Laravel eCommerce Customer Document
Laravel eCommerce Customer Document: The extension allows the admin to upload the document files for the customers. The customers can download these files from the My Account section. By uploading these documents, the admin can easily provide any important information related to products or offers for the customer.
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Laravel eCommerce Customer Document: Laravel eCommerce customer document extension allows the admin to upload the document for the customer. By uploading these documents the admin can easily provide the information to their customer related to the products such as product SKU, product description. Moreover, the admin can also provide the information to the customer about the new offers/discounts by uploading the marketing document.
Highlighted Features
Upload Documents
The admin can upload the documents for their customer
Upload Document for Specific Customer
The admin is allowed to upload the document for the specific customer
Document Type
Document can be upload in two types, "Product & Marketing"
Download Document
The customer can download the document
What Is The Need Of Laravel eCommerce Customer Document?
With the help of Laravel eCommerce Customer Document Module admin can upload the document files for their customers. By uploading the documents, the admin can easily provide some additional information to their customers related to products.
Moreover, the admin can also provide the marketing document to the customers.
Upload Document
The admin can easily upload the document for their store's customers and provide additional information about the products.
- Here the admin can enter the document name to easily differentiate the document from others.
- The admin can choose the document type "Product" or else can choose the "Marketing".
- Here the admin can select the document status as "Active" or "Inactive".
- The admin can also describe the document under the description section.
- The admin can upload any type of file including zip, png, pdf, CSV & jpg.
Manage Documents
Under the admin panel, the admin can easily manage all the documents which are uploaded for their customers.
- Here the admin can add the new document.
- The admin can edit the existing document.
- The admin can easily delete any document.
- The admin can search any document from the search bar.
- Here the admin can also use the filter to search any specific document.
My Account - Document
In the customer profile, the customer can view all the documents under the document section.
- Here the customer can easily download the document uploaded by the admin.
- The customer can view all the document types under their profile such as "product type" & "marketing type".
- With the laravel eCommerce customer document module, here the customer will get the additional information about the products such as the special price of the product, existing quantity, offers for bulk order, offer on shipping, upcoming sale and much more
- Laravel eCommerce Customer Document module allows the admin to upload the document for the customer.
- The admin is facilitated to upload the document for the specific customer.
- By uploading the document the admin can provide the extra information to their customer.
- The admin can also provide information about new offers and promotions.
- The admin can also provide information related to the special price of the product, the existing quantity of the product, and the upcoming products of the store.
Complete Features List
- The admin can easily upload the documents for the customers
- The admin can also upload the document for a specific customer
- The customer can download the documents
- The admin can upload documents related to the product & marketing
- The admin can delete & download the documents
For any issue related to this module, please create a support ticket here at - or send an email to [email protected]
You may also check our quality Bagisto Extensions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Move to Cloud Today
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In our default configuration we will provide tremendous configuration for your eCommerce Website which is fast to load and response.
Default Configuration Details of Server
- 1 GB RAM
- 1 Core Processor
- 30 GB Hard Disk
- DB with 1 GB RAM and 1 Core Processor
* Server Configuration may vary as per application requirements.
Want to know more how exactly we are going to power up your eCommerce Website with Cloud to fasten up your store. Please visit the Cloudkul Services.
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- - Bugs
- [fix] Compatibility issue with bagisto 2.0.0.
- [Enhancement] Please add the module status configuration on the admin panel
- [Enhancement] Max Size allowed should be shown as per the Upload File type after set from configuration.
- [Enhancement] Please remove the Document's sub section no need here.
- [Enhancement] Need confirmation popup when admin delete document from document section on the edit customer page.
- [Enhancement] Change Status from dropdown to Toggle Button in create Document Page.
- [Enhancement] Need mass delete and update status option in the document section on the edit customer page.
- [Enhancement] Admin should be able to edit the document on the edit customer page.
- [Enhancement] Need to improve the ui for the documents page.
- [Enhancement] Need to add the downloads report option under action column in the module.
- [Enhancement] Need to add the document created date column and filter on the documents page
- [Enhancement] Add max downloads option while admin create document and add max. downloads column and filter on the documents page.
- [Enhancement] In the customer document tab, there should be a mass delete option.
- [UI] Please update the message when we upload a file other than the given file types.
- [Bug] While updating the status of the document getting an exception.
- [Bug] Dark Mode || Allowed types text is not visible on the create document.
- [Bug] "Inactive" status documents are not visible on the edit customer page.
- [Bug] If the File type is not set on configuration and we save the document then others fields should not removed on validation popup
- [Bug] Unable to upload the File getting exception in the console.
- [UI] Module UI is not showing fine if we do the system dark theme mode.
- [Bug] Created Document is not showing in the Edit Customers Page.
- [Bug] Sometimes getting exception when admin trying to download the document.
- [UI] Product Images getting doubled at front end customer view.
- [fixed] Compatibility issue with bagisto 1.3.0.
- [fixed][#26] document icon is not visible in mobile view.
- [fixed][#25] 0 should not be visible when save 0 in file allowed type.
- [fix] Compatibility issue with bagisto 1.2.0.
- * [feature] Admin can upload document for customers.
- * [feature] Admin can delete & download document.
- * [feature] Customers can download documents.