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    Laravel eCommerce Amazon S3 Extension

    Laravel eCommerce Amazon S3 Extension: Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a cloud storage service offered by AWS (Amazon Web Services). Using the module, the store admin can upload downloadable products, media files, product content, images of all Laravel product types from their local disk to the Amazon S3 server.


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    Laravel eCommerce Amazon S3 Extension: Laravel eCommerce Amazon S3 Extension provides the users to store the static files and media content to be upload on the Amazon S3 bucket and get them retrieved directly from the S3 bucket. We’ve also included the functionality to set an expiration header.

    Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a cloud storage service offered by AWS (Amazon Web Services). Using the module, the store admin can upload downloadable products, media files, product content, images of all Laravel product types from their local disk to the Amazon S3 server.

    Important Note:

    • A customer must have an Amazon AWS account to access the Amazon S3 services. From this link, users would be able to register here.
    • To understand how to get started with Amazon S3, just click here.

    Highlighted Features

     Instant Loading

    Instant page load or accelerate site load times.

     Static View Files Settings

    One can now save Static files on the Amazon S3 server.

     Reduce Latency

    Reduce the round trip time of the data packet and thus deliver fast data

     Images & Files Support

    Product images, logo, WYSIWYG images, videos, category images, editing images, CMS images, Favicons, etc. are supported.

     Highly Secure

    SSL encryption for secure upload and data download.

     Easy Upload

    The admin can easily upload the media files on the Amazon server.

    Why is Amazon S3 needed in Bagisto?

    Assume you have a large online store with a lot of products and data, as well as a large number of customers around the world. However, if a large number of shoppers visit the store, the website will become slow and the server may be unable to react appropriately. Since you encounter many customers each day and store a lot of data on the website, then it is not ideal to rely on host servers in such scenarios.

    Using the Amazon S3 bucket system, the media files presented with the product details will get downloaded rapidly. This would undoubtedly boost conversion rates because the user would be able to easily access the images, resulting in increased product loyalty. The Media file includes all types of products (such as product images, media in the product description, short description, editing images, and so on). It undoubtedly aids customers in gaining a greater understanding of the product.

    Features List

    • Support all Bagisto product types.
    • Additionally, the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket stores and retrieves all media files for all types of products (such as product images, media in the product description, short description, editing images, and so on).
    • Moreover, flexible settings to configure the module settings.
    • Store and retrieve the files from Amazon S3 Server.
    • Customers can download the files from the Amazon Server irrespective of time and place.
    • Now serving of cache images will be from Amazon S3 Server.
    • One can save Static files on the Amazon S3 server.
    • Set expire header for cache files.


    For any issue related to this module, please create a support ticket here or send an email to [email protected]

    You may also check our quality Bagisto Extensions.


    Product Version1.3.3
    Released3 years ago
    CategoryBagisto Laravel
    Last UpdatedDecember 29, 2023 (1 year ago)
    Supported VersionsBagisto  1.3.1  
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    Frequently Asked Questions

     Which product type does the module work with?
    The module supports media files, static files, and all bagisto downloadable products.
     What is the major functionality of the module?
    With the help of the module, the admin can upload or save files on the Amazon server which can be later retrieved when a customer requests the data files. All the static and media content will be synced to the amazon s3 bucket.
     What feature makes the module useful?
    The module provides a unique way to distribute the load from the local servers by uploading and saving the downloadable products on the Amazon Server.
     Which aspect is essential on the part of the admin?
    The admin of the store configures the files which can be uploaded to the server.
     Shall I need to create an IAM user for this module to work with s3?
    Yes, you need to create an IAM user with programmatic access and need to attach the S3FullAccess policy to it.
     What happens if I delete a product image, can I retrieve it back from s3?
    No, once you will delete the image from the admin panel, the image will be deleted from the bucket too.

    Move to Cloud Today

    AWS Free tier hosting for one year by amazon web services, for more details please visit AWS Free Tier.

    GCP Free tier hosting for one year with 300 credit points by google cloud platform, for more details please visit GCP Free Tier.

    Azure free tier hosting for one year with 25+ always free services, for more details please visit Azure Free Tier.

    In our default configuration we will provide tremendous configuration for your eCommerce Website which is fast to load and response.

    Default Configuration Details of Server

    • 1 GB RAM
    • 1 Core Processor
    • 30 GB Hard Disk
    • DB with 1 GB RAM and 1 Core Processor

    * Server Configuration may vary as per application requirements.

    Want to know more how exactly we are going to power up your eCommerce Website with Cloud to fasten up your store. Please visit the Cloudkul Services.

    Get Started with Cloud
    • + Features
    • - Bugs
    Version 1.3.3
    • [feature] Compatible with bagisto v1.3.3.
    • [feature] Added Gzip (Text Compression) for all the asset files.
    Version 1.0.0
    • + Publish the static content and media files to S3.
    • + You can synchronize the changes in static files to S3.
    • + Admin may set expire header for the cache.