Laravel eCommerce Marketplace Table Rate Shipping
Laravel eCommerce Marketplace Table Rate Shipping module helps the seller to manage their product delivery and allows the Admin/seller to set shipping rates by uploading CSV files from their dashboard, and Shipping type.
- Enable sellers/admin to add shipping rates via CSV files for table rates.
- Admin can set shipping rates for both admin and seller products.
- Sellers and admin can independently create and manage shipping rates.
- Supersets, created by admin, are available to both admin and sellers.
- Shipping costs are calculated based on ZIP and product weight.
- Flexibility in calculating shipping costs according to sellers or vendors.
- Sellers can confirm orders, assign tracking IDs, and view shipping rate details.
- Import/Export shipping CSV files from the back end.
- Sample shipping rate templates are provided for admin and sellers.
- Description
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- Specifications
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- Changelog
Laravel eCommerce Marketplace Table Rate Shipping: This module allows the admin to create supersets methods including superset rates and shipping rates. The admin can also assign the shipping rates to any seller by entering the seller id in CSV file.
This module allows the seller to set custom superset rates and shipping rates from their dashboard. In this module, shipping will be calculated based on ZIP and the weight of the product.
Marketplace table rate shipping module allows the seller to manage the shipping of their orders. The seller can streamline the order processing by order confirmation, generating a tracking number for their customers and create/print invoices.
Note:-Laravel eCommerce marketplace table rate shipping is an add-on of laravel multi-vendor marketplace. To use this module first, you must have to install the laravel multi-vendor marketplace.
Highlighted Features
Supersets/Shipping Methods
The admin can easily add the superset methods to customize shipping.
Adding Shipping Rates/Uploading CSV
The admin and seller can add the shipping rates by uploading the CSV file.
Support Unicode Transformation Format - 8
Table rate shipping support UTF - 8 which provide multi-language support.
Prioritize Workflow
Seller superset rates>> Seller shipping rates>>Admin superset rates>> Admin shipping rates.
Shipping Rate for Specific Country
Sellers can easily set the shipping rate for a specific country by using the county code.
Alpha Numeric Zip Code
This module supports alpha-numeric zip codes.
Custom superset rates and shipping rates
The seller can set the custom superset rates and shipping rates from their dashboard.
Shipping Rates Calculation
The shipping rates will be calculated based on zip code and the weight of the product.
What Is The Need Of Laravel eCommerce Marketplace Table Rate Shipping
As a store admin if you want to add the same shipping methods option for your seller/vendor it's hard to implement. Laravel eCommerce marketplace table rate shipping module allows the admin to create common shipping methods for their seller/vendors. By using these methods sellers can easily set the custom superset rates and shipping rates of their products.
Marketplace Seller Order Management System
An order management process always starts when a customer successfully placed an order. After the successful generation of the invoice, now the seller will generate the shipment for the order. Firstly, the seller will generate the shipping label of the product along with the tracking id then the seller will paste the shipping label over the product package.
Once the shipping label is generated, the seller will schedule the pickup of the product with their respective courier delivery services provider. They will pick the product from the retailer's warehouse and deliver to the customer.
To avoid all these difficulties to manage all your orders, top eCommerce business owners centralize & automate their order system with top order management software like ShipStation which is a web-based, multi-carrier shipping solution for eCommerce retailers, designed to streamline the fulfillment process.
The seller can connect their marketplace with the ShipStation platform for efficient processing, fulfilling, and shipping of orders via major shipping carriers.
Module Configuration
The admin can easily configure this module by navigating to configure>>sales>>shipping methods>>marketplace table rate shipping.
- The admin can easily active or inactive the marketplace table rate shipping.
- Marketplace Table Rate Shipping module allows the seller to create custom superset rates and shipping rates for their marketplace product.
- Shipping price is calculated based on CSV entered by admin and seller.
- The admin can add superset methods.
- The admin can assign shipping rates to any seller.
Create Custom Shipping Methods/Supersets
Under the table rate shipping, the admin can easily add the custom shipping methods to manage the shipping CSV.
- Enter the unique code of superset.
- Enter the superset name.
- Select the superset status active/inactive.
- The admin can edit/delete the supersets.
- By choosing these supersets methods seller can add their custom superset rates and shipping rates.
Manage Shipping Rules/Superset Rates
The admin and the sellers both can add the superset rates for their customers. If there are two or more shipping methods available to a customer, in this case, superset rate will get priority.
- Enter the price range (Price from, Price to).
- Select the shipping type as - fixed or free.
- Select the superset method.
- Select the seller name.
- The admin can also create superset rates for the sellers.
- Set the price of the shipping method
- The admin can edit/delete superset rates.
Admin Uploading Shipping Matrix Rates/CSV
Under the “table rate shipping,” the admin will upload the CSV file containing "seller id", “country code,” “zip from," “zip to,” “price”, “weight from,” “weight to” and "alphanumeric code".
- The admin can upload the table rate shipping via CSV file.
- The admin can easily download the sample CSV file.
- The admin can give the superset method names for Table rate shipping.
- The admin can assign shipping rates to any seller by entering the seller id
- CSV file support alphanumeric zip codes.
- The admin can also export the table rate shipping in CSV or XLS format.
Vendor/Seller Based Shipping MatrixRates
The seller can easily manage their table rate shipping under their marketplace.
- The seller will upload the CSV file which includes “country code,” “zip from," “zip to,” “price”, “weight from,” “weight to” and "shipping type".
- The seller can upload the table rate via CSV file.
- The seller can also download the sample CSV file.
- The seller can give sub-method names for Table Rate Shipping.
- Include alphanumeric zip codes.
- Availability to download the invoice.
Checkout With Multiple Seller Products
Marketplace table rate shipping method will be displayed to the customer at the checkout page.
- If customer doing a checkout with multiple seller products, in this case, common table shipping methods of the sellers will be displayed to the customer during the checkout.
- The shipping price is calculated based on CSV file containing “country code”, "region" “zip from”, “zip to”, “price”, “weight from”, “weight to”.
- The customer will have the table rate shipping methods on checkout if their shipping address matches the CSV ( zip code, country, weight).
- If the multiple shipping methods are matches with the customer Zip code and weight, in this case, all the matched table rate shipping methods will be displayed to the customer at the checkout page.
Vendor Creating Invoice and Shipment
If the admin sets the “seller can create an invoice” and "seller can create shipment" options as “yes” then the seller can easily manage their orders by generating invoice and shipment.
- The seller can easily create the invoice of the orders from their dashboard.
- The seller can set the tracking id and shipping detail.
- The seller can download and print the invoice.
- The seller will provide the carrier title details.
- The seller will select the inventory source of the product.
For any issue related to this module, please create a support ticket here at - or send an email to [email protected]
You may also check our quality Bagisto Extensions.
Frequently Asked Questions
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Default Configuration Details of Server
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Get Started with Cloud- Features
- Bugs
- [Compatible] Compatible with Bagisto v2.1.2 and Marketplace v2.1.2
- [Enhancement] Admin and Seller || Add currency sign in front of the price on the superset and shipping rates page.
- [Enhancement] Seller End || Need mass delete option on the superset and shipping rates page.
- [Enhancement] Show options in search for the shipping type and superset on the superset rates filter page at seller end.
- [Enhancement] Admin and Seller || Add search options for the superset method and country on the shipping rates filter page.
- [Enhancement] Admin and Seller || Add "Numeric Zip" option on the shipping filter page.
- [Enhancement] Show options in dropdown for the shipping type, search for superset and seller name on the superset rates filter page.
- [Enhancement] Add description under the Marketplace Table Rate Shipping method on the shipping method configuration page.
- [UI] Need to improve the success message when seller delete the superset rate.
- [UI] Need to improve the UI for the delete superset and shipping rate popup in the mobile view.
- [UI] Change the superset and shipping rate logos at seller end.
- [UI] Admin and Seller || For Shipping type - Free, price text field should not visible on the Add SuperSet Rate page.
- [UI] Dark mode || Text visibility on shipping rates import popup.
- [UI] Add background with the status column values on the supersets page.
- [UI] Change the status options text from "True/False" to "Active/Inactive" on the supersets filter page.
- [Bug] If product is not come under any of the table rate shipping conditions then table rate shipping method should not visible while checkout.
- [Bug] On click marketplace section, admin should redirect to the sellers page.
- [Bug] Added description for the Marketplace Table Rate Shipping configuration is not visible on the web front.
- [Bug] Admin is not able to refund the order getting exception.
- [Bug] Marketplace table rate shipping is not working for the seller products.
- [Bug] Getting exception if seller click upload button without upload any file on the shipping rate page.
- [Bug] Show wrong "Seller Name" column value at admin end if superset and shipping rate created but seller.
- [Bug] Getting exception if seller trying to save the alphabetic value in the weight field while add shipping rate.
- [Bug] If Shipping Type is Free, added price should show 0 while seller add new superser rate.
- [Bug] Add alphabetic validation for price from and price field like price to field while add new superset rate.
- [Bug] Admin added superset and shipping rates should not visible on the seller end.
- [Bug] If customer increase the quantity for the same product in the cart then table rate marketplace shipping price is not increasing as per the quantity.
- [Bug] If customer add more than 1 variant for the configurable product then table rate marketplace shipping price will show as per the sinlge product.
- [Bug] Language translation Issues.
- [Bug] If customer add downloadable, virtual and simple product in the cart then at check out it shows wrong price for all the these products in table price shipping method.
- [Bug] If product comes in the range for the price, zip code and weight then only shipping rate is visible as table rate while checkout. SuperSet Rates price is not adding.
- [Bug] Admin and Seller || Getting exception when import the shipping rates.
- [Bug] Translation issue on the upload shipping rate popup.
- [Bug] Searching is not working on the Shipping Rates page.
- [Bug] If admin and seller edit the already added shipping rate and save then show "Not Found" page.
- [Bug] Admin and seller should not able to save the -ve value in the zip code while adding Shipping Rates.
- [Bug] Searching is not working on the Superset Rates page.
- [Bug] Seller name filter is not working on the Superset and Shipping Rates page.
- [Bug] Getting "Not Found" if admin and seller edit and save the Superset Rate.
- [Bug] Admin and seller should not able to create the Superset Rate with -ve price values.
- [Bug] Seller name is not saving when admin add new Superset Rate.
- [Bug] Need to change the warning message when admin and seller add price_from value more than price_to value while add Superset Rate.
- [Bug] Admin ans seller should able to save only numeric value on the price field while add Superset Rate.
- [Bug] Getting exception on click create superset rates button if seller is registered and approved by admin.
- [Compatible] Compatible with Bagisto v2.0.0 and Marketplace v2.0.0
- [Compatible] Compatible with Bagisto 1.5.1 and Marketplace 1.5.1
- [Enhancement] Toggle button should be there for module enable/disable.
- [Enhancement] Mass Delete option should be there for the super set shipping rates in Seller Profile.
- [Suggestion] Admin should also be able to create the shipping rate for their own products.
- [Suggestion] Superset Id should not show after updating.
- [Suggestion] Shipping Rates should be prior to Superset rates.
- [Bug Fixed] While clicking on Shipping & Superset Rates tab it redirects to the profile page after the module is disabled from the admin panel.
- [Bug Fixed] Module should be inactive state by default.
- [Bug Fixed] Mass Delete on Shipping Rates through Exception.
- [Bug Fixed] Table Rate Shipping tab should not be visible after disabling it in the admin panel.
- [Bug Fixed] While applying mass delete on Superset Rates it through exception.
- [Bug Fixed] Mass Update on Superset through exception.
- [Bug Fixed] Selected items were not unselected after refreshing the page.
- [Bug Fixed] URL access redirected to Profile Page.
- [Bug Fixed] Able to access the Admin end Table Rate shipping details with URL, even I have disabled the module.
- [Bug Fixed] In the Seller profile, Superset rates in editing the rated and filling the ID of admin superset rates we are able to access.
- [Bug Fixed] UI issue in Mass Update Status Button at Seller profile Superset Rates.
- [Bug Fixed] Seller Shipping Rates Page is unresponsive.
- [Bug Fixed] Seller Shipping Rates Page is having Unnecessary Delete icon which when clicked redirected to Page not Found.
- [Bug Fixed] Admin unable to assign the Shipping rate to any seller in CSV file.
- [Bug Fixed] In Seller profile, Super set Shipping Rates in editing the rated and filling the ID of admin superset Shipping rates we are able to access that.
- [Compatible] Compatible with Bagisto 1.4.5 and Marketplace 1.4.5
- [Enhancement] Use toggle button for active and inactive for creating Super Sets at the Admin end. [
- Feature Requested] Compatible with Bagisto 1.4.5 and Marketplace 1.4.5
- [Bug Fixed] Add tool tips at action section of the shipping rates.
- [Bug Fixed] Shipping Rates at the seller profile deleted directly without Warning Box appearing.
- [Bug Fixed] Alignment is not proper, Centre allignment should be there.
- [Bug Fixed] Inappropriate behaviour of the Super set in free rates.
- [Bug Fixed] Super Set rates in seller profile,
- Filters UI issue is appearing.
- [Bug Fixed]We are unable to edit the supersets in the seller profile.
- [Bug Fixed] Details in the seller profile related to the table rate is not proper.
- [Bug Fixed] Mass Delete of the super sets in seller profile -> Exceptional error appearing.
- [Bug Fixed] Validation errors are flashing when we edit the shipping rates.
- [Bug Fixed] Admin End - Creating superset, Incorrect warning message appears when filling invalid information.
- [fixed] #71 Marketplace tablerate shipping should be visible on the mobile view at the seller end
- [fixed] #63 Getting Exceptional Error - Admin end -> Assigning Superset rates to sellers.
- [fixed] #50 Shipping rate should be displayed seller-wise.
- [update] Compatible with Bagisto 1.4.3
- [update] Compatible with Bagisto 1.3.3
- [update] Compatible with Bagisto 1.3.2
- [update] Compatible with Bagisto 1.3.1
- [update] Compatible with Velocity Theme.
- [update] Compatible with Bagisto v1.2.0.
- [update] Compatible with Velocity Theme.
- [update] Compatible with Bagisto v1.1.0.
- [bug] Optimize overall code.
- [bug] Compatible with the Multishipping and other shipping modules.
- [bug] Resolve issue in GetMethodWiseShippingData.
- [bug] Able to create a superset rate of existing price range at seller end.
- [bug] Getting error in console while checkout.
- [bug] Getting error message while uploading CSV in shipping rates at seller end.
- [bug] Remove validation from "zip from" and "zip to" in shipping rate from both seller and admin end.
- [issue] Provide edit and delete option at admin end in Shipping Rates.
- [bug] Getting Exception exception on search from Superset Rate list grid of table rate shipping.
- [bug] Getting exception when try to filter Superset Rate List from Id.
- [bug] Getting status as No even if Superset is active. Also provide mass update option for Status.
- [bug] Getting exception when uploading any image file in csv Shipping Manager csv upload.
- [bug] After clicking on add superset rates, it is giving an error.
- [bug] While adding Superset rates, there should not be matching boundary values in any price range.
- [issue] In Superset Rate, click on delete icon, it should give pop up to confirm the action.
- [bug] In superset rate, repeated price range is accepting for same superset method and seller.
- [bug] Getting error while using filter option in shipping rates at admin end.
- [bug] Not able to upload csv file from both admin and seller end. Getting message Not Enough row.
- [bug] After check out it is not giving any shipping charge according to shipping rates.
- [bug] Superset Status not working.
- [bug] Is range not working in shipping rate.
- [bug] layout issue in seller profile.
- [feature] Sellers/admin can add shipping rates using CSV file for table rates.
- [feature] Admin can assign shipping rates to any seller by entering the seller id.
- [feature] Seller and admin both can create sub-methods for Table Rate Shipping.
- [feature] The admin and the sellers can create Super Shipping Set.
- [feature] Shipping will be calculated based on ZIP and the weight of the product.
- [feature] Shipping cost will be calculated as per the seller or vendor.
- [feature] The seller can confirm the order and can set the tracking ID for the order.
- [feature] Shipping rates will populate based on CSV during checkout.
- [feature] Option to export shipping CSV file from the back-end.
- [feature] The seller can add Invoice & Packing slip address, VAT, TAX information.
- [feature] Ability to download Invoice & Shipping slip easily.
- [feature] The codes are open, so it can be customized easily.
- [feature] Marketplace Table Rate Shipping supports alphanumeric zip codes.