Webkul Store
OpenCart ChatGPT Extension
2 Review(s)


OpenCart AI Chat also gives a separate panel to the admin for providing answers to his frequent queries. This module increases efficiency by reducing the workload of the store admin. OpenCart AI Chatbot extension helps the admin to generate data and answer instant queries in seconds.

This module helps in generating OpenCart email templates as well. It reduces the effort and the time as well. Nowadays, virtual assistant plays a major role in assisting users all over the globe. You can explore more chatbot modules for OpenCart as follow:

OpenCart Facebook Chat

OpenCart Admin Buyer Chat

Highlighted Features

 Helps in Generating AI Data

This module helps with content auto-creation in OpenCart for products, categories, and mail templates.

 Provide Instant Queries for the Admin

Using the chatbox popup of ChatGPT in the OpenCart ChatGPT extension helps the admin ask queries and get resolutions for them.

 Prevent Spelling and Grammatical Errors

The OpenCart ChatGPT extension helps the admin with typographical and grammatical errors in the admin panel.

 Separate Panel for Admin

This module provides a separate panel for the admin to configure all the settings of the extension in one place.

Why do we use OpenCart ChatGPT Extension?

ChatGPT is a language model designed to engage in text-based conversations with users. It can answer questions, provide explanations, and offer suggestions. It also assists with tasks and generates human-like responses in a conversational manner.

With this module, the admin gets an AI chat solution. This module is developed on GPT -3 LLM, an AI language that uses deep-learning techniques known as transformers.

AI Powered Virtual Assistant

The Admin can generate the content in OpenCart with a single click using the AI-powered virtual assistant. Here, the admin can -

  • Generate the content for the products
  • Category content can be generated.
  • Admin can generate the content for email templates.

Separate Panel

Admin will get a chat box for raising instant queries. Here, the admin will be able to -

  • The chatbox will be available all over the admin panel.
  • Admin can ask varieties of queries in this chat box.
  • For the asked queries the admin will get the response from the ChatGPT itself.

Check & Auto Generate Content

This module is fully responsible for the checking and filling of the content.

  • Auto generation of the related content.
  • Check for spelling and typo errors in the content created by the admin.

Dedicated Support For Opencart Module

For any query or issue please Create a ticket here. You may also check our quality Opencart Extensions.

based on 2 reviews
Posted On - November 22, 2023
Excellent App
I think this app could be inticing for a customer.
Nidal El-Ayache
Posted On - May 23, 2023
Excellent Product
All the best in your work guys, you are really doing an excellent job, super service and follow-up, keep going well done
No Showcase.
Product Version
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Firefox 5+Google Chrome 14+Internet Explorer 7Internet Explorer 8Internet Explorer 9Opera 11Safari 5
11 months ago
Last Updated
7 months ago
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