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    Odoo Advance Reports Layouts

    Odoo Advance Reports Layouts provide ease to businesses to decorate mass report types.

    • It allows the addition of custom header and footer

    • Admin can add a signature and their business Icons

    • The module Allows admins to decorate various types of reports.

    • It allows the change of colors of different sections of the reports.

    • Admin can add a watermark to the reports.

    • They can display product images if needed.

    • It allows you to add Amounts in words on the reports.

    • Admin can change the font style and its color from the backend.

    Odoo Advance Reports Layouts Odoo Advance Reports Layouts Odoo Advance Reports Layouts Odoo Advance Reports Layouts Odoo Advance Reports Layouts
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    Make an attractive Report with Odoo Advance Reports Layouts!

    Odoo Advance Reports Layouts help the business to make attractive and informative reports for the Customers. With the features offered, they can add header, footer, font style, and many more customizations to their report.

    The module allows much more flexibility for the Admin to make engaging reports in a few clicks, eases the work of editing every report for customers, and can produce mass reports in a defined format.

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    Odoo Advance Reports Layouts

     Why do we need Odoo Advance Reports Layouts?

    The module can help businesses shorten their work to decorate desired reports. It requires one-time configurations to beautify the report and make it informative. Such convenience reduces the time to decorate many types of reports for the business. The report will carry an Exactly defined format whenever generated.

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     Highlighted Features of Odoo Advance Reports Layouts

     Admin can change the font style and its colors

    • The Odoo Advance Report layout helps businesses design their reports with different font styles and color options.

     Adding a watermark and company logo

    • The Business Admins can add their company logo from the backend.

     Changing of Background and Theme

    • The module allows significant changes in the background of the report to beautify the report's style.

     Add Header and Footer

    • Business admins can add a header and footer to make the reports more informative.

     Configure Report types

    • With the module, an admin can select the types of reports like invoices, Quotations, etc.

     Amount Visibility on the Reports

    • The business admin can add the amount in words to the reports.

     Different Template Styles

    • An Admin can use different templates to reuse to create new Configurations for reports.

     Add Signatures on Reports

    • The module also helps to integrate signatures when needed in the reports.

     Saves time to beautify

    Since the module allows one-time configurations by the company, it reduces the time to edit every report.

    • The module makes it easy to work to make Informative and attractive Reports for their customers.
    • Customizations for reports, such as header, footer, font style, and color, enhance their attractiveness and functionality.
    • It Allows Enable/Disable options for the header and footer to be used in the reports.
    • The Admin can change the color of the names of the Company, Customer, and reports.
    Saves time to beautify

     Easy Configurations

    The Odoo Advance Reports Layouts can help businesses add definite settings in a few clicks.

    • The module allows users to create templates for reuse and to use for other types of reports.
    • One-time configuration ensures consistent visuals and design in all customer-generated reports.
    • Admin can preview the changes made for the selected report type.
    • This shortens the time and makes the work easier.
    Easy Configurations

     Better Layouts

    The Module Odoo Advance Reports Layouts will help the Customer find more attractive and informative Reports.

    • Create Multiple Report Layouts that can be used during report generation.
    • Customers will find it more attractive and informative reports to read.
    • Better Report Layout will increase customer interaction and may hold trust for transparency in the business.
    • The Images, Different Design Styles, Logos, and Signatures can be added to the reports with the module.
    • It introduces the Smartest way to get attractive reports for businesses.
    Better Layouts


    Product Version
    Released7 months ago
    CategoryOdoo AppsTool
    Last UpdatedJanuary 10, 2025 (27 days ago)
    Supported VersionsOdoo  15.x  16.x  17.x  18.x  
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     Frequently Asked Questions

     Does the module allow editing of the Header and Footer of the reports?
    Yes. An Admin can edit the header and footer for the reports from the backend.
     Can an admin add the watermark and company logo to the Reports?
    Yes. The Odoo Advance Reports Layouts allow an Admin to add a watermark and logo for the company.
     Will the Configuration be carried out for every defined reports in the module?
    Yes. All the Configurations will be carried out for all reports
      Can an admin add or edit font style and its colors?
    Yes. The module allows Admin to add and edit the font and its colors.
      Does the module allow to change the background of the reports?
    Yes. With the module, an admin can change the background of the reports

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