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WordPress Mobile App Builder Gone are the days when we have to reach out to our system and type the keywords that we wish to find. Now everything has become handy and easy to reach through a small device known as the mobile phone. After developing magnificent applications for various M-commerce platform this time Webkul has developed an application for Blogs on WordPress.

WordPress Mobile App Builder is a step to favor the easy reading of WordPress blogs on your mobile phones. With this app, the reader can read a blog on various topics, as per subjects and authors. This app is to ease the WordPress blog reader and increase their interest in the blog as they are accessible from anywhere.

Please Note-  Currently WordPress Mobile App is available for Android platform only, for iOS please contact us to know more.

Highlighted Features of WordPress Mobile App

 Display Famous Topics on Home Page

This mobile app allows you to display the most viewed/famous topics on the Home Page to readers.

 Quick Search

The app offers its reads to look for the desirable topic as per requirement.

 Interactive UI

The app is divided among multiple sections which make it easier for the readers to interact with every component.

 Easily Customizable Application (paid)

The app can be modified as per the requirement as we understand that all businesses have different structures.

Why do we need WordPress Mobile App ?

As the world is moving towards advancement everyone wishes to get the solution in the mobile device. This mobile app will make blogs and knowledgebase content popular and accessible. It will encourage anywhere reading possible with a systemized UI that divides the complete app into various sections that engage readers.

Thus, making the reading fun for the readers and authors can be recognized easily by them. Additionally, with an efficient search, the reader needs not to scroll the whole app to find certain articles rather they can get optimized results.

 Interactive and Informative Homepage

The introductory homepage of the application helps engage the reader with various useful information and interactive features-

  • It has sliding carousels to depict various categories that can contain blogs.
  • It comprises of the Recently viewed posts which will inform readers about the blogs and knowledgebase recently read by them.
  • The Most Viewed section on the home page tells the reader about various famous blogs and knowledgebase written by authors.


The application is encompassed with a search tool by which readers can look for the desired blog and knowledgebase topics. They just need to type the related keywords and multiple suggestions will open up as per the keywords. The major benefits of the search option are-

  • Easy and fast search-The readers need not look at the whole application for a blog and knowledge base, they can just type the topic keyword and see the desired result.
  • Optimized result-The search option takes in input from the user and searches the content from the database thus optimizing your search.

 Category List

WordPress Mobile App Builder works on a very systematized approach providing its reader the blogs in the form of a category list.

This list is said to be order representation of various categories like subjects in which the WordPress blogs are found.

This feature gives the application an ordered view thus increasing the interest of the reader in the application.

 Author List

The application even has a facility by which the reader can read blogs and knowledgebase written by various authors. The author list will display the name of all the authors in a vertical list format which can be helpful for the reader to view. This can be said as a centralized representation of a blog according to the author's name.

  • The reader can even select a favorite author to read the blog and knowledgebase from a single place in a list format.
  • The reader can find various topics for which the author has written blogs and knowledgebase.


This section is to enhance the knowledge of our reader with more content to read from. Knowledgebase section contains brief information on a topic that can be read by our reader in an easier and faster way. Benefits of Knowledgebase-

  • Easy to read- The knowledgebase section contains a small set of questions and answers which can be quickly and easily read by our reader.
  • Select the author of choice- The knowledgebase can be read as per the favorite author which may increase the interest of our reader as they can read more written by the author.
  • Popular knowledgebase can be seen on homepage-The most viewed knowledgebase can be seen on the homepage, this will help the reader
  • The recently viewed knowledgebase-The homepage has a sperate section for recently viewed knowledgebase by the user. This can help the reader to again look at knowledgebase which had been read in the near past.

 WordPress Mobile App Features -

  • The reader can easily read the blog from the application without any extra effort.
  • The reader can find out Recently added topics on the homepage.
  • The reader can view the famous or most viewed topics on the very homepage.
  • The reader can even see the topics as per categories and authors.
  • The reader can even view the categories in the form of an interactive carousel.

Al-Watan Emirati Daily - Readers E-News Access With Android/iOS App

Al-Watan - Now the readers of the Al-Watan Emirati Daily newspaper published in the region of Abu Dabhi can enjoy access to e-news with the Android/iOS app of the publication which allows them to download a copy of the issue of any date as per their choice.

The daily editorial covers all the major news and keeps its readers updated with the ongoing events related to the Economy, Sports International, and Domestic affairs. Since the owners had some unique requirements we custom build the app with features like preferred categories, post comments, and search ads.

Read the complete success story to know more about how Webkul helped simplify the job of an editor who can now manage the news content easily using the WordPress control panel for optimum content management.

WordPress Mobile App : Support

For any query or issue, please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com/

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6 years ago
Last Updated
1 year ago
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Android5.0 and upWordPress5.x.x6.x.x