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    Notes on Customer for UVdesk Open Source

    Notes on Customer for UVdesk Open Source: Notes on the customer can contain common information about the Customer which will be visible on all Tickets of that Customer to all agents. With the help of this agent can maintain all the records of the customer in a bucket i.e.notes-on-customer.


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    Notes on Customer for UVdesk Open Source: Notes on the customer contain common information about the Customer which will be visible on all Tickets of that Customer to all Agents. This App can help you in providing Smart Support to customers. It is an effective way to keep customer's information instead of asking customers the same information for every Ticket.

    Note - To use this module first, you must have to install UVdesk Open Source Helpdesk.

    Highlighted Features

     View notes

    The agent can view all the notes of the customer by clicking on the single button.

     Add attachment

    The ticket handling agent can add attachments to the notes.

     Multiple ticket view

    Multiple tickets of the same customer then the same notes will appear on every ticket.


    Notes on Customers will be visible only to the ticket agents. All the previous records of the customer over the same ticket will be visible to the agents.

     Text editor

    The agent can use the stylish editor as per their convenience, as the agent can use bold, italic, Adding attachment, and linking functionality as well.

     Keep Record

    Way to keep customer's information instead of asking customers the same information for every Ticket.

    Why use Notes on Customer?

    Notes on the client can contain normal data about the Customer which will be noticeable on all Tickets of that Customer to all Agents. This App can help you in offering Smart Help to clients. It is an effective way to keep customers' information instead of asking customers the same information for every Ticket. This app will help you out keep tracking of all the records of customers as well.

    An easy and simple way to keep a directory of each and every customer on every ticket will give up a better way for understanding all previous activities going on each ticket. Information over each ticket will be visible to all the agents who else is taking care of it so that it will give better reach to customers instead of asking every time customers for the same information.

    Easy and Simple Setup

    This App can help you in providing Smart Support to customers. You can easily manage all your customer notes by using this single Notes on customer app. Easy and simple setup to check out all the previous records over each ticket. Manage a record is an act of keeping track of the history of a person or organization.

    • It is easy to use, here the agent can easily set up the directory regarding all previous records of customers.
    • An easy and simple way to build and keep tracking of previous activities over the same ticket.
    • Activities always appear in notes on the customer part of the particular customer.
    • Easy way to close check all previous tasks over the particular tickets.
    • Easy to handle and manage the information of customers.
    Easy and Simple Setup

    Easy Tracking

    Assuming there are numerous tickets of a similar client, similar notes will show up on each ticket. It will help to keep tracking of all the previous replies over the particular ticket. Their intention is to give dependable proof of, and data about, 'who, what, when, and why something occurred.

    • It keeps a complete directory of all the customers which can be named as notes on customers.
    • Here agent can keep tracking of each and every previous activity going on each ticket.
    • It will keep a complete directory in form of notes on customer events.
    • An easy and simple way to keep tracking of each ticket, provides a better way to proceed further in an effective way.
    Easy Tracking

    Add Multiple Customer Notes

    It is an effective way to keep customer's records instead of asking customers the same information for every Ticket. The demonstration of monitoring the history of an individual's or association's activities, generally by creating and storing consistent, formal records.

    • With the help of this agent can keep all the records of the customer so far.
    • This will helps you to add multiple comments over a particular ticket as per the activities.
    • An agent can add more than one comment over the customer in the notes on the customer app which will help every agent working on the same ticket for better understanding about previous activities done on the same ticket.
    • Multiple comments are the way where the agent can easily go through with all previous replies on which date and from which agent activity is done.
    Add Multiple Customer Notes

    Enhance Customer Comments with Stylish Editor

    The text editor is also available in Notes on customer i.e. Bold, Italic, adding an attachment, linking. An agent can make use of the same as required. Here agents can use stylish editors to keep their records attractive too.

    • It will provide editors as well which will be used by an agent as per their requirement.
    • Here agents can use links as well in their notes. Multiple editors display over here i.e. bold, italic, adding attachment, and linking too.
    • The agent can also add attachments if required. Italic sort is utilized to underline words just as for adornment.
    • The Bold Editor is a derived editor for Standard Notes.
    • The bold, italics, underline styles can be applied to the whole document, a paragraph, or a text fragment of arbitrary length — even a single letter.


    • The agent can see every one of the notes of the client by tapping on the single catch (Note on Customer).
    • The ticket taking care of the agent can add attachments to the notes.
    • Assuming there are numerous tickets of a similar client, similar notes will show up on each ticket.
    • Notes on clients will be noticeable just to the ticket agent.

    UVdesk  Support -

    For any query or issue please create a support ticket here

    You may also check our other top-quality UVdesk Apps.


    Product Version1.1
    Released3 years ago
    Last UpdatedDecember 28, 2022 (2 years ago)
    Supported VersionsUVDesk  1.0.16  1.0.18  1.1.x  
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    Frequently Asked Questions

     Can we check the complete record of the customer at once?
    Yes of course you can check all the recorded notes related to a particular customer at a time.
     What will you do after installing the Notes on the customer?
    After installing the app you need to go to your admin panel and accordingly these notes on the customer option will appear on the right corner.
     Is it necessary to download up desk to use this app?
    Yes, it is mandatory to download UVdesk Open source so that you can able to use notes on the customer app accordingly.
     If the client has similar tickets, will the same notes reflect on every ticket?
    Yes, it will reflect, "Expecting there are various tickets of a similar customer, similar notes will appear on each ticket."
     What are the minimum and maximum PHP support required for UVdesk?
    UVdesk supports PHP 7.1 or higher we have considered all the security, performance, and advanced version in it. So before using this Notes on customer app you need to install UVdesk Open source as per the required PHP extension.

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