Laravel eCommerce Bulk Add to Cart
Laravel eCommerce Bulk Add to Cart: This module facilitates the customer to add the bulk product to the shopping cart. Moreover, the customer will check all the bulk products with their respective price at their shopping cart. In addition, the customer can download the sample file that will include the product SKU and product quantity column.
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Laravel eCommerce Bulk Add to Cart: This module allows the customer to add the bulk product to the shopping cart. Moreover, the customer will check all the bulk products with their respective price at their shopping cart. In addition, the customer can download the sample file that will include the product SKU and product quantity columns, the file will download in the XLS format.
Note - To successfully use this module, firstly you need to install the Laravel eCommerce Customer Document module.
Highlighted Features
Add Bulk Products to Cart Faster
The customer can quickly add the bulk product to their shopping cart.
Streamline the buying process
The admin can streamline the buying process for the customer.
Easily Add Bulk Product to Cart
The customer can add a bulk product to the cart just by uploading a single file.
Customer - Upload File
The customer can upload the file in CSV, XLS, XLSx & ODS format.
What is the need for Laravel Bulk Add to Cart?
By using the Laravel Bulk Add to Cart module the admin facilitates their store customer to add the bulk product to their shopping cart at once by just uploading a single file. Also, With the help of this module, the admin can easily increase their conversion rate.
However, the customer will check all the bulk products with their respective price at their shopping cart once the file is successfully uploaded.
Admin Upload Document - Product List
To successfully use the module or the customer can easily add the bulk product to the cart, the admin uploads the document for the customer.
- The customer can find the document under the document section in their store profile.
- The document must consist of information about the product SKU.
- The customer can easily download the document.
- The admin can also provide additional information about the product to the customer for the customer convenience

Download Sample File
Laravel eCommerce Bulk Add to Cart Module facilitates the customer to download the sample file under the bulk add to cart section in their profile to successfully use the module.
- The sample file will download in the XLS format.
- The sample file consists of two columns first one is for SKU and another one is for quantity.
- The customer can download the sample file by hitting the download sample file button.

Review Shopping Cart
Laravel eCommerce Bulk Add to Cart Module allow the customer to upload the file and add the bulk product to their cart quickly.
- Once the customer successfully uploads the file, after that all the products will automatically be added to their cart.
- The customer will get the success notification once the file successfully uploaded.
- Under the shopping cart, the customers can easily view the total of products along with the taxes applied to it.
- Also, the customer can easily review the number of products added to the cart.

Complete Features List
- Customers can add bulk products with different quantities in the cart at once.
- The customer can add the bulk product to the cart by uploading the CSV, XLS ( file extension for a spreadsheet), XLSX and ODS file.
- The customer will find all the bulk products price with their respective total at their shopping cart.
- The customer can download the sample file.
For any issue related to this module, please create a support ticket here at - https://webkul.uvdesk.com/en/customer/create-ticket/ or send an email to [email protected]
You may also check our quality Bagisto Extensions.
Frequently Asked Questions
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In our default configuration we will provide tremendous configuration for your eCommerce Website which is fast to load and response.
Default Configuration Details of Server
- 1 GB RAM
- 1 Core Processor
- 30 GB Hard Disk
- DB with 1 GB RAM and 1 Core Processor
* Server Configuration may vary as per application requirements.
Want to know more how exactly we are going to power up your eCommerce Website with Cloud to fasten up your store. Please visit the Cloudkul Services.
Get Started with Cloud- + Features
- - Bugs
- ixed] Compatibility issue with bagisto 1.3.1.
- [fixed][#20] update readme file for bagisto v1.3.1.
- [fixed][#19] bulk add to cart icon is missing in mobile view.
- [fix] Compatible with bagisto version 1.2.0.
- [fix] Compatible with all types of product
- [fix] Added sample for all types of product.
- [fix] Error message while adding quantity more than the available inventory.
- [fix] Added confirmation message on adding the product to the cart.
- * [feature] customers can upload mass data for the cart.
- * [feature] compatible with all product types.
- * [feature] compatible with velocity theme.
- * [feature] customers can upload mass data for the cart.