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    Magento Marketplace Table Rate Shipping

    Table Rate Shipping is a Marketplace Add-on for Magento which allows the sellers to create custom shipping methods for their customers.

    • Magento Marketplace Table Rate Shipping module supports Openmage.

    • The sellers can add shipping rates using CSV import for table rates.

    • The sellers can create custom shipping methods from the front-end.

    • The admin can also upload a shipping CSV file for the sellers.

    • Option to export a shipping CSV file from the back-end.

    • The admin and the sellers can create Super Shipping Set.

    • The shipping will be calculated based on zip code and weight.

    • Shipping cost will be calculated as per the seller or vendor.

    • The seller can confirm the order and can set the tracking ID for the order.

    • Shipping rates will populate based on CSV during checkout.

    • The seller can add Invoice & Packing slip address, VAT, TAX information.

    • Ability to download Invoice & Shipping slip easily.

    • Table Rate Shipping module supports alpha-numeric zip codes.

    Technology Partner Awards.
    Top Selling Extension Winner
    2 times in a row
    Additional Info

    Magento2 Marketplace Table Rate Shipping is also available now.

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    Table Rate Shipping is a Marketplace Add-on for Magento that allows the sellers to create custom shipping methods for their customers. From the frontend, the sellers can either upload a CSV file or enter the shipping details-region, zip code, price, weight directly. The admin and the sellers can also create the super shipping set to further customize the shipping method. This module is useful for order confirmation, tracking number from seller and print invoice & shipment slip. The shipping rates are calculated using seller origin address, delivery zip code, product weight, state, region, country.

    Please Note: – Table Rate Shipping is a Marketplace Add-on. You need to install Magento Multi-Vendor Marketplace Extension first.

    Highlighted Features

     Unique Zip Code Support

    This module supports alpha-numeric zipcodes.

     Calculation of Shipping cost

    The shipping rates are calculated using seller origin address, delivery zip code, product weight, state, region, country.

     Adding Shipping Rates

    The sellers can easily add shipping rates using CSV import for table rates.

     Super Shipping Set

    The admin and the sellers can also create the super shipping set to customize shipping.

    Use Case For Magento Marketplace Table Rate Shipping-

    Table rate shipping is an integral part of Magento shipping management but when you are using Magento marketplace module and as a store admin if you want to add the very same option for seller/vendor its hard to implement so thats why we create this addon by which seller can also add table rate shipping management. Shipping is an integral and a must-have feature for any e-commerce marketplace, table rate shipping give seller tons of options from managing order to invoice generation.

    Marketplace Seller / Vendor Order Management-

    Marketplace table rate shipping addon ( All the marketplace shipping addon) is super useful in order management from vendor panel. Vendor/seller will be able to manage the shipping, generating an invoice and putting tracking id. Here are some salient feature of marketplace table rate shipping extension

    • Vendor / Seller can Download all invoice slip
    • Vendor / Seller can Download all shipping slip
    • The vendor will be able to ship the order by adding a tracking id, which will be viewed by the buyer as well.
    • The vendor can put their address TAX & VAT information like sale tax/service tax information e.g TIN number
    Marketplace Seller / Vendor Order Management

    Admin Management

    Magento Marketplace Table Rate Shipping add-on allows the seller to define shipping/fright price as per their need. Shipping/fright price is calculated based on CSV entered by seller and shipping cost is calculated based on weight, postal code, region, country, state, and many more options.

    • Allow enable/disable this add-on from the back-end.
    • Add, edit or delete super shipping sets for sellers.
    • Apply admin shipping rates, if seller rates not available.
    • Allow viewing the matrix of CSV.
    • Admin can approve any order.
    admin managemnet

    Seller Management

    Under the “manage shipping”, the seller will upload the CSV file containing “country code”, “zip from”, “zip to”, “price”, “weight from”, “weight to” and many more. After the order is placed, the seller can go to “my product list” and view the “quantity sold” for that particular order. On clicking on the “quantity sold” number, the seller can see the product with “invoice” option.

    • The seller can upload the table tax rate via a CSV file.
    • Add custom shipping methods without using CSV.
    • Add, edit or delete super shipping sets.
    • Allow adding Invoice, Shipping address, VAT, TAX information.
    • Availability to download invoice and shipping slip.
    • Multi-Checkbox Option can be used to delete single/multiple shipping rates.
    seller management

    Buyers End Benefit -

    This module helps the buyers to take advantage of table rate shipping method. Also by this module:

    • The shipping price is calculated based on CSV entered by seller and shipping cost is calculated based on weight, postal code, region, country, state, and many more options.
    • Buyer will have this shipping method on the check out page if the buyer's shipping address matches the CSV ( zip code, country, weight).
    • Buyer can see selected shipping method under Order Review. 
    • If Buyer uses Custom shipping method for order delivery then the shipping rates will be calculated according to product weight and buyer shipping address.

    Generating Invoice & Tracking Id -

    After the approval of the order, the seller can generate the invoice. After generating an invoice, the seller can set the tracking number, shipping details and save it. Now the order status will be “complete”.

    The seller can download the invoice slip and shipping slip for that particular order and can even print both the slips. Even the seller can download the bulk invoice and shipping slips.

    • The seller can set the tracking id and shipping detail.
    • The seller can download/print the invoice and shipping slips.
    • The seller can download many shipping and invoice slips just by entering a date.
    generating invoice & tracking id

    Marketplace Mobile Application

    After creating a major share in the world of e-Commerce software marketplace, Webkul is all set to move into the new arenas of mobile applications and is stepping from the world of e-Commerce to m-Commerce with its new product Mobikul Marketplace

    A product which is going to provide its esteemed customers with lots of features, to relish their shopping experience in a more easy and mobile way in order to provide Ubiquity, Convenience, Interactivity, Personalization, and Localization, which is just some taps and swipes away.

    • To attract the attention of the customers any time anywhere, while they are on a move with their mobiles.
    • To Open a New Avenue for increasing the Sales.
    • Providing flexibility and ease of connectivity, in learning about customers.
    marketplace mobile application

    Magento Marketplace Table Rate Shipping Support

    For any query or issue please create a support ticket here


    Product Version1.0.1
    Released11 years ago
    Last UpdatedOctober 21, 2024 (3 months ago)
    Supported VersionsMagento  1.4.x.x  1.5.x.x  1.6.x.x  1.7.x.x  1.8.x.x  1.9.x.x  
    Rating 5.0
    based on 2 reviews

    Recent Reviews

    Write a review

    Great support

    Posted On - September 25, 2014

    I had to work intensively with the dev team.
    As One of our customers requested a lot of changes on the MarketPlace extensions.
    The development of the extension based on our requests have always been met and delivered on time. It is a quality I like about the developers.
    Our account manager was also an excellent interface to translate our requirements into technical solutions. In the end the customer was satisfied.

    The Extension Has great features which meet all of my requirements

    Posted On - September 25, 2014

    The support is very good. They provided all the information that i requirement that i required. They supported a lot while am facing any issues.

     Frequently Asked Questions

     Can seller create their own shipping methods?
    Yes, the seller can create their own shipping methods and can display them to the customers during the checkout.
      What happens if seller rates are not available?
    If the seller rates are not available for shipping method, in this case, the admin can set the settings to allow admin's rate or can display an error message.
     Can the admin upload Table Rate Shipping CSV on behalf of the seller?
    Yes, the admin can easily upload the Table rate Shipping CSV for the marketplace sellers. This can be done under Mpshipping Manager settings under Marketplace Management.
     Can the seller manage the order?
    Yes, the seller can manage the customer order. Only if admin sets the “Allow Seller to Manage Order” option as “yes”.
     Can the seller download multiple invoice slips & shipping slips?
    Yes under My order history option & after clicking on download option, a pop-up window will appear. Here you will enter the date up to which you want to download invoice slip and shipping slip and can click the download button.

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    • 1 GB RAM
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    Get Started with Cloud
    • + Features
    • - Bugs
    Version 1.0.1
    • + Seller and admin can add sub-methods.
    • + Seller and admin can create superset for free shipping rate and fixed shipping rate.
    • + Admin can add shipping rates for sellers also.
    • + Admin can select to apply and not to apply admin rates if no rate available for seller.
    Version 1.0.0
    • + Seller can delete multiple shippings from their panel.
    • + Compatible with alphanumeric zip code.
    • + Bug Fixed.
    • + Translation csv content added.
    Version 0.1.1
    • + Admin can add shipping rates using csv for admin products
    • + Removed dependency for shipping manager module
    • + Log issues solved
    Version 0.1.0
    • + Seller can add shipping rates using CSV import for table rates.
    • + Shipping will be calculated based on ZIP and weight.
    • + Seller can confirm the order and can set the tracking ID for the order.
    • + Shipping rates will populate based on CSV during checkout.
    • + Seller can add Invoice & Packing slip address, VAT, TAX information.
    • + Ability to download Invoice & Shipping slip easily.