Akeneo Auto SKU Generator
With the help Akeneo Auto SKU generator, the merchants can generate the SKU automatically in Akeneo. It helps the merchants to save lots of time and manual work to generate the SKU in Akeneo.
- It will work for product and product variants in Akeneo to generate the product SKU.
- It will reduce the duplicity of the products.
- The Akeneo Auto SKU generator will save time and reduces manual work.
- It will be helpful in generating thousand of SKUs in less time which will increase productivity.
- Users can generate the SKU for simple and variant both types of products.
- The user can set the pattern for generating the SKU.
- The user can predefine the prefix and suffix to generate the SKU.
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Akeneo Auto SKU Generator: With the help of this module, the merchants can generate the SKU automatically in Akeneo. This module will help the merchants to save lots of time and manual work to generate the SKU in Akeneo. If the store owners generate the SKU automatically in Akeneo then they can easily add the other product details and increase the efficiency of creating products. This module will work for product and product variants in Akeneo to generate the product SKU.
Please Note:
- If you want to use this extension on Akeneo EE Serenity mode, please contact us.
- For the Akeneo installation, your Akeneo server should meet these system requirements.
Highlighted Features
Auto generating SKU will contain the prefix and suffix value(depends on the configuration).
Series of Elements
You can pre-determine the series of SKU for your new product, the format supports both letter and numbers.
Use SKU Separator
This module facilitates to choose separators such as " /", "-", " ", "_" "between SKU elements.
Ready to Use
Akeneo auto SKU generator helps to make well-designed and ready to use SKU, that can be used while creation of the product.
How does this module work?
With this module, the user can generate the SKU based on a pattern. The user can enter at least 5 digit number for a pattern and then he has to enter the prefix and suffix for the SKU. When the user will go to create the product, then the Akeneo will automatically generate the SKU of that product based on the configuration. For example, if the user wants to generate the SKU starting from 12345 then he will enter the number, prefix, and suffix in the configuration. After clicking on the create product button, the SKU will be generated like "Prefix/12345/Suffix" and the next SKU will be "Prefix/12346/Suffix". The users can also generate the SKU for variant products. For this, the users can select the attribute like(color, size) on which basis they want to generate the SKU.
Configuring SKU Pattern
An SKU(stock keeping unit) is a unique representation to track the product and differentiate products from another. To pre-define, the pattern of the SKU is a great way to manage the inventory quickly.
Using Akeneo auto SKU generator, you can create the SKU based on the following elements:
- You can pre-set a sequence number.
- You can add the prefix and suffix as well in SKU.
- You can use the SKU based on product attributes such as brand, color, size and much more.
- This module enables users to use a separator between each SKU elements.
Establish an Auto SKU
Having a unique auto SKU delivers fast, efficient, and gives a better understanding of your inventory and customer. While creating the product, you can select or create a series of elements that combine to create the SKU.
- Auto SKU will create based on the Simple select attribute type.
- Auto SKU will also create based on the Text attribute type.
- The attribute type should neither localizable nor scoopable.
- The auto-SKU will not work if the auto SKU serial number is already available.
- You can re-set serial number in the configuration setting.
Unique SKU for Simple/Variant Product
This module generates the auto SKU not only for Simple products even you can create the auto SKU for the variant product also.
- After configuration, you will have a static SKU name on the product creation page.
- Only SKU serial number will increase for the next product.
- Prefix/Suffix will remain the same for each product.
- For both simple/variant product SKU will not have a separate setting.
What are the benefits of using auto SKU generators in Akeneo?
This module will benefit the organization that deals with millions of products that are similar in nature and have a slight change in some product attributes. The user can generate the SKU automatically and after that, they can easily fill other product attributes using the bulk action. There are other benefits of using this module
- It will reduce the duplicity of the products.
- It will save time and reduces manual work.
- The modules will be helpful in generating thousand of SKU in less time that will increase productivity.
- The user can generate the SKU for simple and variant both types of products.
- The user can set the pattern for generating the SKU.
- The user can predefine the prefix and suffix to generate the SKU.
Akeneo 7.0.x Compatible -
- In Akeneo Version 7, SKU is no longer mandatory to create a product and now UUID is the new product identifier. (CE, EE).
- Smoother mapping and faster importing. (CE, EE).
- Tailored export can help to improve the readability of your product information export by defining rounding operations for measurement values. (EE)
- In Akeneo Version 7, you can now map columns in your source data to additional attribute types. (EE)
- Tailored imports help you to clean up your HTML Characters (EE).
- Using Tailored imports, we can find and replace specific words in Text and Text Area Attributes. (EE).
- Now we are creating a table attribute you can take advantage of measurement. (EE).
- Now we can use reference entities as a column type in the table attribute(EE).
For any query or issue please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com/
Frequently Asked Questions
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In our default configuration we will provide tremendous configuration for your eCommerce Website which is fast to load and response.
Default Configuration Details of Server
- 1 GB RAM
- 1 Core Processor
- 30 GB Hard Disk
- DB with 1 GB RAM and 1 Core Processor
* Server Configuration may vary as per application requirements.
Want to know more how exactly we are going to power up your eCommerce Website with Cloud to fasten up your store. Please visit the Cloudkul Services.
Get Started with Cloud- + Features
- - Bugs
- Compatible with Akeneo CE 7.x.x
- Compatibility with akeneo 6.
- Compatible with Composer.
- Added Support Tab.
- Added Composer Installation.
- Improved the Manual Installation.
- Added Uninstallation Command
- Compatibility with akeneo 5.
- Repeated SKU Issue
- translation issue fixed.
- Compatible with Akeneo 4 enterprise edition.
- + Compatibility with Akeneo 4.
- + Separator selection option provided
- + SKU prefix continuously added issue fixed
- + Auto Generate Sku from user-defined number.
- + Create Sku with added attributes(text, select)
- + Create Sku with Prefix and suffix
- + Sku separator during creating unique SKU on behalf of options(attributes, prefix, and suffix).