Crowdfunding App for Shopify
Shopify Crowdfunding: Shopify Crowdfunding App will allow raising funds for Creative Projects. Admin can provide Gifts/Rewards to the Customer donating the money for the Project.
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Shopify Crowdfunding App
This app lets you create crowdfunding campaigns on your Shopify store. You can easily raise funds for your venture/project. Crowdfunding is a good way of collecting funds from the masses and helping yourself with financing a new project or venture.
A process of raising Funds/Money from the mass for a Project/Venture/Donation, where the Owner explains and informs about the Idea of the Project and sets the Budget which will be required for the Completion. Then the people contribute towards the Project if they feel that the Project/Cause is worthy enough.
Apart from that, you can also add the risks and the challenges that you’ll face or are facing while running the particular crowdfunding campaign. These are some good ways to gain the attention of your audience.
Features of the app:
- Manage product stats: This app is very well programmed and on the home page it displays all the stats of ongoing projects, their progress, and much more.
- Manage and create projects: You can create projects and campaigns about the issues and ideas you want to raise funds for. you are just required to go to add project section and start creating the project/campaign by filling up the details.
- Creation of rewards and donations: From the donation section you can actually set up as many fixed amounts for the customer to choose and pay. Also, you can create rewards from this section which can be a discount coupon or any offer related to your store and much more.
- View Project details: You can view and edit the projects already created. You can view the project details of the project and can also edit them.
- Multiple Projects can be created at a time.
- An Informative Dashboard telling about all the current Campaigns/Projects with recent Notifications.
- Admin can write create multiple Campaigns/Projects.
- Admin can set a Reward Amount for the People making the donations.
- It's up to the Admin/Store Owner, whether the Project Donation Progress is to be shown on StoreFront or not.
- Easy to install with a simple interface.
Is it worth starting a crowdfunding website?
In days gone by, Crowdfunding was seen as a niche segment in the eCommerce industry. However, a recent research report flipped this by stating:
The Global Crowdfunding market was valued at 10.2 billion USD in 2018 and is expected to reach 28.8 billion USD by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of 16% between 2018 and 2025. View full report.
The recent increase in popularity of Kickstarter and its contemporaries like Indiegogo, Crowdfunder, GoFundMe, etc had propelled the finance model of the crowdfunding business completely into the mainstream business. People have started taking it seriously & are running a successful business around it.
NGOs or local businesses who are looking to start their crowdfunding projects lookup for a platform where they can start instantly. Money being the constraint for them, they prefer already established, go-to-use platforms rather than building their own from scratch.
How to use this app effectively:
Install the app & complete the basic configurations:
- General Configuration: From this section of the configuration, you can manage the general settings like configuring your business email id, displaying the donation detail, and much more.
- Label Configuration: From this section of the configuration, you can change all the front-end labels and make them as per your requirement.
- Theme Configuration: To change the color of the theme for the frontend display use this theme configuration section.
- Mail Configuration: From here, the admin can configure the mail send to the bidding winners.
Add projects: This process involves three stages.
- Project Detail
- Donation & Reward
- Additional Detail
Your Projects can be of two types:
- Normal Projects
- Customer Choice Projects: Bidding feature: In this Bidding Feature, You as a project owner can add new Projects, make multiple project options and add rewards on them for the customers. Once done, Customers can bid on any of the Project Options and can view the Donations & Rewards set on each option.
Add the crowdfunding project:
- Select “Project Type” as Customer Choice.
- Enter the Project’s Title and Images.
- Enter the Project’s Goal Amount i.e. the Total amount you need to complete the project.
- Set the Project Duration i.e. No of days up to which project will be in running state or end date of the project.
- Lastly, enter the Project Description.
Tell your story to promote your cause:
A good influential story will help you make an impact on your audience to make the donation.
The app lets you add a description to your crowdfunding project. You can try to make your story/description as enthralled as you can. Give it a human touch so that people can really relate to it.
Moreover, you can add images and videos to your project. Apart from that, you can also add the risks and the challenges that you’ll face or are facing while running the particular crowdfunding campaign. These are some good ways to gain the attention of your audience.
Reward your donators:
A good way to make your audience come again is to reward them for contributing to your cause. This will not only help you gain a new audience with enthusiasm to donate but will keep your current donators intact.
Just like the Crowd Funding app which lets you add rewards for donating a certain amount.
Backers can add comments:
You can now allow backers to add comments on the projects while donating for the projects. You need to enable the option in the app.
Donate anonymously:
You can enable this option if you want to display the backer’s name as an anonymous commenter on the product page.
Demo of the Shopify Crowdfunding App:
You can check this link for the frontend demo: https://crowdfunding-demo.myshopify.com/pages/demo. For backend access, kindly request one by dropping an email at [email protected]
If you need any kind of support/consultancy then please raise a ticket at http://webkul.uvdesk.com/ or reach out to us via email at [email protected]
Note: Crowdfunding app is not integrated with Multi Vendor Marketplace App for Shopify. With this integration, allow your marketplace sellers/vendors to add crowdfunding projects/campaigns and raise funds for a cause. Check out the details here.
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