QloApps GDPR Compliance
QloApps GDPR Compliance | Data Protection and EU Cookie Law : The European Union regulations are effective from 25th May, 2018. This module allows hoterliers to make their hotel reservation website General Data Protection Regulation and EU Cookie Law Compliant.
- Admin can enable or disable the auto-approval of personal data deletion of the customers.
- Configure GDPR email notification settings.
- Configure the position, image, and text of a cookie block at the QloApps website(Front End).
- Set the color of cookie block buttons like accept, manage, next, back and done buttons.
- Enable or disable the display of GDPR agreement checkbox on Customer Registration form, Customer Personal Information form, Customer Contact form and module’s form.
- Customers can download their personal data on the website in PDF format.
- Customers can email their personal data to their desired email address and they can update their personal (address) information.
- Customers can access, update, and delete their personal data on the website whenever they want.
- It supports QloApps version 1.2.0 to 1.5.2 (latest).
- Description
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- Specifications
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- Changelog
QloApps GDPR Compliance | Data Protection & EU Cookie Law - This module allows hoterliers to make their hotel reservation website General Data Protection Regulation and EU Cookie Law Compliant. Customers can access, update, and delete their personal data on the website whenever they want.
- Admin can enable or disable the display of GDPR agreement checkbox on various customer integration forms.
- Admin can configure the position, image, and text of a cookie block at the Front End.
- Admin can manage all the requests placed by the customer for data erasure.
- Admin can download or delete the personal data of a customer.
- The customers will receive an email notification regarding the confirmation of data deletion.
- The customers will receive an email notification with the attached PDF file containing the updated personal information.
- Admin can manage cookies and cookie categories.
- Admin can control module functionalities through cookies.
- Customers can accept or reject cookies related to the module.
Note: The minimum compatible version of QloApps for the GDPR compliance module is 1.2.0
If you want to learn how to launch your free hotel website with the help of QloApps then Click here.

Highlighted Features
Display of GDPR agreement checkbox
Admin can enable/ disable the display of GDPR agreement checkbox on Customer Registration Form, Customer’s Contact Form, Module’s form and Customer’s Personal Information Form.
Customer can make request regarding his data
It gives top priority to customer’s requests and updates and deletes the personal account data at their requests.
Customer request statuses
The admin can change the status of customer requests (pending, processing, complete and decline)
Constant update through mails
On a data request from the customer, the admin will receive mail and when the status is updated by an admin, the customer will receive mail.
QloApps GDPR Compliance | Data Protection & EU Cookie Law Features -
- This module allows the admin to make his website General Data Protection Regulation Compliant.
- This module allows the admin to comply with EU cookie law.
- Admin can enable/disable the auto-approval of personal data deletion of the customers.
- The Admin can configure GDPR email notification settings.
- Admin can configure the position, image, and text of a cookie block at the Front End.
- Set the color of cookie block buttons like accept, manage, next, back and done buttons.
- The Admin can enable/disable the display of the GDPR agreement checkbox on the Customer Registration form.
- Admin can enable/disable the display of the GDPR agreement checkbox on the Customer Personal Information Form.
- The Admin can enable/disable the display of the GDPR agreement checkbox on the Customer Contact Form.
- Admin can enable/disable the display of the GDPR agreement checkbox on the module’s form.
- The customers can download their personal data on the website in PDF format.
- Customers can email their personal data to their desired email address
- The customers can update their personal/address information.
- The Customers can access, update, and delete their personal data on the website.
- Admin can manage all the requests placed by the customer for data erasure.
- Admin can download or delete the personal data of a customer.
- The customers will receive an email notification regarding the confirmation of data deletion.
- The customers will receive an email notification with the attached PDF file containing the updated personal information.
- Admin can manage cookies and cookie categories.
- Admin can control module functionalities through cookies.
- Customers can accept or reject cookies related to the module.
Admin’s Control over data
The admin has complete control and a wide range of options.
- Auto-deletion of a customer's personal data may be enabled or disabled
- The GDPR arrangement content can be customised.
- Personalize the Cookie block to suit your needs.
Status update notification
Admin can change the status of customer request:
- Pending- When a customer sends a request for deleting or updating data, the request is set to pending.
- Processing-Processing means notifying the customer that the request has been submitted and that we are working on it.
- Fulfilled-Fulfilled indicates that the customer's request has been completed.
- Decline-When an admin chooses to decline a request by rejecting it
The admin will receive an email for each update request.
Cookie Notice Block
A default cookie static block is generated immediately after the module is enabled. This block will display on every page. You can customize the cookie block by mix-matching colour, image and content of the block. The position of the cookie block may be set to the bottom left or bottom right by the admin.
Personal data control
Customers have total control over their personal data.
- Personal data access- Customers can download their personal data in PDF format from the website or send it to their preferred email address.
- Personal data rectification- Customers can update their personal information, address information, or some other information on the website.
- Personal Data Erasure – Customers can request for deletion of their personal data deletion from the website.
Cookies Management:
- As per General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), you must inform your customers that your website uses cookies.
- Customers have the choice of disabling some or all cookies.
- Hence, to implement the cookies management on QloApps website, hoteliers must define Manage Cookie Categories, Manage Cookies, and Manage Module Cookies tabs.
Manage Cookie Categories:
Hoteliers first need to create a cookie category by defining below parameters:
- Active: Yes
- Category Name: Enter a unique cookie category name.
- Category Description: Write description of the cookie category here.
Manage Cookies:
Hoteliers can create a new cookie from this tab by defining below parameters:
- Active: Yes
- Cookie Category: From this dropdown, select the cookie category.
- Cookie Type: Select the QloApps core cookie or QloApps module cookie.
- Cookie Technical Name: Write a cookie technical name here.
- Display Name: This name will display to website visitors.
- Description: Write description of the cookie here.
- Required: Enable it, If this cookie is necessary.
- Pre-Selected: Enable to select this cookie automatically.
- Cookie Icon: Set cookie icon here which will be displayed at cookie block to website visitors.
Manage Module Cookies:
- All those cookies which are necessary, are created by default.
- Through cookies, we can manage and control module functionalities.
- To do the same, use the help of the Manage module cookie to create cookies and assign them here.
- For instance, I have assigned our room section cookie with the display hotel rooms module.
- On the front end, after the customer has not accepted our room section cookie, the ‘Our Rooms’ block section is removed.
QloApps GDPR Compliance | Data Protection & EU Cookie Law Support -
For any query or issue please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com
;You may also check our other top-quality QloApps Add-ons.
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