Prestashop Deals | Offers | Product Collection Page
Deals | Offers | Product Collection Page - With the help of this module, admin can create various collection page and can add different products to collection page based on product name, range of price, quantity or by specifying the discount amount of products. Collection page will be displayed in the new tab named as “offer zone” on front-end. Buyers can visit various collection page in the offer zone to purchase products.
Note: Prestashop Deals | Offers | Product Collection Page module is compatible with PrestaShop 8.x.x
This module is MultiShop compatible.
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Prestashop Deals | Offers | Product Collection Page - According to a study 62% buyers while online shopping prefer to visit the offer zone to grab/purchase the desired products. Providing offer zone to buyers is the best policy to increase the sale on store.
With the help of this module, admin can create various collection page and can add different products to collection page based on product name, range of price, quantity or by specifying the discount amount of products. Collection page will be displayed in the new tab named as “offer zone” on front-end. Buyers can visit various collection page in the offer zone to purchase products.
Note: The module is MultiShop Compatible
Features -
- Add offer/collection pages and display products in them.
- Search and add products to the offer page.
- Add products to the offer page based on price and quantity range.
- Add products to the offer page based on discount.
- Select categories, brands, and suppliers whose products you want to add to offer page.
- Select user groups whose members will have access to offer pages.
- Configure date range for which offer page will appear on store.
- Show countdown timer on offer pages that are in active state but will start at a future date.
- Choose the products you want to exclude from an offer page.
- Upload banner for offer pages.
- Upload global banner images.
- Choose to show global banners, offer page banners, or both in a slider on store.
- A dedicated tab “Offer Zone” added to the storefront to view a list of offer page.
- A separate tab to view a list of offer pages in the back office.
- Enable, disable, edit, or delete the offer page.
Why this module will help store owners to focus on discounted products- -
Nowadays most of the customers search for the discount or offers first before browsing the e-commerce site if they will have to purchase something. Now, store owners can create a separate collection/zone for the discounted products so that buyers can see the discounted items at one place and buyers will easily browse the offer products.

Product Wise Collection Page
Create a collection page and add product one by one from the search field on which you want to provide the discount or offer.

Add products to collection page in different ways
If the "product name" field has been disabled, then admin can add products to the collection page:
- By defining a price range.
- By defining the range of quantity.
- By specifying the discount applied to the product.
- By selecting single/multiple categories from which the products will be added in the collection page.
- By selecting single/multiple manufacturers whose products will be added in the collection page.

Prestashop Deals | Offers | Product Collection Page Support -
For any query or issue please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com
You may also check our other top-quality PrestaShop Add-ons.
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