PrestaShop Error Reporting
PrestaShop Error Reporting: The module helps the admin to record the logs for troubleshooting any issues that may arise from the PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript servers. Error logs include details such as the date of the error, the type of error, the specific source of the error, a description of the error, and any other relevant information that may help to identify and resolve the issue.
It also, sends email alerts to the selected employees whenever the system records the selected error type.
Note: PrestaShop Error Reporting module is compatible with PrestaShop 8.x.x
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PrestaShop Error Reporting - Error reporting is the process of identifying and logging errors that occur in hardware or software, and then using the data collected to help diagnose and fix the errors. Error reporting helps organizations quickly address issues as they arise, and it can also be used to track patterns and trends in errors to help prevent future issues. Error reporting systems can also be used to detect security breaches, so that organizations can take action to protect their systems from malicious actors.
With this PrestaShop Error Reporting module the admin can receive the email alert notification and record the backtrace of the error so that he can diagnose and fix the error at the earliest.

Highlighted Features
Record error logs
Record the PHP,My SQL, and JavaScript error logs. whenever encounter any error when it's running.
Record backtrace of Error
Record the backtrace of the error to diagnose and fix the error at the earliest.
Email notification
Select employee email to receive the alert notification whenever the system records the error log.
Export Error logs
Easily export all the available error logs in a CSV file.
Workflow of the Module
Recording error logs are important in many ways. Like in case of server issues or PHP errors. This module helps you to record MySQL, PHP, and JavaScript error logs on the server. The admin can configure the module as per their requirement.
There are several options available in the module to configure it. Like choosing the type and category of the error log he wants to record. Also, select the employee email to send the email alert whenever the server records any error log.

List of Error Logs
Error reporting is fundamental to the broad goal of error reduction. Recording and checking error logs help you prevent sales losses simply by allowing your team to react quickly, which reduces the overall impact of issues and bugs.
The admin can view the list of error logs that the server has recorded on getting any error. Here the recorded error log files indicate the type, severity, category, message of the error log, and the date of the error recorded.

Record Error Backtrace
Error backtracing is a powerful tool that helps developers quickly identify, isolate, and debug errors in their code. By recording the backtrace of an error, developers can quickly narrow down the root cause of the problem and resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
Error backtracing can also provide invaluable insight into the state.

PrestaShop Error Reporting Features -
- Record the PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript error logs.
- Enable/Disable to record the backtrace of error logs.
- Send email notifications on recording the error logs.
- Select the error category and error type to receive the email error logs.
- Select the types of errors to record logs.
- Export all the error logs in a CSV file.
- Delete all the error logs.
PrestaShop Error Reporting Support -
For any query or issue, please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com
You may also check our other top-quality PrestaShop Extensions.
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