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Marketplace Auction for WordPress WooCommerce
1 Review(s)


Marketplace Auction for WordPress WooCommerce:  The WooCommerce Marketplace Auction plugin will enable the auction feature in the marketplace. Using this sellers and the admin can add auction in their products and the buyers can bid on their products. By using this plugin, the admin, and the sellers can add four types of auctions which are standard, incremental, automatic, and reserve auction.

Please Note:

Highlighted Features

 Add Auctions

Both the admin and sellers can add standard, incremental, automatic and reverse auctions.

 Placing Bids

The customers can place standard as well as automatic bids.

 Display Bidders and their Prices

The admin has the leverage to display bidders and their bidding prices.

 Auction Winner

The admin can view the name of the winner who has won the bid.

What is the use of this Module?

Marketplace Auction is beneficial for admin, seller, and customer. Facilitates admin to advance the marketplace with an innovative feature and generate more revenue. It simplifies the sales process and drives more traffic. Offers sellers and customers with new selling and purchasing options. Accelerates the trade and creates competition among buyers.

Facilitates the customer for smart purchasing at reasonable pricing. Hence use the WordPress WooCommerce Marketplace Auction plugin to enable the auction feature in the marketplace. Using this seller and the admin can add auction in their products. Furthermore, the buyer can bid on their products.

 Marketplace Auction to Boost Revenue

Allow marketplace sellers and customers with new selling and purchasing method. The admin can set standard, incremental, automatic, reserve auction. These auctions can be enabled or disabled by the admin.

  • The admin can easily configure all 4 types of auction.
  • Email Notification options can also be enabled or disabled by the admin.
  • The admin can set the background color of the auction details table.

 Accelerates the Sale Using the Auction

The seller can view the products which are listed under auction by clicking on Manage Auction. The seller can add auction from here. Increment Option and Automatic Option can also be enabled or disabled by a seller.

  • The seller can easily add auction on the product by selecting a product name, entering starting price, reserve price, start time, stop time, number of days till winner can buy, and minimum and maximum quantity.
  • The seller can also change the status of an auction.
  • The seller can also view normal and automatic bid list.

 Reasonable Price to Win Auction

A customer can easily identify and can place a bid for it on the product page. The automatic bid can also be placed by the customer if enabled by the admin in the backend. After winning the auction the customer will be notified by email and can purchase the product.

  • The customer can easily find the bid list and auction details.
  • The customer will be notified by email after winning the auction.
  • Also, the customer can purchase the product as per the minimum and maximum quantity specified by the admin.

 Online Auction for Marketplace

Allows admin to advance the marketplace with an auction feature and get more orders. The admin can edit the auction as well. Normal bid and the automatic bid can also be viewed by the admin.

  • Facilitates the admin to view action lits.
  • Add an auction by entering all the required details.
  • The admin can also edit the auction.

Automatic Auction Option

Facilitates the admin to automate auction options and reduce repetitive tasks. As per the requirement, the admin can select yes/no to enable/disable the particular feature.

  • Enable automatic auction price.
  • Customers can change auto bid price for multiple times.
  • Use internal price in the automatic auction.
  • Show automatic price, bidder name, bidder details, and outbid message.

Email Notification

Additionally, this module allows the admin to auto-send email notification based on the performed event.

  • Allows to auto-send the email notification to admin when the buyer won the auction.
  • Enable auto-send email notification to notify the seller when the buyer won the auction.
  • Send email notification to outbid buyers.
  • Auto-send notification to the winner.

 Marketplace Auction for WordPress WooCommerce Features -

  • Seller can perform Bulk action.
  • Compatibility with WooCommerce HPOS feature.
  • The admin/customers can see the auction bid list and automatic auction bid list.
  • The admin can see the winner name for the auction.


For any query or issue, please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com/

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based on 1 reviews
Posted On - November 30, 2017
Customer Support
Plugin works as described and Customer Support is AWESOME!
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Firefox 5+Google Chrome 14+Internet Explorer 7Internet Explorer 8Internet Explorer 9Opera 11Safari 5
6 years ago
Last Updated
3 months ago
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