose to automatically approve the customer reviews.

    • Offer vouchers to the customers who gave reviews on products.

    • Choose to allow partial use of vouchers received by customers on providing reviews.

    • Notify customers via mail to remind him/her to give a review.

    • Choose to receive a mail whenever a customer gives review on any product.

    Note: PrestaShop Custom Product Rating module is compatible with PrestaShop framework version 8.x.x.


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    PrestaShop Custom Product Rating - "Ratings and Reviews are an increasingly important part of the purchase journey for online consumers.".

    With this module, customers can rate their bought products which will be displayed on the product page for reference for other buyers. A reward voucher for the customers for giving the product review further helps admin in generating more traffic to the store and thus increasing sales conversion.

    Note: This Module is MultiShop Compatible

    PrestaShop Custom Product Ratingt

    Highlighted Features

      Product Rating

    Customers get a tool to provide their feedback on the products they bought.

      Character Limit

    Limit the character count to provide reviews on products.


    Choose to automatically approve the customer reviews of products.

      Offer Voucher

    Offer a discount voucher to customer on successfully providing a review.

    PrestaShop Custom Product Rating Features -

    • Customers can rate the products that they have purchased.
    • Admin can enable/disable auto-approval of customer ratings.
    • Also, the admin can allow/restrict customers to edit their ratings.
    • Admin can select multiple order statuses on which customers will be able to post a review.
    • Also, the admin can choose whether the comment fields will be mandatory for the user to fill in.
    • Admin can set the limit for character count for comments.
    • Also, the admin can set the number of reviews to be displayed on the product page.
    • Admin can select the position to display top-rated products.
    • Customers can upload multiple images/videos while reviewing the product.
    • Admin can enable/disable the partial use of the voucher.
    • Customers can give feedback on the other customer’s reviews.
    • Admin can configure the upload settings from the backend.
    • Also, the admin can delete the attached image/video with the review from the backend.
    • The admin can rate the product on behalf of the customer.
    • Admin can enable/disable the auto-approval of the reward voucher.
    • Admin can add multiple feature values for the customer to rate.
    • Customers can rate the product features also.
    • Customers can add the review from the product page itself.
    • The admin can set the value of the voucher in terms of percentage or a fixed amount.
    • Admin can set the minimum cart total required to apply a voucher.
    • Admin can approve or cancel the voucher.

    Upload Image/video

    The customers can upload the images and videos in their feedback, to show the real experience of bought product in reviews which also helps to other users to know about the product.

    Upload Image/video

    Give rewards to customers

    Encourage your customers for submitting a review by giving them a discount voucher for each rating & review. Define a timeline for the voucher under which it needs to be used for buying other products & decide the amount of voucher according to the price of the product on which customer has given rating & review.

    Give rewards to customers

    Notify Customers

    Upon rating a product, an email notification is sent to the customer about the rating. if the admin has enabled voucher creation on submitting a review, then another email notification confirming the same would also be sent to the customer.

    Notify Customers

    Feedback on reviews

    The other users can give the feedback on the reviews already posted by the customers which will help the users to know if the mentioned information was helpful for them or not.

    Feedback on reviews

    PrestaShop Custom Product Rating Support -

    For any query or issue, please create a support ticket here

    You may also check our other top-quality PrestaShop Add-ons.


    Product Version6.0.3
    Released7 years ago
    Last UpdatedJanuary 27, 2025 (13 days ago)
    Supported VersionsPrestaShop  1.7.x.x​  8.x.x  
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    Frequently Asked Questions

     Is this module MultiShop compatible?
    Yes, the module is MultiShop Compatible.
     Is there an option to limit the number of reviews a customer can give per order?
    The customer can rate each product in the order separately. However, the customers can only rate a product once in the order, irrespective of the quantity being purchased of that product.
     How many images a customer can upload to give a review of a product?
    The customer can upload multiple images/videos to review a product. However, the admin can manage the upload size of images and videos from the back office.
     Do we need to approve every review to post it on the product page?
    The admin can choose to approve the reviews manually or auto-approve the review while configuring the module.
     Can a customer give a review without buying the product?
    The customers can give reviews to the products only after buying the products and the status of the order should be the same as set by the admin while configuring the module.

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