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    Layered Navigation Plugin for WooCommerce

    Layered Navigation Plugin for WooCommerce allows users to filter products based on multiple attributes like color, size, brand, and price, with Ajax-based search that saves customer time and reduces page reloads.

    • Ajax-based refined search process.

    • The buyer can filter products on the basis of category, price range, etc.

    • Via the price bar, the buyer can select a price range.

    • Customers can choose multiple attributes and their values at a time.

    • Display the current selection directly in the search box.

    • It maintains the previous state of the browser due to the use of Ajax.

    Layered Navigation Plugin for WooCommerce Layered Navigation Plugin for WooCommerce Layered Navigation Plugin for WooCommerce Layered Navigation Plugin for WooCommerce Layered Navigation Plugin for WooCommerce Layered Navigation Plugin for WooCommerce Layered Navigation Plugin for WooCommerce Layered Navigation Plugin for WooCommerce
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    Layered Navigation Plugin for WooCommerce: If one wishes to provide their users a better user experience, then what better than inculcating a layered navigation feature to a WooCommerce site.

    Layered Navigation Plugin for WooCommerce provides captivating features which ajax based search process, product filter on the basis of multiple attributes at a time, keyword targeted search, slider-based price selection etc.

    These features help maintain the consistency of the site and also the cart abandonment rate is reduced. The customer traffic would be more and the conversion rates would be definitely high. Read more -

     Layered Navigation Plugin for WooCommerce

     Highlighted Features

     Ajax-based Search

    The search process is ajax based which uses comparatively less bandwidth.

     Refined Filter Process

    The user can filter products on the basis category, price range, etc.

     Choose Multiple Attributes

    Users have the option to choose multiple attributes at a time.

     Price Bar Feature

    It shows variations of product price in the form of a horizontal bar for easy price selection.

     Ajax Based Search

    AJAX or Asynchronous JavaScript and XML is a technique, which is used to build exceptionally user-friendly and comparatively faster web applications and web pages.

    The basic concept behind AJAX is that the browser will not have to load the whole page if only a small portion of the data is altered in a page.

    AJAX based search help refining the search process as on entering a search query, related search options would appear making it easy for the user to choose the options.

    • AJAX is used to load the data asynchronously.
    • It is used to build interactive and faster web pages and web applications.
    • The search process is filtered and search suggestions display on entering a search query.
    • It uses JavaScript which is a scripting language, used for displaying the content dynamically.
    • It also uses XML which is a coding language, used to create a web document.
     Ajax Based Search

     Add New Attribute

    The admin can configure the settings for the Layered Navigation in the admin panel. The admin will create the attributes which will be visible to the customers on the frontend.

    The admin can create the attributes under ‘Add New Attribute’, and also configure the attribute terms in the table. The values for the attributes are added and thereafter the attributes are added to the which will be displayed on the frontend.

    On the ‘Widgets’ page, the attributes are visible under ‘Sidebar’ option.

    • The admin can create as many attributes and they will be visible on the frontend.
    • The attribute terms are configured by the admin.
    • The values of the attribute are set by the admin.
    • The interesting price bar feature to make search process easy for the users.
    • The users can filter products as per the attributes set by the admin.
    Add New Attribute

     Use of Filters

    The attributes created by the admin in the admin panel are visible to the customer on the frontend. The customers can easily filter and search for any product.

    The search process is ajax based which simplifies the search process as there will be no page reload when a user searches for a product.

    The user can search by simply entering a keyword and the products will display instantly. This feature benefits when there is a large product stock in a store.

    • The attributes created by the admin will display on the shop page.
    • The customers can easily filter and search for any product.
    • The ajax based search simplifies the process as there is no page reload.
    • Multiple options display on entering a search keyword in a search box
    • The user can filter multiple attributes at a time.
    Use of Filters


    For a better user experience, layered navigation feature is an add-on. The most important aspect of layered navigation is that a user can filter and products on the basis of multiple attributes at a time.

    The ajax based search will is the most important aspect as it saves time and there is no page reload. The user will leave the store satisfied.

    • The ajax based search feature trims the time taken in filtering the product.
    • The user can search for products by selecting multiple attributes at a time.
    • On entering a search keyword, multiple related product options will display instantly.
    • The filter process requires no page reload.
    • The price is displayed through the slider for easier price selection.

     Complete Features List

    • Ajax-based refined search process feature.
    • The buyer can filter products on the basis of category, price range, etc.
    • A price bar through the buyer can select a price range.
    • Customers can choose multiple attributes and its values at a time.
    • Display current selection directly in the search box.
    • It maintains the previous state of the browser.
    • Increases conversion rates for the store.


    For any query or issue, please create a support ticket here

    You may also check our quality WooCommerce Plugins.


    Product Version1.2.2
    Released6 years ago
    Last UpdatedJanuary 17, 2024 (11 months ago)
    Supported VersionsWordPress  5.x.x  6.x.x  WooCommerce  4.x.x  5.x.x  6.x.x  7.x.x  
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     Frequently Asked Questions - Layered Navigation Plugin for WooCommerce

     What is the benefit of incorporating Ajax based search process to your site?
    When the users search for any product, there will be no site reload which saves time.
     Is there a limit on the number of attributes the admin can create?
    The admin can create any number of attributes required which display on the catalog page.
     How is cart abandonment rate affected when layered navigation feature is used in a site?
    The cart abandonment rate reduces and the conversion rates for the site would increase.
     Can customers filter products by choosing multiple attributes at a time?
    The customers can choose multiple attributes and filter products accordingly.
     Can we use category as a filter in layered navigation?
    We can use category as a filter in layered navigation.

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    In our default configuration we will provide tremendous configuration for your eCommerce Website which is fast to load and response.

    Default Configuration Details of Server

    • 1 GB RAM
    • 1 Core Processor
    • 30 GB Hard Disk
    • DB with 1 GB RAM and 1 Core Processor

    * Server Configuration may vary as per application requirements.

    Want to know more how exactly we are going to power up your eCommerce Website with Cloud to fasten up your store. Please visit the Cloudkul Services.

    Get Started with Cloud
    • + Features
    • - Bugs
    Version 1.2.2
    • Fixed: minor issues. 
    • Fixed: Fixed security issues.
    • Update: Update the coding structure according to WordPress coding standards.
    Version 1.2.1
    • * Fix- Fixed price filter issue.
    • * Fix- Fixed PHPCS issues and coding standard.
    Version 1.2.0
    • * Enhancement - Added product rating filter.
    • * Enhancement - Added Infinite loading for product.
    • * Enhancement - Added Option to display count for Product Category and Product Tags.
    • * Enhancement - Added Option to add step length in price filter.
    • * Enhancement - Added pot file for translation.
    • * Fix- Fixed Category and Tag filter issue.
    • * Fix- Pagination issue.
    Version 1.1.1
    • Added category and tag filter widgets
    Version 1.0.0
    • Initial launch