Prestashop Postal Code Wise Shipping
Prestashop Postal Code Wise Shipping: Are you one of those merchants who want to keep different shipping costs for different locations. Now easily achieve this with the help of this module and add shipping prices based on the postal codes. Store owners can also set impact price on the shipping amount based on the weight, volume and quantity of the package. Buyer can observe the change in the shipping price with the change in postal code in the cart itself.
Note: Prestashop Postal Code Wise Shipping module is compatible with PrestaShop framework version 8.x.x.
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Prestashop Postal Code Wise Shipping - Postal Code Wise Shipping module helps store owners to manage shipping according to the postal code of buyers address. Set impact price on the shipping amount based on the weight, volume and quantity of the package. Buyer can see how the change in shipping amount with the change in postal code. It also helps the merchants to add several postal codes in one go by uploading a CSV of the postal code list.

Prestashop Postal Code Wise Shipping Features -
- Set impact price on the existing shipping rates based on postal code for a particular zone/country.
- Set impact price on shipping rates either for a particular postal code or for a range of postal code.
- Select either to increase or decrease the impact price from the shipping price of the carrier.
- Select the impact behavior, that is, in a case when more than one impact price is applying on one postal code which impact should be applicable.
- Add tax on the impact price.
- Select whether to apply maximum or minimum impact or combine the impacts in a case when more than one impact price is applying on one postal code.
- View the list of impact prices created postal code wise.
- The buyer can view the shipping price according to the postal code of their delivery address.
- Admin can add upload various postal codes at a time through CSV files and thus save time.
- After uploading CSV file of postal codes, the admin can view the list of postal codes added.
- Admin can download the CSV file at any time for future reference.
- Add impact price on the basis of weight, volume & quantity of the package.
- Set impact price on the basis of the total price of the order inclusive and exclusive of tax.
- Upload a CSV file with the above parameters to add impact price for multiple locations in one go.
- A clear button is added to delete all the uploaded CSV logs.
Postal Code wise impact price -
- Option to enable or disable the impact price.
- Select the zone in which the carrier impact will be applicable.
- Select the country in which the carrier impact will be applicable.
- Option to set the impact price on a partcular postal code or range of postal code.
- Option to select the increment type that is "increase" or "decrease"
- Option to enter the specific imapct price.

Upload Csv file for Postal Codes -
- Option to upload various postal codes at a time through csv files and thus save time.
- After csv upload of postal codes, you can view the list of postal codes added in the "Manage postal code wise shipping" tab.
- Option to download the csv file at any time for future reference.

Impact Behaviour -
Now for any impact price added, be it for a particular postal code or for a range of postal code, admin selects the Impact behavior. When postal code of a particular buyers delivery address falls under several impact prices added, Admin can define whether the impact behavior applicable will be maximum, minimum or combine For a particular postal code (10001 as in our example) there are two impacts available
If the admin selects «Minimum Impact Price» in the Impact behavior field. So in case when more than one impact price is available for a particular postal code, the impact price with minimum value gets applied.
If the admin selects «Maximum Impact Price» in the Impact behavior field. So in case when more than one impact price is available for a particular postal code, the impact price with maximum value gets applied.
PrestashopPostal Code Wise Shipping Support -
For any query or issue please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com
You may also check our other top-quality PrestaShop Extensions.
Recent Reviews
Write a reviewGreat Support and service
I was testing one of their products "Prestashop Zip Code Wise Shipping" and battled to get it working. After numerous interactions I eventually won. The patience of the agents and their assistance was fantastic. This was my second purchase form Webkul and on both occasions their support was could not be faulted. Looking at purchasing addition modules form them
Their assistance was fantastic.
I was testing one of their products "Prestashop Zip Code Wise Shipping" and battled to get it working. After numerous interactions I eventually won. The patience of the agents and their assistance was fantastic. This was my second purchase form Webkul and on both occasions their support was could not be faulted. Looking at purchasing addition modules form them
Good Plugin and excellent support
I am busy setting up an eCommerce site. I was testing the Webkul Prestashop Postal Code Wise Shipping module and made some errors configuring it on their live demo. I had to raise numerous queries with them. Their response time was great and the detail of assistance was excellent. Highly recommend Webkul
Un module efficace
Un module efficace et parfaitement adapté à la période actuelle.
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