Webkul Store
Learning Management Marketplace for Magento 2


Learning Management Marketplace for Magento 2: Learning Management System Marketplace for Magento 2 helps the admin to create the course type of product and allow the customer to purchase the courses online. This module facilitates the admin to create multiple trending online courses for the customers to gain knowledge and creates a common platform where both the customers and trainers can communicate at the same time.

For the courses, the admin can create multiple content sections and add new content, such as videos or pdf files under Content and Assignment, respectively. The main focus of using this module is to provide the customer online courses with a common arena where they can look for trending online courses and take the benefit from the same.

Please Note - This is a marketplace add-on, so you need to install Multi Vendor Marketplace for Magento 2 extension first.

Highlighted Features

 Course Product Listing

The seller has the leverage to create courses under a new course type product.

 QnA Segment

This module allows the customer to put up any question regarding the purchased online course(s) that will be showcased as Product Questions Answers.

 Product Reviews

The customers can give relevant reviews for their purchased online courses.

 Supported File

The course type of product supports doc as well as video files.

Why Sell Online Courses with Magento Online Store?

With times things change and as digitization has taken over in this modern era, it has shown its effects in every corner of the society. Having said this, digitization has changed the scenario of how education is carried out nowadays, and yes, here we are talking about online courses.

The distance learning courses have made it compact and easy for the learners and the trainers as both can come and meet a common arena. Most of all, one can impart knowledge and one can gain knowledge through and across their systems, without having to go anywhere.

This feature can be integrated with our online stores in the form of the Learning Management System and the store owner and the marketplace sellers can offer their customers a specific category to display online courses. The customers can choose to buy the desired courses and even refer them to other candidates or aspirants.

LMS E-commerce Marketplace

To provide great user experience, the admin must integrate the Learning Management feature with the website and also provide leverage to the seller to add a course type product to the marketplace.

  • The admin can decide to show or hide the No. of Enrolled Students, Course Section, Course Duration.
  • It also shows the progress bar after the user has purchased the course.
  • Also, the admin can allow the customers to share the courses with their family and friends.

LMS Course

It leverages the admin and the seller to add a course in the form of a video or the doc file for their customers.

  • The admin and the seller both can add the courses under a new product type namely "Course Product".
  • On saving the product details, the course content tab becomes visible.
  • Under the course content, the admin and the seller can add or configure the sections for the course.

Course Type Product

The LMS eases and simplifies the way an e-learning process is carried out without any fuss; choose the course, purchase it, and start learning.

  • The customer can see the number of assignments and the total number of the chapter on the product page. 
  • Also, the course shows the skill level set by the admin or the seller.
  • The total duration of the course, the course language and the number of enrolling students will be visible on the product page.
  • This information helps the customer to know about the course in detail.

Trainers and Learners Interaction

LMS lays a common ground where trainers and learners all around the globe connect in order to impart and gain knowledge.

  • The customers can log in to their accounts and purchase the desired online course.
  • The purchased course can be visible under my courses. 
  • In the QnA section, the customer can raise questions relevant to the online courses after purchasing it. 
  • If customers can even add reviews if the course is satisfactory and useful. 
  • The customers can share and recommend the courses over various social platforms after purchasing it.

Features List

  • The seller and the admin can create new courses under Course Product type.
  • It leverages the seller and the admin to choose either Content or Assignment for initializing content sections.
  • The seller and admin can upload a video under the Content option for the course product type.
  • Under the Assignment option, the seller and admin can add pdf, or zip files for the course product type.
  • The customers can ask course-related questions.
  • Answers can be added by the admin and the seller for the questions which the customers ask.
  • The customers can preview the course content video before making a purchase.
  • The customer can see the course completion percentage in a progress bar.
  • The customer can share the link of the product through Facebook, Twitter, and mail.


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FirefoxGoogle ChromeInternet ExplorerOperaMicrosoft Edge
4 years ago
Last Updated
8 months ago
Supported Version
Magento2.0.x 2.1.x2.2.x2.3.x2.4.x