Support Policy - WebKul will provide 3 month of free support from the date of purchase to every module and support will be available by support ticket system .Support only include bug fixing.
support fee does not include free customization of the module in any case or free consulting of the customization of the modules.
How to Extend the Support
Extending your support period is super easy when you will login in to your account at webkul store . you will see a notice that your support period has been expired as explained in image here

After that select the period for how many month do you want to extend the support and click on extend support button as explained in image

Now after that it will redirect you to the cart please make the payment from their and voila your support period has been extended. Now you can communicate on webkul ticket help-desk system

What support fee will NOT include ?
- Support fee will not include any extra customization or changes (i.e changes of text or design of element like text area big or small ) of the extension or module.
- Under support fee only existing issues will be fixed like something is not working as described in module demo or doc.
- Module price include 3 month free support, log all the issues or bugs which you encounter in this period of time.
- Support will not include any technical documentation/DFD/database schema of the source code as the modules are already written based on platform standards.
- If you encounter any bugs or issues beyond this period of time, you will have to extend the support period (any bugs or issues beyond the support period will not be taken care by webkul team).
- Support fee will not include any changes made by user by which site has been crashed or some functionality is not working as advertised.
- Support will be available through our help-desk ticket system only (user need to send us the complete login details like ftp and platform admin login details to fix the issue we dont use screen-share or skype screen-share / skype call / voice call or phone to fix the issues).
- The right and license to use and incorporate the software, in whole or in part, to develop its website/ mobile app (including the integration of all or part of the Licensor’s software into Licensee's own software) on one domain only, including only one instance support, solely for the own personal or business use of the Licensee. However, the License does not authorize the Licensee to compile, copy or distribute the said Software or its Derivative Works.
Please check our customisation, license and refund policy for more information about the policy.