Webkul Store
CS-Cart Whatsapp Order Notification


CS-Cart WhatsApp Order Notification allows store merchants to integrate the most well-liked messaging services into their stores. The buyers will receive the WhatsApp alert on order placement, order confirmation, and order status change from CS-Cart order on their registered WhatsApp number.

The module also enables the store owner to create a message template of their own choice. The store merchant must have a Meta developer account and a WhatsApp Business Account.

Highlighted Features

 Order Confirmation Notification

The customers will get notified whenever they place an order.

 Return Alerts for Placed Orders

A message will be sent to the customers for their order return from the CS-Cart store.

 Order Status Change Messages

A WhatsApp message will be sent to the customer when the order status gets changed.

 Personalized Message Template

The merchants can set the template for the WhatsApp messages.

What is the Need for CS-Cart WhatsApp Order Notification?

The store merchants can add popular messaging services to their CS-Cart website with the help of this module. They can now notify their customers of any order placement, order return, and order status change-related activities.

Customers will get the convenience of receiving instant messages on their registered WhatsApp number. The extension also offers to get quick updates related to the orders so that the customer will get an enhanced shopping experience. Moreover, the module gives the customers to track their CS-Cart order status tracking facility.

Integration of CS-Cart WhatsApp Notification

The module settings can be easily made by the store owner to integrate it. The website owner can make the following settings:

  • Here, the store admin will enter the Business account id, phone number id, and access token for WhatsApp Business Account credentials.
  • All the WhatsApp message templates can be edited as per the business needs.
  • The store admin has to enter the message template names to set the WhatsApp message template from his dashboard.

WhatsApp Message View for Orders

Any time a customer places an order, a notification is immediately issued shortly after the new order.

  • The notification will be sent to the shopper whenever the order status changes from the store owner's end.
  • The message for order placement contains the order details with the order id.
  • Customers will also be informed when an order's status changes, such as when it becomes complete, paid, held, pending, processed, canceled, or delivered from the CS-Cart website.


For any query or issue please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com

You may also check our other top-quality CS-Cart Add-ons.

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